
Cars broken into two nights ago. They hit the entire street and are caught on camera. I know who they are now.

The right thing to do is to go to the cops, but part of me wants to use them as grappling dummies.

  • 2
    I'd call them sniper rifle target practice.
  • 2
    @CoreFusionX this is in Canada, you have to hurt people with your bare hands here
  • 2
    @ostream it was you, wasn't it
  • 4
    I assume Canada is weak on actual crime, so instead of calling the cops on someone breaking into cars, tell the cops that you saw these guys unmasked and you suspect they donated money to conservative/anti-Trudeau causes. They'll be thrown into dark hole, never to be seen+heard from again.
  • 1
    @PaperTrail how dare you suggest Turdo is the POS son of a dictator...
  • 2
    @PaperTrail nah, then I'll go to jail too.

    I have his name, his address, his wife's name, his kids names and ages, and his place of work.

    Still doing more OSINT. Just planning to scare him a bit
  • 1
    @Demolishun > "Turdo is the POS son of a dictator"

    Like a lot of American politics, I don't think he's a dictator, T is the pretty mouthpiece at the microphone for the ones really in power.
  • 1
    @ostream > "Dude property damage isn't an excuse for violence."

    Property damage is violence. If the police refuse to enforce the law, then they put the burden on me to enact justice for myself.
  • 1
    @ostream do you happen to be on vacation in the other fake France
  • 0
    @ostream that's where this happened
  • 1
    @ostream > "you have no business being alive or part of human society. You're an animal."

    Recommended reading:

    The Better Angels of Our Nature by Steven Pinker

    We're in 100% agreement that blood *should not* be spelt over "stuff".

    When society fails and individuals who chose violence over "stuff", blood is the only way correct the path. Those aren't my words, that's history.
  • 2
    @ostream that's how civilization falls, not maintaining boundaries for petty crimes then criminals crime with impunity

    Plus you don't have to do anything bad. Just look crazier than the other guy, a crazy he doesn't wanna deal with. Next time he crimes that will be on his mind, and problem solves itself.
  • 3
    @ostream wait wait... if he draws blood defending himself he has no business being part of society...? What about the actual criminal? 🤣

    Technically that's what the police is there for, to take criminals out of society until they stop being problems 🤣
  • 1
    @ostream > "You're an animal."

    Incident a couple of years ago, had a car park in my driveway at 3:00AM (my security camera alerted me). TL;DR, I live in a rural area and the sheriff took over an hour to show up. Our household is very well armed, so I really wasn't worried. Turned out they ran out of gas and was waiting on a ride. If I were a liberal/socialist who believed the law stopped criminal behavior and if these guys had other intentions, myself+my family would be dead or worse.

    Refusing to be a victim is not being an animal.
  • 1
    @ostream ofc degenerate sympathizes with other degenerates. Op, break their kneecaps. Those lowlifes understand the language of violence.
  • 2
    Sure, son!
  • 0
    Grappling dummies? Not sex slaves? Tch tch
  • 0
    @lungdart What about with bear hands?
  • 1
    @ostream I'm just going to scare them a little, there's no blood being spilled. Don't be so dramatic.
  • 2
    @ostream oh this is a fuck cars thing.

    Unfortunately I live in a VERY rural area that requires a car for day to day living. Necessities are 20 to 50km apart and the transit system here is non existent (2 buses a day)
  • 1
    @ostream I get in fights for exercise and stress relief. I'm stressed.
  • 0
    @ostream > "first emotional response in front of a couple of hitchikers is fear?"

    Hitchhikers? They *drove* into my driveway.

    Where I live, if someone drives into your driveway at 3:00AM you don't know, you should be concerned. I have other stories.

    No 'fear' per-se, just "Who are these guys?"

    Hindsight, they probably were thinking "Its 3:00AM, in the country, these people are likely armed, let's stay in the car"

    To turn it around, they weren't a threat and I didn't know if they were armed, so I didn't approach the vehicle.

