
Honestly, the syryp one is probably worse for your health. Neither will have an impact on your day if you are just using for flavor. Didn't realize fake shit was just as expensive now. Are they stupid?

  • 1
    I don't know if the usage quantity is anywhere near equivalent. I bet the syrup is more concentrated. So probably lasts longer.
  • 7
    What in the hell is this conversation and why isn't this the answer?
  • 0
    @atheist It looks like Baileys is $26.99. I get Omaras because they have it at the grocery store.
  • 2
    when I broke down nutrition (and it was hard to find websites with proper data), it seems like empty foods are up priced when they gave no nutrition

    in economics there's a common connection that manufacturing / processing makes a society very rich... so I think what happened is they thought it was the processing itself, instead of realizing it had to be stuff processed that people actually wanted -- for example, instead of metal rocks we want microchips, instead of logs we want tables. but we don't want processed sugar, actually in Mexico they sell coke with sugar cane in it and people drive down there just to buy it cuz it tastes better

    it's the same like how companies think the point is the processes internally and not the function those processes were meant to fulfil. everybody is going through the motions but they're devoid of the meaning that activity was meant to fulfill. food's is nutrition, not to trick someone's taste buds and metabolism
  • 3
    It can be worse, 15kg of exactly the same material more expensive than 25kg. I don´t get it
  • 5
    The left one will fit inside me. The right one won’t.
  • 2
    I love this place
  • 1
    The Torani is $8 at grocery store... Online is higher.
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