Face swap is really cool! This meme took me about 10 minutes to make.

  • 1
    Who is this?
  • 2
    @Root maybe it should say "I need a haircut."
  • 2
    Avatar checks out
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    I wish i had 10min other than the few min in between configs that i can type here or the necessary breaks for crane game time

    (it's so we dont pay taxes and look awesome for giving so much to charity... the IRS hates me though... like passionately... going on the 13th year of them being pissed that i donate thousands that apparently comes out of thin air, while underdeclared and well documented by highly respectable charity heads)
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    @Demolishun hey... how much do you like making memes?....
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    @awesomeest if I think of something funny I just make em.
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    @Demolishun do you know if its against some rule or otherwise frowned upon to ask/offer other devs here to be part of a project(like in any way, paid/unpaid advisor/collaborator... etc)?

    I havent seen anyone mention anything close to that aside from the devrant revamps contest(s)... so im wondering why.

    I do totally get that spamming job offers would be super tactless, im not talking about that shit
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    @awesomeest I don't think so. Like you said, don't spam. If people want to be a part of something they will or they won't. The API has some interface for promoting projects. I have no idea how that works as I just use the website in a browser. If something looks spammy people will just downvote it.
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