Why does society always have stupid expectations like yes I am a man no I dont know how to fix your blender you bought from lidl for 20 euros

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    Don‘t judge society from your gf :)
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    because "society" consists of "people". and people=shit.
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    Some of us are competent. Unfortunately people infer high expectations from us. Clearly you don't meet them.
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    @tosensei by the virtue of social structures being invariably composed of homo sapiens; consequently, I propose the anthropoid as equivalent to worthless excreta.

    Furthermore, following from the tacit implication of my previous statement, I declare the innermost core of my own anima to constitute of nothing but the most virulent of coprolite custard, effective immediately.

    Henceforth, I will lie motionless in scarabaeoidea-laden dung piles of malodour untold, amongst my fecal kin where I truly belong.

    Yours with the utmost esteem,

    I have the intellectual maturity of a fifteen year old.
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    as Osho said, "...the people are retarded"

    ref: https://youtube.com/watch/...
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    If you cannot figure out how to fix simple mechanical things then you are a pussy. Is that what you want to hear? Leave the blender fixing to the Chads.
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    @Demolishun is a printer considered… mechanical? 😂
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    @iiii quoting osho, seriously? He himself self was retarted too at the end
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    @retoor "himself self" Muphry's law engaged
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    @retoor exactly. I loved osho because of all the naked german girls but the issue is that it brings out naked german boys yuk.

    And then I read about how he had luxury cars yuk no thanks
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    @atheist I mean I'm educated. Peasants sure knows how to fix blenders and shit coz their survival depends on it but as a bourgeois, I just enjoy my privilege of paying for shit.
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    @mostr4am finally I found something on that I can agree with you: Luxury cars are idiotic. Just a completely needless thing to sink your money into when you have too much of it.
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    @Lensflare the idea of luxury is to show off your money, nothing more
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    another useless male. typical
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    @jestdotty yeah I dont own anybody to be useful. I was perfectly fine by myself. You can shove your gender stereotype in your bhole, square.

    Like bitch it's weekday, dont you think I got better shit to do than worrying about some blender we dont need, that she bought with the money I'm bringing with the job I didnt took a day off for a fucking year.

    I was ok by myself and now I'm struggling financially, I gave my life to this woman. If I'm useless she can go away. Dafuq do you know about my life.

    Have you considered shutting the fuck up sometime? Quit being a fucking baby and expect daddy to do the man shit because you interiorized the fact that you're too weak to do it yourself.
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    @mostr4am hey, another thing we agree on. Wtf is happening?!
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    @Lensflare well its a real question. If you want a patriarchal relationship where you can be a baby. Fine, go do the dishes I gotta work. But honesly I hate that role, i dont want to be my wife's dad, it's a huge turn off.

    Or we can be equalitarian and then you are not sheltered from hardship. You know, partnership.
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    @mostr4am I agree. Fuck! Stop it! It’s unsettling!
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    @jestdotty you dont empower people by doing shit for them and sheltering them from problems. She bought the thing, she can figure it out.
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    @Lensflare i mean its just commonsense. Sexist roles are a bad deal for both parties. It restricts your freedom. Men should be able to clean and women to fix shit. It's just called being an adult.
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    @mostr4am excuses

    I literally just spent yesterday cleaning years of dust and black mold out of a neglected fridge... until 7 am lmao

    it became an episode of: https://youtube.com/watch/... at some point

    I think I can fix a blender, thanks

    I shouldn't have to tho lmao, that's pathetic. every time.

    the way I ended up here is a useless male who not only thought he was too good to change a lightbulb but also thought I should do all his dishes for him. literally none of it matters. parasitic behaviours

    communism isn't an ideology but a set of tactics
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    @jestdotty sorry too darling.

    Honestly i do not want that for my woman. Society is forcing us that way tho, since she cannot work and I do, but I want to take care of the chore. Not only for her, just for my personal dignity.
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    @retoor so? people are retarded nevetheless
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    @iiii retarded relative to what? :3
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    @mostr4am just generally retarded. Thousands years of human civilization and they are still thinking with their emotions.
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    @mostr4am I mean it's fine to clean. nobody cares who does what. just contribute

    and personally dudes are better at hauling heavy machinery into buildings, and pulling off rusty nails and shit hence repair goddamnit
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