
ChatGPT is Stack Overflow, but faster and without all the toxicity.

  • 2
    ChatGPT is Stack Overflow, but the entity linking you to the already existing Stack Overflow question is not a human.
  • 4
    ChatGPT is Stack Overflow, but with a whopping 13% accuracy
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    It likely stole a lot of its code from there, so yeah.
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    Not really
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    @aviophille but that requires good docs, github issues being answered and source code not being spaghetti
  • 6
    @aviophille > "Do you guys really use stack overflow that much?"

    There are frustrating times I resort to SO. Had a Microsoft MSFT (it was in his name) respond to my question "what is the service doing?"


    If I responded, 100% guarantee it would have led to

    "Why do you need a service to do that? Use this Azure service to do it instead. You're welcome." or worse "I can only help if you post the code or a link to your github repo" and 100 other MSFT morons upvoting the answer which has *N O T H I N G* to do with the problem I'm having.
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    @netikras so better than stack overflows accuracy.
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    @lungdart I'm afraid not. One thing that ChatGPT excels at IMO is digesting my specific question and spitting out related keywords I could use to look the solution up.
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    ChatGPT is Stack Overflow, but without the need for upvotes that make your questions look dumb
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    @aviophille somewhat frequently when i can't remember the exact syntax for reading a file or something like that i'll google it and end up on SO to see an example. it's never actually useful in a situation where i genuinely need help though.
  • 3
    Fuck ChatGPT and Fuck AI.
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    @fzammetti Sometimes it does just guess though and tell you to use a module or feature that straight does not exist
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    faster but less accurate and the toxicity is simply hidden more subtly in form of perpetuated biases;

    SO got 2 things right: SEO and not lying about being toxic, although they prefer to call it elitist
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