
They asked me what car i drive 3 times. I felt so fucking embarrassed as fuck. How do i say i drive a 2011 fiat punto a piece of fucking trash junkyard 3000$ car while looking them in the eyes and not die of embarrassment. Being so fucking poor is sick and disgusting to me. I hate my parents for being lazy instead of becoming billionaires so i can be born into infinite wealth

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    I found out what your face looks like IRL - 🤡
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    @SidTheITGuy I need to see this
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    I've not got a fancy car. Gets me safely and economically from A to B
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    @MammaNeedHummus I posted what he looks like 🤡 this is his face IRL
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    By the way, Fiat Punto was a massive flop in Spain, because in Spanish “punto” means comically small penis.
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    I smashed a Punto that age in a truck last Christmas and survived
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    I especially bought fiat Punto because my brother bought it two times for his gf and we never had issues and cheap maintenance
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    Hold on... You didn't get a car for free at your job ?

    Have you complained already about it ?
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    Who’s "they"?
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    @kiki I had a Chevy Nova. Those didn't sell well in Mexico either. Really good winter car though. Despite being rear wheel drive.
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    @retoor engine died and costed over 3000$ for a new one, more expensive than the entire shit car
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    I paid $4000 for a 2010 Impala 5 years ago. It is now worth probably $5000 because of inflation and used cars being more expensive. It gets me to work every day 60 miles a day. It is also fairly cheap to repair. If it does the job then it is a good vehicle.

    Does your car do the job? Why would you care if it does what you need? Only cunts make fun of people who are working hard and doing their best to make it.
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    @b2plane I just replaced an engine in another car. I paid $1000 for that car and the engine was $2500 about. Yeah, not fun.
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    As long as you're giving a decent effort to improve your situation, there is no shame in any social or financial status.
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    @kiki technically speaking, punto means dot. But I am guessing that the spaniards use the word as well to signify that.

    We have a shitload of different meanings for words in spanish.
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    "We have a shitload of different meanings for words in spanish."

    English would like a word, dog.
  • 8
    damn, you got problems.

    i mean - that's established by now, but just based on this rant, you can add a couple more to the list.

    hint: people who judge you based on what car you drive are people whos judgement is utterly irrelevant and meaningless.
  • 8
    @b2plane why do you give a fuck about the opinions of other people? You have a car,it is your means you get from a to b. If they want you to have a Porsche they should pay you one otherwise they should shut their mouth.

    Now stop worrying about that and get back to fucking that hot blonde girlfriend of yours and dump huge shits in the toilet afterwards.
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    @NeatNerdPrime ...or during, who knows?
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    Why would you care about what others think of you having shitty car or super car or whatever? At least you have a car that takes you wherever you want to go. What about people that never owned a single car in their entire life? Just look into their eyes and tell them you own this car without any embarrassment or inferior complexity.

    > I hate my parents for being lazy instead of becoming billionaires so i can be born into infinite wealth

    I see if they have become one, how irresponsible you would be. You would be lazy and spendthrift as fuck. You need to create your own wealth with your hard work and live proudly with that. If you are a responsible kid and wish to multiply your parents wealth, then you deserve it. Otherwise create your own wealth and do whatever fuck you want.
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    @kiki Lol. Do you even have names for sizes of penis in Español? I wonder what is erected one called.
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    polla de caballo
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    @Deres "Why would you care about what others think of you having shitty car or super car or whatever?"


    In our parking lot, there is a new Tesla in front of me, a new Ford Super Duty on the right, a new Ram truck on the left. Next to the Ram is a new BMW and a lot of big/new trucks/cars spread throughout (new>=2020). Pretty sure majority are financed out the wazoo.

    I drive a 2012 Malibu that has 140,000 miles (had a little over 10,000 miles when I bought it). Paid cash ~9 years ago and I hope to get another 100,000 miles before I think about a new car.

    They have no idea how little I care about what they think.
  • 5
    my my.. 2011 car and crying that it's a PoS.

    I''m a proud (and I mean PROUD) owner of a 2005 Audi A6 (6y older than yours), worth +/- the same (~3k€). And I am happy af about it!!! Sometimes I flirt with the idea of getting some PHEV, but then I remember how reliable my A6 is, how comfy, stable, quiet and damn good-looking, and cast those PHEV thoughts away.

    Sure, I spend ~500+€ on it yearly (maintenance, i.e. parts + work)., but I'm confident I will be the last owner of my A6 and I'll drive it as long as it cares to take me.

    It's at almost 400k km (400Mm / 0.4Gm?) now!

    My point is... If you're buying a car for 3k€, don't get a tiny bucket on wheels -- get a proper car instead. And you'll be safe and happy for loooong.
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    @electrineer yeah, I refer to those as jerk circles or circle jerks. Not as bad as the BMW drivers used to be though.
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    Most spoilt comment I've seen in a while. Are your parents "lazy" for not becoming billionaires?

    Remember that if you have kids of your own and you don't become a billionaire.

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    my multi million dollar grandad drove a lada

    it was dope as fuck ngl

    I got absolutely no shame. lot of cheap things are awesome

    he worked on that thing every weekend. he could've bought anything he wanted but that thing was his toy
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    @Demolishun Just curious, at what point you accept doing this ? If I see that the engine cost that much, I would just buy an other car for 1000$

    When we were young, we bought an old Peugeot 104 for 500€. When it broke, we just bought an other 104. And kept the first one for spare parts.
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    Nothing wrong with driving a beater. I bought my first "nice" car 11 years ago and hated having a bill. It's been paid off for 6 years and it's now my shitbox. Before that it was $400 jalopies.

    I'll never judge someone for their car. It's not a status symbol it's a grocery getting machine.
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    It's a trap question. Urban hipsters have no car (other than a campervan) but the most unpractical bicycle in a silly retro design.
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    @Grumm Because we got a deal and there are zero good cars in that price range.
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    I didn't even have a car till my mid 30's. Real men come with nice equipment so they don't have to distract others with bought equipment.
    Blaming your parents for a lack of luxury is rather silly if they managed to take otherwise good care of you.

    You could have a sense of belonging (not having Nike shoes was social suicide in elementary), in some cultures showing off is sadly the only thing is supposed to matter. It is why I always have to remind myself you are not Indian. Nothing is ever good enough for them and having the best title, car, salary, house, jewellery is so important to them. Kinda makes sense as that is how marriages (any relationship really) are arranged: perceived status.

    Are you a real man and able to focus on what really matters or are you trapped by living for the perception of others?
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    @Demolishun pretty sure it's a lot worse in Spanish even though the English vocabulary is rather limited (lots of reuse).
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