This is what being an arrogant asshole looks like.

I really like devrant. I met a community of like-minded people and i had a lot of fun here. But then I also notice a pattern of people who are seeking to insult and hurt.

But I'm not going to a website to get insulted.


You won. I'm just a dumb frontender / webdev or whatever. i don''t have a degree in comp. sci. I should go flip burger

RIP my 8 years old account. RIP too my support to devrant.

I hope it worth being a scumbag to protect your technical purity, assholes.

  • 1
    I'm fucking sad now actually
  • 0
  • 1
    From below, classiness looks always like arrogance. :)
  • 4
    From a 4y frontend dev... He's right. And this will apply on any field where the tools allow anyone with low skills to build stuff.
  • 0
    @Fast-Nop and you keep going -_-

    you're an actual scum.
  • 0
    @dmonkey he's not talking about any field.

    Imagine caring more about technical shit than being decent to people working the same job as you. Heartless asshole.
  • 7
    @fuckgatekeepers This is devRANT. I'm here to fucking rant, not to be decent.
  • 2
    @Fast-Nop Lol. Was stimmt denn mit dem net?
  • 0
    @Fast-Nop you can rant and banter and still get a fucking clue when you're just being plain hurtful, asshole.
  • 10
    The burger menu thanks you for flipping it! 🙃

    You see, since we literally don't gatekeep, this space is also open to savory people and narcissists. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    Now I don't know about the guy you mention but we've had worse, I can assure you. Stay and stand your ground by merely existing in this space.

    There's a block feature as well, afaik. Not sure how much that helps.
  • 4
    @Ranchonyx Mittellebenkriese
  • 1
    Right, so, this is the internet.
    There's lots of people here that can be hurtful.
    But in the end they're just that: Internet people.
    They can't hurt you.
    Just ignore it.

    Still, as fastnop said, this is a platform to rant on. Deal with it.
  • 0
    @joewilliams007 oof.
  • 0
    @Fast-Nop ok you're a sad, heartless person.

    Fuck this website. I trolled a lot but I found myself thinking "ok now you're going too far". Apparently, it's something your technical skills doesn't allow you to.
  • 11
    @Ranchonyx The funny thing is, this stupid fuckhead is bullying people left and right, then has the audacity to complain. That guy is completely out of touch.
  • 1
    @Fast-Nop I don't know their real account, so I can't get an opinion on that.
  • 4
    Playing the victim again… pathetic.
  • 6
    ostream did probably realize what kind of dumb shit he wrote in the past months and decided to delete his account to remove the evidence.

    Then blames me and others so that it doesn’t look suspicious.
  • 15
    @fuckgatekeepers you troll them, they troll you. Either quit this nonsense and post valid rants or deal with it. You chose to run away.. That speaks a lot about you.

    Be respectful if you want respect.

    I've been a member on this platform for quite a while and I can tell you were okay-ish most of the time until somewhere mid-'23. Then I started noticing how agressive, sour and conflicting your posts and comments became,targeting particular members of this community. That is neither polite nor respectful.

    A few other newbies have a similar temper to yours, I hope they will either crash and leave this site eventually or get their shit together and start behaving. They always do...

    Our lives and jobs are stressful enough as it is. We don't need to be bullied or be bullies where we come to vent about prick clients, colleagues, bosses, muggles, technologies
  • 4
    I'll miss you ostreamii ♥️♥️♥️
  • 1
    Same please come back osi
  • 6
  • 5
    For a moment there I was about to pity you. Then I learned you're ostream haha. You reap what you sow mate.
  • 0
    @netikras why the fuck would I be respectful toward a bunch of idiots calling me a retard because of my job title?

    Did that occur to you that maybe I turned sour because I was abused by the Orthodoxs?
  • 1
    @fuckgatekeepers that's a good example of @ostream 's offensive comments
  • 0
    @netikras yeah yeah I know, you're like the other idiots. One can write paragraphs about how stupid frontenders are and get upvotes but use fuel language in reaction (after all he's just have been abused) and you're the bad one.

