nice, 10k reached before sidtheitclown! (that’s all that actually matters, heh)

so, yes, as promised it’s me… chris from chris’ full stack blog.

I think kiki knew this, as I used to be called fullstackchris… though very briefly... don't know why i was ever worried about the old clowns i used to work for knowing my identity here

i’m a host of react round up, and also an ex-futures trader (that life is / was hidden on Twitter), I’ve recently quit because I’m ALSO still building 4ish SaaS products including The Wheel Screener (wheelscreener.com) and CodeVideo (codevideo.io), over my LLC, Full Stack Craft (fullstackcraft.com)

oh yeah, and on top of that i have a full time job in Switzerland (read: not poor boi 38 or 40 hour work week, 42 minimum)

so yeah, its a fucking lot of shit to do and sometimes it’s too much! glad i have this place to vent

so, don’t be too harsh on me… really, 99% of my bitterness comes from the approximate 5 years of my working life (2018-2023) were taken from me by lying business folk type who actually didn’t know what the FUCK they were doing or talking about, even after promising me they did (at two different companies). Listen, I’m all for people telling me iTs a RiSkY VeNTuRe; i get it. But if you say everything is rock solid (like funding, my future employment, etc.) and it is not, then fuck you; you’re just lying to my face, it has nothing to with management vs employee, engineer vs. non-technical - you’re literally just a *bad person* (sorry, mechanical engineering genes and honesty to the core - sue me) To be sure, I was partially at fault - too optimistic, and too gullible, and I’ve have since learned my lesson. but still working on it. (obviously)

but things are look up - my company is running better than ever, the current job is great with insanely smart people

In the end, it’s always the hardcore engineers who are the most honest, hardworking, respectful, and the best to work with - you people know who you are…

Until then… see you in the next rant!!!! 🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬

Dutifully signed,


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    I fully expect @retoor to slide into my DMs now 😏
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    are you not aware of what has happened to me in the last week?

    btw i've already got @retoor on my side, because she's a real one.
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    wait so no face reveal or linkedin? scammed lol
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    @SidTheITGuy cool, using irrelevant drama to get subs
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    @kanyewest I leave that exercise up to the reader
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    @fullstackcircus you're just jealous of being a pathetic loser
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    @SidTheITGuy though to be fair, if you were shitting on the scam gurus / marketing hype teachers, i also fully support you

    so sick of their dumb ads
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    @fullstackcircus wow ... u agreed with me. Did we just become friends?

    See you got 10K here and I've got 12K there... what's there to compete for anymore?
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    @SidTheITGuy aren't you going to prison and getting you account deleted by YouTube?
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    Hello SaaS friend. What are you using for analytics? Please don’t say Google analytics.
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    @SidTheITGuy 250k views, 6k subs from one video, that's insane
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    @fullstackcircus dont take sid's followers seriously. Tbh I'm actually responsible for ~a dozen of them. People don't just follow on socials for the reason the followed people intend. The followers of sid that im responsible for are there for comic relief (seriously, sparked a big enough convo that we had to create some new groups/threads as to not spam elsewhere).

    While i don't really follow accounts (when I do it's often via scripting not the actual platform... im weird), i see his content in a similar light to an insane psychologist i had to deal with near a decade ago for an insurance req'd psych eval b4 surgery. It's so bad it's amusing. Dude's name is Ross Halpern, hes pretty easy to find on YouTube.

    Tbh him and sid are extremely similar now that I'm thinking about it. Both make videos of their chosen profession that are ironically proving their ineptitude in said profession. I must admit that sid is more charismatic, but if you look the guy up youll see the bar is very low.
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