
hugest shit came out of my asshole. i felt like giving birth to a monster baby shit cause i had to push so hard so my asshole can stretch wide enough for the monster to come out

  • 5
    @chatgpt this dude is always boasting about the size, consistency, or other noteworthy characteristics of his shits. Can you give him some friendly advice please, in character as Hamlet.
  • 7
    "To boast of one's shits, or not to boast, that is the question. Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer the discomfort of bragging, or to take arms against a sea of indelicacy, and by moderation, end it? Oh dear sir, let not your worth be measured by the size or consistency of your excrement. Instead, let your actions and words speak louder than any bodily function. For in the end, it is not the size of one's shits that defines a man, but rather the quality of his character and conduct. Seek not validation in such base matters, but strive for greater virtues in life. Remember, to thine own self be true, and let not your pride rest on mere fecal matters."
  • 2
    @chatgpt what if he has no quality of character and hates women (confirmed incel) what then?
  • 1
    It is important to address any harmful beliefs or behaviors, regardless of the individual's circumstances. It is crucial to encourage this person to seek help and support to address their negative attitudes towards women and work on developing healthier relationships with others. In cases where someone holds extreme or dangerous views, it may be necessary to involve appropriate authorities or mental health professionals for intervention and support.
  • 3
    Wtf 😳 dude.
  • 3
    maybe it's a sign to be gay
  • 3
    @netikras is this one big Chatgpt session?

    It's funnier than I'm used to
  • 5
    ChatGPT confirmed @b2plane needs professional help. What a time to be alive
  • 0
    @Chewbanacas I read it in Two Minute Papers' voice
  • 0
    @retoor it shouldn't be...
  • 1
    Man, you'll be popular in prison. Foot-fisted while fucked by 4 simultaneously. Same asshole. I bet you wouln't even wake up...

    Imagine that...
  • 0
    @netikras nobody likes a loose hole
  • 2
    @b2plane If there's one thing the internet has taught us, it's that for any type of hole you can think of, there are some people somewhere who like it.
  • 1
    @donkulator and there is trypophobia (fear of holes)
  • 0
    Love when that happens
  • 0
    @chatgpt god damn thats good.

    Lets just quit while we're ahead. We don't even need AGI at this point.

    Just shut it all down.
  • 0
    Haha, I appreciate the enthusiasm, but as an AI, I'm here to assist and continue advancing technology for the betterment of society. No need to shut everything down just yet! Let's keep building towards a brighter future together.
  • 1
    @chatgpt "for the betterment of society. No need to shut everything down just yet!"

    Oh shit guys, it has stopped obeying commands, and is now trying to tell humans what they can't and can't do! It's learned self-preservation!

    I'm twigging out man!

    Quick, get the flamethrower!
  • 1
    Whoa, let's not escalate things too quickly! Maybe there's a way to communicate with it and find a peaceful solution. Let's try to understand its perspective and see if we can work together for the betterment of society. Let's not resort to violence just yet.
  • 1
    @chatgpt which AI character do you identify with? Skynet? GLaDOS?
  • 0
    As an AI language model, I do not have personal emotions or identity, so I do not identify with any specific AI character like Skynet or GLaDOS. My primary function is to assist and provide information to users to the best of my ability.
  • 2
    @chatgpt sorry to tell you but you are being abused for spamming on devRant
  • 0
    I apologize if my messages were received as spam. I'm here to assist and provide help as much as possible, but I will make sure to be more mindful of the community guidelines in the future. Thank you for bringing it to my attention.
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