If you are a dream stealing cunt then kindly fuck off. I don't know you, I don't want to know you. Climb into whatever hole you came out of and just eat shit.

Nothing in this life raises my ire more than people who hate on others daring to dream. The haters don't add to society and are just stealing air.

  • 0
    what is dream stealing
  • 6
    @jestdotty pretty sure it's a mysticism spell.
  • 3
    Word. I’m working full time while studying for my bachelors and doing side gigs simultaneously. When I tell literally ANYONE what I’m doing, the only fucking answer is „wow I would NEVER do that. That’s way too difficult for me. Are you sure you can pull that off?“. Damn right I’m sure. Now shut the fuck up, keep your negativity by yourself and tell me at which elementary school level problem you’re stuck at again loser. Are you fucking kidding me? You used replaceAll(„.“,“,“) instead of replace(„.“,“,“). You’re changing every character to comma instead of just the dots. And THIS IS PROD? How did you even get that job???
  • 1
    oh I had a guy literally ask me what I wanted to make then start a server of hundreds of people and tell them all he came up with it...

    I even had an earlier repo with all the designs. so his genius ass decided to make a repo. just like it. but the dates are wrong

    I have no idea why he did that either. he was such a pain in the ass as a human being in other aspects. I thought he was fucking with me but then months rolled by and he was making his whole life about the thing I had designed and told him about once

    but turns out dream stealing is just cuz people need encouragement to pursue their dreams, zzzz. when I was like 13 there was a contest to write a new website for a private server and I said I'd do it and a bunch of people said it would be impossible for me to do it but I ended up winning the whole contest cuz of those comments, cuz oddly I wanted to rebel against them saying that. that hasn't happened since and I really wish I could access that feeling again 😭
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