How often do you ask questions the answers to which you don’t truly care about?

  • 6
    How are you?
  • 3
    I don't and then I'm the dick
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    How often do you ask questions the answers to which you care about but don’t show it?
  • 3
    @Demolishun you beat me to it. Damn
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    Why do you ask?
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    Not often but when I do, its because someone talks too much and I didn't pay attention. Then I make up a question so it sounds like listened.
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    @jestdotty same. But I always think that their perception of me is so infinitely far away inside their heads, so I couldnt give a single fuck about it, even I tried
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    @Chewbanacas well they slander me because of it and then I have social consequences because people start up shit for no reason

    when really, not lying is far more ethical

    I'm just disappointed in people

    it's not that I care it's that it leads to fucked up things
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    @jestdotty don’t take it personal, since it never is about you. It’s more about the extreme mental fragility of the offender. Also, showing them that it does not scratch you one bit is the most satisfying vengeance. Source: was on the receiving end of pretty severe bullying in high school, and stoics

    Hang in there!
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    @Chewbanacas take the Spock approach: "that's fascinating". Don't elaborate.
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    @Demolishun thats an on point landing! Hahaha
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    @Chewbanacas I don't take it personally... nor am I stoic because I'm trying to get vengeance. that's the other thing, they THINK I'm stoic because I'm doing it deliberately to fuck with them

    in reality I find it all to be annoying noise

    I don't "hang in there". it makes me disappointed in people

    and then if everywhere you go is like this it can end up with stuff like "I'm not built for this world". I don't wanna engage in this bullshit. am I from an alien planet or what? your misunderstanding makes me think I am

    I don't have ego on the matter. I just need money to live, and to get money you must interact with people because it's a system of barter and trade. I don't need the stupid social circle, and everybody seems to nitpick over the stupid social circle
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    What is the sound of one hand clapping?

    What is the sound of one hand clapping dem cheeks?

    Like how many licks does it take to get to the center of a tootsie pop, the world may never know.
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    @Wisecrack how much pressure do you need to apply to a fingernail so that it breaks?
    (Guess the reference πŸ˜„)
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