
"I prayed to God for a bike, but i know God doesn't work that way. So i stole a bike and prayed to God for forgiveness"
- Italian mafia drug boss Al Pacino

This made me think about something. If by my 26 years of existence God has NOT rewarded me just once (by being successful and escaping the matrix) in spite of my hard effort of trying to do that on a legal and fair way... Could that mean that I'd have to switch teams? Join the dark side?

Like how the fuck does satan help you achieve materialistic shit (including success) but God doesn't. Does that mean i should worship evil side so the evil force can push me to escape the matrix in any way possible, and once that's done and i escaped the matrix thanks to the force of evil then i leave this dark team and switch back to the light team, the God team and then pray to God for forgiveness?

Is it possible?

Like temporary worship of evil and then pray to God for forgiveness later cause that's how God works apparently

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    You can pray all day long to god or worship satan or whatever. It won’t have any effect because non of that shit is real.

    You are trying to make sense of a fairy tale for grownups.
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    @Lensflare i know God exists and i can debunk all ur atheist theories and prove it using a mix of philosophy physics history and you'd be flabbergasted but science. I'm not the average low iq Christian whos dumb as fuck and just believes because the bible says so. After listening to atheist vs christian debates i formed my own conclusion and discovered a fact where the bible may be a man-made total bullshit but the existence of a Celestial Being of the Universe is Real.
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    @b2plane you say the Bible is bs. Where does your hope in forgiveness come from then?

    And what do you even mean by worshipping evil?

    And if you’re so smart and have everything figured out, why are you asking strangers on devrant if bowing to evil will get you a fancy car? Seriously WTF
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    @black-kite he is just a whiny cunt who resents being unemployable and untolerable.
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    @black-kite see what im saying? Thoughts come to me by themselves i dont create them
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    @black-kite bible could be true by some unexplainable phenomenon, but from a logical perspective it makes no sense, so i wont be the one to declare it to be true, I'll just leave it at "i dont know"

    Its no longer about a fancy car. Its about helping my parents enough so they dont have to fucking stress about money and work. Im tired of all this fucking money bullshit
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    @b2plane all priests at Dutch churches finished university. They're not dumb.

    Having something like God to hold on to is beautiful
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    @retoor agreed and I'm holding onto God with belief and actions but seeing no results as I'm finishing off my 20s is unbelievably depressing. If only 1 success is achieved I'd go to church to pray and thank God every day
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    Think people are 30-40 when they finally escape, if they ever escape

    The matrix clearly tries to make sure nobody escapes, on purpose, because it gains power from you being stuck in there

    You're trying to outthink a group of people who are very invested that you never escape, so obviously it isn't an easy thing to achieve
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    God is pure and perfect, when you choose karmically good actions you don't have holes/weaknesses in your armor and you're protected by the natural world from all tribulations

    Satan/evil is taking stuff now but opening yourself up to weakness later, hence karma will come back around because eventually someone will step on your dirty work and you'll be hurt by it

    Wisdom is knowing which things belong to which category

    Evil often masquerades as good, so good luck
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    Pretty sure god and the devil switched places somewhere along the way
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    You said that bible is men made bullshit but the god you described is Christian's god. It's contradictory. In most other religions, you won't be pardoned just by begging for forgiveness, after murder/robbery/joining the mafia. Your amount of good deeds and bad deeds will be compared instead.
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    Religion was made up to control people. If you can use your religion just justify being immoral because you can just "switch teams" then you just very nicely presented exactly how religion controls people... you can justify anything with a cosmic deity so nothing is really ever *your fault* right? It's not that your circumstances suck and you don't know how to fix it, no no, it's god that hates you, maybe "joining the devil" will fix your life right? What the hell man. Grow up

    Stop relying on mystical powers and put your head down and grind. Don't expect help from anyone, you're all alone just like everyone else is or will be eventually, and what you don't make for yourself you just won't have.
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    @Hazarth Indeed. And then religious people have the audacity to say that without religion there would be no morality. Freaking idiots.