    Everything was fine, when the sheriff arrived, assessed the situation, folks got their gas and left. No harm, no foul.
  • 1
    @ostream > "Yes police is there to shoot on bad guys"

    No, the police are there to keep/maintain the peace and relieve me the burden of revenge. The whole 'eye for an eye' kind of thing.
  • 1
    @ostream I started after growing up. At 29. I've been at it almost 10 years now, about 6 hours a week.

    Starting to not suck at it.
  • 0
    @ostream Mob justice isn't exclusive to America. Historicaly, I would argue we weren't very good at it as compared to all other countries.
    Look up what Aztec mob justice was like. Yikes. You'll understand why getting along with your neighbors was so important.
  • 0
    @ostream > " so you do agree mob violence is bad"

    It is absolutely bad. You're getting into the virtue signaling area. kkk wasn't mob justice, it was evil. Evil has always existed. Different faces, same behavior.

    Every society has dealt with it's own methods of justice. Good and bad, it's difficult to argue with the results. "Be good or 100 people will throw rocks at you until you die" negates the need for police, for-life prison sentences, etc.

    I however, believe our "Innocent until *proven* guilty" is a better approach to justice.
  • 1
    lol, someone has intrusive thoughts and we are literally at the end of civilization in this post.

    In the West stealing a horse was a hanging offense (still on the books in some places). Why? Because it was the difference between life and death for some families. Cars in a lot of areas perform the same functions as a horse. Damaging a car could result in someone freezing to death or not being able to get to emergency services in the right circumstances.

    So having a bunch of idiots going around damaging cars is dangerous at best. It is way too cold in Canada to be doing that shit. So I get the frustration.
  • 0

    And nobody is asking you to live in the city when you can go rural and not worry about cars.

    See how ridiculous it sounds?
  • 1

    Then you aren't entitled to tell others how or where they want to live. Because... How about no?
  • 0
  • 1
    @ostream stop being mean.

    Cars are bad, yes; it's not the drivers fault they're needed, it's a societal issue.

    Stop picking on grammar, a lot of people here don't speak English as a first language.

    If I didn't have a car I would be dead. That's a fact of life in my area due to extended and continual service cuts and population decline. A lot of people are in the same boat. Also pollution where I live is non existent. (Except for forest fires which are becoming a bigger problem)

    Instead of yelling at people online like a bully, why don't you volunteer at all organization to increase transportation options? That would actually have an effect on pollution and possibly make you a better human being.
  • 1
    @ostream not naive enough to help fix the issue, but naive enough to feel emboldened by belittling people on the internet...

    You could have 10,000x the effect by putting up posters an AI could generate for you. But that's too corrupt?

    Do you even want the problem solved?

    Do something good yourself man. You can make a change, But not on Devrant.
  • 2
    @ostream : "Everybody feel bad for driving cars regardless of your situations! "

    Also @ostream : "I'm not going to try helping the car situation where I live because I have situations!"

    Glass cannon mode activated!

    Buddy, calm down. Stop bullying people on the internet. It's okay to be passionate about something, but if you won't take any action about it, stop running your mouth. All you're accomplishing is becoming a jaded asshole. You don't have to go down that route.
  • 0
    @ostream nope. Canada.
  • 2
  • 1

    "ok sorry I'm a cunt"

    At first I thought "Don't be so hard on yourself."

    Second I thought "Maybe a cunt likes being hard on themselves..."
  • 2

    "Science? Do you believe in it?"

    I don't believe in the MSM's portrayed interpretation of the data. There is not a singular valid interpretation of the data. That would be antithesis to the scientific method. Multiple competing theories and interpretations of the data can and should exist. Yet the media weaponizes this and uses its politically driven (which is ultimately driven by money) "science" to divide people. Declaring only one interpretation can exist. They make themselves the arbiters and gatekeepers of all knowledge. Then declare all competing interpretations as anti-science. This is how a religion behaves. Not people interested in actual debate.
  • 1
    @jestdotty it is on its way. We are getting closer and closer to critical mass. People have been taught to not question things. That makes it problematic.
  • 0
    What the fuck happened in this thread? From thugs breaking into cars to "science is useless because it can improve". And a lot of crap in between.

