
i went out with my whore blonde ex for coffee.

i went out because i need to destress my mental state or else its completely fucked beyond repair

1. she came with her car to pick me up

2. she drove me to the restaurant i chose

3. i paid for my coffee, she paid for her own coffee. Yes i do not give a Fuck to pay even for a coffee, for a fucking cheating whore

4. she drove me back to my house

5. while she was driving i cuddled her around the neck back and shoulders, which made her horny

6. when we stopped in front of my house we kissed and one thing lead to another she wanted me to fuck her

7. i fcked her as a quickie in my house and she fucked right off out of my house and went home

this is for every cheating whore punishment, she has to put in at least x1000 more effort if she ever wants to see me again, and she accepted to be this desperate. i use her only for what shes worth--pussy. but honestly i cant tell who's at an actual loss of self respect here--me who continues to see a cheating whore ex gf who fucked several random guys even for a 1 night stand, or her who accepts to pay even coffee for herself, and drive me around in her car (at least i get a free ride and not spend shit on a fucking whore!) GOD i fucking hate whores from my very fucking core! if it was legal i would put to death every whore, they are like cockroaches--worth nothing but causing destruction wherever they go. FUCK them.

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    im getting mad because i stopped taking my ashwagandha drugs! seems like i need this fucking shit. taking one now! 💊
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    She needs help.
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    @donkulator i helped her alright! i gave her that hot beef injection deep down in all her holes that needed help! now shes happy and doing good. fuck that fucking whore!
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    Maybe she just wants a ride in your Mercedes
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    @cafecortado exactly! shes using me until i buy that car by faking being nice. i can see through this bullshit
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    lol this is so stupid
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    Is this like a serial killer inception story? Devaluation of other humans based upon damaged relationships?

    @b2plane - you should talk to a professional about this. This is messing you up in your head. I usually joke around, but I am actually worried about you and people around you.
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    @Demolishun I'm worried too! no idea how far this will damage me and how dangerous of a person it may force me to become. i just don't know what to do anymore so i let the waves carry me and throw me on the surface arbitrarily
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    @b2plane if you can't beat them, join them 😉

    Might as well get groovy with it and have fun sex with them and others.

    You might end up liking her being a "whore" as you put it. You've certainly written a lot about it 👀👀
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    honestly sounds a lot like this stalker guy who had similar sentiments towards me

    I never slept with him but everybody kept assuming we went out, when we did not. one day he sent 20 people I've never met to my DMs, he's a whole one man PR department

    he's self-professed crazy but that's cuz it justifies him continuing to behave like that and he just likes the excuse because then it's "not [his] fault, [he's] just sick!"

    I knew him like 6 years and any time I run into him he literally gets worse. you think there's no worse but every time it's worse

    he used to look normal, decently fit normal guy

    then he looked sleepless and like a vampire -- pale, skinny, Slenderman shit

    and now he literally looks like gollum. he gets angry if he sends pictures of himself, like 5 minutes later if you didn't respond he starts picking a fight with you, accuses you of thinking he looks like a hunchback, then he spams you with violent porn gifs cuz "you deserve it, I'll show you!"

    wifebeater energy
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    I’m gonna give you a life trick that you will refuse then eventually accept : you can go out alone, you don’t have to go with someone who’s bad for you. And yes it’s fun.
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    Went for coffee, she ordered extra cream...
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    if you’re not joking, I gotta say that you’re completely screwed up
    If you care about yourself, get professional help.
    If it’s just you larping, then carry on
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    @cafecortado It's a 2020 CLA, she might as well get an uber.
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    @mostr4am no pride until i find at least just 1 other girl who wants me

    no other girl so far even wants to go out for a fucking coffee with me as if i look like a Chernobyl abomination
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    damn you're even more a pathetic little loser than i thought before.

    and the sad thing: i think that after every rant of you i read.
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    @Demolishun I agree but I wonder how you came to that conclusion just now and not earlier.
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    @b2plane you know, the inside counts. And inside you are a Chernobyl abomination.
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    @mostr4am I think you might have found the cause of @b2plane's digestive problems there.
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    @mostr4am no, he is crying for attention

    I don’t want to be mean but sometimes, truth needs to be told, even if it’s mean.
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