    Religion is what allows to do immoral things and not feel guilty about it.
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    @Lensflare disagree. Besides atheism being a form of religion(just without god). Otherwise atheism leads to immoral but legal/harmless/uncaught acts like
    1. Incest with sexual protection(legally acceptable in most countries)
    2. Pissing and shitting openly in a river(harmless)
    3. Beating a kid when there is no one around and taking lunch money(uncaught)

    There is unlabeled fear of eternal punishment there.

    For this reason, it is either theism or nihilism.
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    @Hazarth religion is always created bottom up, controlled top down. You are mistaking religion being used and religion being created by the same actors. And I happen to believe religious beliefs are natural to human brain. Even communists have messianic belief like “proletariat revolution will come one day”. Pure rationalism happens only on r/atheism posts.
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    @aviophile atheism is not a form of religion. It’s the rejection of anything religious and a god.
    I don’t know why it’s so hard to comprehend that simple fact for so many theists.
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    @aviophile your 3 examples of immoral acts have nothing to do with religion or atheism.

    Meanwhile thousands of people do cruel things in the name of their god and don’t feel bad about it because it’s their religion.
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    @Lensflare and millions of people do worse because they don’t fear the eternal punishment. Laws, fear of shame is temporary.

    Atheism rejects gods unscientifically, like religious people believe in god. Atheists believe there is no god, whilethey claim there is no god.

    And I repeat, there is nothing preventing atheists from doing these things. If they don’t do it, they simply still are believers, just not in a defined god.

    Absence of evidence never means evidence of absence.
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    @aviophile any evidence of millions of atheists doing those things?
    Fear of punishment was never an effective way to prevent someone doing immoral things.
    And morality is based on the believe of doing the right thing. If someone’s reason for not doing bad things is fear punishment, then that person still immoral.
    Religion doesn’t provide morality. It just tries to prevent people from doing things that it considers immoral.
    Atheists don’t do immoral things because they believe that they are wrong. They don’t have to fear punishment. That’s true morality.
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    @aviophile the burden of proof is on those who claim something. Evidence for god must come from the theists. You can’t prove that god doesn’t exist. That’s just basic logic.

    You claim that there is a god? Prove it. You can’t? Than stop claiming it.
    Atheists don’t claim anything and don’t have to prove anything.
    That’s the difference.
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    @Lensflare theists have a hard time grasping the idea behind the burden of proof. They always think we are the ones that have to prove that god doesn't exist, as if the default position was the existence of something... But at the same time they would defy the notion that a giant spaghetti space monster exists by default and won't provide proof that it doesn't...

    You can't win with logic, as there is no logic in religion, which is why it's called faith. All theists are by default cornered, because there are no answers they can provide, they just have to endure until we are too tired talking to them
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    You sound almost exactly like the homeless guy on my street - the only difference is that he actually makes sense sometimes and is cool to hang out with
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    @Lensflare for atheists to have morality, to believe something wrong there needs to be a reference system classifies the acts are wrong or right. And religions provided it. For that reason atheists still don’t do the things that are wrong according to religions.

    I am repeating, what makes consentual incestual sex with protection wrong for atheists? There is no genetic risks after all.
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    @Lensflare in your own words, atheism is rejection of religion and god. This is different than saying “i don’t see scientific any proofs for any god of any religion”. If you reject the idea of the god, burden of proof is shared by both sides for their respective claims. Atheism is not limited to rejection of islamic god or christian god only. Rejection of all gods is a claim by itself.
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    @shovethisrant if you really spent time with some homeless you're cool. I bought a few times beer for a homeless and always gave generous. But I don't have cash anymore and no homeless in this village
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    > I am repeating, what makes consentual incestual sex with protection wrong for atheists? There is no genetic risks after all.

    Every individual decides for himself what’s wrong. That’s morality. Personally I would probably say it’s not wrong, I don’t know. I never thought about it.
    Obviously it’s not the same as the law or some other rule system like the bible.

    > Rejection of all gods is a claim by itself.

    No, it’s not.
    It doesn’t make a difference how many claims are being made. The burden of proof remains on those who make the claims, not on those who reject them.
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    Sell your soul to Satan to be god tier dev
    God tier skills needed to maintain legacy COBOL system and an air gapped IE reliant intranet site
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    @jeeper personally I would have sold it to be a rockstar, but thats just me.
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