    Maybe we don't deserve devrant to be a nice place.
  • 0
    @ostream not necessarily. I would take hasty insults over deliberate stupidity any day.
  • 1
    @ostream yes, I will consider it is an issue. But the insane green movement isn't the answer. Cutting down rain forests because it is renewable for energy? Building wind farms that don't supply consistent power so we have to build gas burning plants to supplement? The wind farms are decimating bird populations. A complete aversion to nuclear the most reliable and scalable energy source? Going all electric vehicles which get charged by diesel plants that produce an equivalent of 8 miles/gallon? Every one of these is subsidized and is doing more harm than good. Then the alarmist rhetoric I have heard since I was a kid. Which none of the predictions ever panned out.

    Do we need to treat the planet better? Yes, Is it going to be cataclysmicly destroyed because of too much CO2. No. I also have issues of what too much CO2 means. From what I have read it has been much higher historically. This caused oxygen to be higher and more flora and fauna.
  • 2
    @ostream do you understand the energy density of nuclear vs anything else?


    We realistically have a nearly limitless supply of energy with nuclear. Especially if we start using Thorium instead or Uranium. And if we reprocess spent fuel like France is doing then the number goes even higher. We are literally putting millions of tons of Thorium in piles in deserts as it is considered a waste product. So no, we will not run out of fissile material. Civilization will more than likely collapse before then.
  • 2
    @ostream highest year on record is still 1934. There is also a controversy about temperature data adjustments that have been made to try and make the temps look higher. For some reason the adjustments have only been upward. That seems strange.

    Curious, you act like you want to have a conversation, but seem to always resort to trying to use every occasion to insult. Why? Like who says shit like "do you not believe in thermometers?" That is just troll bait and people won't take you seriously.
  • 1

    My biggest environmental concern is what the sun does.


    What is interesting is the temperature dropped only 1 to 1.5 deg C but had a big impact on the Northern hemisphere. So if we are cycling warmer it may help offset that. But then again what happens when it warms up again.

    What got me after looking into this is that we are at the whim of the Sun. It is the main control of our temperature.

    I can get behind protecting the planet. But not in an alarmist reactionary way.
  • 0
    @ostream that is a fair question. I will have to think about that.
  • 0
    @ostream It has taken me a while, but I am starting to see where you are coming from. Its all good bro.
  • 1
    @jestdotty omg, the goal post thing I experienced talking with Flat Earthers. They are committed to misinterpretation of anything and everything. So I looked up how the early scientists determined the Earth is round. Just look at a solar eclipse. The shadow of Earth over the moon is always perfectly round regardless where the eclipse appears on the horizon. Aristotle figured that one out. Back when FE was predominate belief. But the mental gymnastics they go to explain that is astonishing.
  • 2


    - A Solar eclipse is the moon casting shadow on earth, not Earth on the moon (that's a lunar eclipse)

    - you couldn't determine if earth is flat with an eclipse because you wouldn't have satellite imagery to check if it's a conic or not, and if you had satellite imagery, it's pointless anyway.

    - Ancient Greeks proved the earth isn't flat by measuring shadow lengths at noon in geographically separated places (Alexandria and Athens IIRC)
  • 0
    @CoreFusionX I always get those backwards. But the flat side should project a flat profile. So at least half the shape should be not round.
  • 0
    @ostream the doctors recommended people to smoke. Doctors continually push poison on the population. They get paid bonuses by pharma to do so.
  • 1

    Nope. Conics are actually defined as the projection of a sphere upon a flat surface. That can be anywhere from a circle, to an ellipse, to a parabola, or an hyperbola.

    If the shadow cast by the moon were a conic, the earth would be flat, alas, it's not.

    If it were, eclipses would be all-or-nothing.

    Instead, we get belts of the earth where it is total/maximal.

    Wider belts where it is partial, and zones where there's no eclipse at all.

    If the earth were flat, you'd see at least a partial eclipse everywhere.
  • 0
    @CoreFusionX if you push this with an FE person they will start saying its a projection or the moon is made of plasma. I cannot keep up with it.
  • 1

    Yeah, I sometimes play them as background noise on YouTube for the lulz.

    Seriously, humankind is just devolving lately...
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