I think we should have nicknames for people who never went to school for coding/developing, here are some names I'm thinking:
"Analog Junkies"
"Tech Illiterates"
"Manual Laborers"
"Tech Relics"
"Old-School Luddites"
"Digital Dunces"
"Primitive Users"
Let me know if you have any other ideas

  • 2
    Ooh these are so creative. I'll be sure to use these against all the wives at the company party
  • 2
    non-determinist woo-woo people
  • 4
    I took electrical engineering and tested out of my coding classes. You mean people actual need a teacher for this stuff?
  • 2
    I fall into this category. I code out of necessity. Also it doesn’t make any sense. How can a user of technology be primitive or tech illiterate. Like saying that someone who isn’t a chef is a food dunce. Total bollocks.
  • 4
    but... analog computing might have a big comeback, now in times of AI.
  • 3
    @jestdotty because analog computing is highly efficient in those cases where it's useful. like massively paralellised simple mathematical operations where some minor loss of precision is not a big deal.

    the kind of calculations that neural nets are based on.

    analog computing has fallen out of favor a long time ago because it simply can't match the versatility of digital computing - where you basically can approximate _everything_.
  • 1
    I graduated a super-special experimental program in my uni. We were building CPUs in first grade.

    Guess what: I'm a technophobe. The less tech I have, the better.
  • 2
    A few buddies call ourselves dirt bag engineers, because we're at a big company are in the most senior position before you can start making actual design decisions
  • 1
    i'd like to add "Digital Primates" to it (as opposed to Digital Natives)

    but otherwise Technophobes is my new favourite word for these people now
  • 0
    Wait you had to pay someone that much money just to be at our level of competency?
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