    Fuck you
  • 1
    @fuckgatekeepers fuck off already.
    In case that you still didn’t realize:
    Literally nobody agrees with you. The only ++ you get is from people who find your shit funny.
  • 2
    @fuckgatekeepers lol. How can you be such a sad person. Sorry for yourself, but You deserve to be hit with the truth. Even though you dont like it. Take it and grow up, dont make a show out of it.
  • 0
    @joewilliams007 I wasn't sad until those dickheads start shitting on me and my craft.
  • 2
    @fuckgatekeepers Dont be weak. I was neutral. Even kinda got ur point although i dont agree with it. But your way of talking on here is taking it too far on so many other levels. Takes away all your rights to be taken seriously and any empathy towards you. Very low.
  • 0
    @joewilliams007 I don't care.
  • 0
    @fuckgatekeepers we don't care either, thats all i ment.
  • 1
    @fuckgatekeepers I don't think I've said anything to deserve such a reaction from you.
  • 0
    @netikras why should I make the effort to be genuine? They don't. They keep being insulting and abusive.
  • 1
    @fuckgatekeepers They are insulting me, so you are insulting me.

    Does that seem right to you?

    Or do you think everybody in the world who dares to (respectfully) disagree with you deserves to be told to fuck off?

    What have *I* ever done to you to deserve this?
  • 0
    @netikras Nothing. I'm just sick of this whole website. Why don't u attack the bastards who created the problem in the first place.
  • 3
    @fuckgatekeepers I'm not here to attack anyone in particular. Nor I am your minion/soldier to be told to attack anyone anywhere.

    Please, be respectful.

    I'd like to offer another piece of constructive feedback.

    If I'm not mistaken, you've mentioned somewhere that you didn't attend any uni/college and others are picking on you for that. Now, whenever I consider what's the college and uni given me, it's always a short list. But some of the bold bullet points there are "social skills", "communication skills" and "knowing when to shut up and when to speak in order to get my desired outcome". If I'm being honest, these are two large categories you're lacking, and your behaviour in dR proves it.

    You're blurting anything and everything, disrespectful or not, just like my 5yo does.

    If you still can, I highly recommend you to attend some college. If not for a degree, then for social skills which, I believe, you are lacking.

    Again, I'm not attacking you.
  • 3

    > I'm just sick of this whole website

    you know you can leave it, right? Or close the app and not come back for a few weeks until it all cools off.
  • 2
    @fuckgatekeepers For someone who's sick of this website, you're still pretty active here.
  • 3
    @fuckgatekeepers Even if people hold it right into your face, you still fail to realize that you are the problem. You are completely unable to receive critique, reflect on what you say, and understand what others try to say.
    You repeat the same things over and over which you fantasized in your head.
    You crave for attention and think that everyone is wrong and that you deserve respect. You insult everyone and still manage to think that you are the one who is being insulted.

    It’s simply not possible to have a normal conversation with you.
    You prove it with every single comment that you write.

    You can’t be helped.
  • 0
    @Lensflare please bitchtard you and the other ashsole were gatekeeping bitches way before last year, Mr. javascript sux. (Last year was when i started becoming active again).

    You don't want new entrant in our field. Just admit it. It's a classic example of pulling the ladder.

    Plus because of the likes of you I trashed my account. Fucking turd. Go kill yourself.
  • 0
    @Lensflare Oh, I think there is help for him possible, e.g. via this nice express checkout service:
  • -1
    @Fast-Nop You're a piece of trash. You're the one that should kill yourself. The world should get rid of asshole like you, fuckhead.
  • 2
    @Fast-Nop let’s not get down to his level.
  • 0
    @Fast-Nop that's a bit harsh, iirc ostream is a frenchman who was depressed 2 years ago or so. I might be confusing him with someone but still you wouldn't want to be the reason to someone's suicide.
  • 1
    @neriald He set the mark himself by multiple death wishes against members, so that's fine. I wouldn't post something like that to unstable, but inoffensive posters.
  • 1
    @Fast-Nop I sent death threat to aviophile because like you, he kept shitting on my professional identity by calling me a "peasant web dev". Fuck off and quit drooling lies you fucking asshole.
  • 0
    @Fast-Nop i mean you did already. Wishing people to go jobless and telling them to die is basically the same thing. But you have to protect your little industry against big bad strangers, dont ya?
  • 0
    Poor jstard playing the victim when the other people he constantly called retards answer back.


    Good riddance, although you are just a lowlife troll, so you'll have to emerge back from under your bridge sometime, I suppose.
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