ostream did not delete himself again

  • 8
    Why not?
  • 5
    @Lensflare Who knows 🤷
  • 7
    Better for him.

    He wants to get political, but is incapable of arguing, or properly addressing the usual propaganda parrots, or being serious even, and so all he did was have breakdown after breakdown. It was hard to watch.

    And when he did have a valid point, it was still painful, as it inevitably devolved into him cursing nonstop with those rapid-fire replies.

    So there was really no discussion to be had: disagreeing would trigger him, and agreeing would feel uncomfortable whenever he started acting unhinged, which was always.

    And if you're reading this ostream, then get your fucking shit together.

    Best regards,

    Free Palestine.
  • 8
    @Liebranca IMO best is to not give in to the temptation to feed the troll. Quietly downvote. Only takes 2 downvotes to sink a post.

    Do this long enough and the troll will eventually lose motivation.
  • 2
    @netikras not this troll :p

    @Demolishun somebody has to update the deletedhimself meme. *hint hint*. As sketchy possible, a cross trough the old name or so. I have no idea how to edit an image on linux / android. I can only crop so my face is always in the middle of the picture. That's normally all I need :D
  • 3
    @Demolishun oh, almost forgot. "The game". Piiiiiiiieeeeep :p I gonna sleep. Good night
  • 4
    @netikras troll is just a pejorative to dismiss someone as a human being worthy of your consideration, so it's a massive cope to be allow for yourself to be irresponsible. you also miss all the delightful details of life that make it worth living, choosing ignorance like that
  • 4
    he always deletes himself
  • 3
    @jestdotty perhaps. Still, I choose to believe that a troll is more intellectual and social entity than a spambot. Hence treating one as the latter should tire him up eventually. Like talking to a lightbulb
  • 5
    @netikras that's fucked up still, more-so than just ignorance. now you're bordering on a self delusion that you're a responsible parental figure when you're actually a sadist
  • 3
  • 5
    doesn't matter if he deleted himself or not.

    the important part is that he's deleted, and let's hope it stays that way.
  • 2
    @mostre4m test
  • 4
    @Lensflare I heard he evolved into a higher state of evolution.
  • 5
  • 3
    @Liebranca what you're gonna free palestine with kind words and hasbaras of your own?

    Please. You don't argue with a genocider. You fight back.
  • 3
    @Liebranca no. You disrupt and you stir the pot and piss people off. They do not care about reasons or you calling them habibi. It's their first world lifestyle on the line. They will not change their mind, will they?
  • 1
    @tosensei why? My life is fulfilling and it keeps getting better :)
  • 1
    @tosensei seriously suicide is stupid. There are so many scums out there who deserve death more than me
  • 3
    @tosensei encouraging self harm is not nice, is not cool, and is even legally discouraged. Stop it!

  • 0
    @NoMad look what this troll is posting on a daily basis. It’s much worse than encouraging self harm.
  • 0
    @Lensflare You really need to get your priorities straight.
  • 1
    @NoMad ...if only a small fraction of that vigilance would've been used with ostreams numerous posts of racism, calling for genocide, and more, then the world would be a bit better.

    but i agree that _someone_ needs to get their priorities right..
  • 1
    @NoMad like what?
    Prioritizing on being the moral police when someone indirectly (!) suggests to commit suicide (probably even as a joke), rather than trying to keep spammer trolls away who say that a specific nation should be killed, multiple times per day?

    No, I think my priorities are appropriate.
  • 1
    @tosensei I don't engage with trolls. But I've called him out every chance I saw him doing something of the same gravity. But do you actually want to be considered as insane as him?
  • 0
    @NoMad if that means i get to post whatever the fuck i want without the slightest repercussions?

    also: that implies that i give the slightest fuck about what you think about me. i don't care what i'm considered as.
  • 1
    @retoor Do you perhaps know how many downvotes one could give in a certain span of time before getting downvote banned? asking for a friend
  • 1
    @12bitfloat i dunno. I've still the privilege. But i only chose spam as reason. Maybe that's why. "Not for me" many times could lean to a ban? Not sure. Complottheory by me
  • 1
    @retoor I think there's a limit. Many months ago I downvoted a bunch of bots and now I'm shadowbanned
  • 1
    @12bitfloat unfortunately nobody knows how the system works.

    I downvote every ad spammer and most of ostreams posts and comments.
    Haven’t lost my downvote rights yet.
  • 0
    @Lensflare Bummer guess I'm gonna have to figure it out
  • 3
    In case you wonder why this post has so many upvotes...
  • 2
    @cafecortado I upvoted too. You funnii
  • 1
    @12bitfloat I downvote spam daily. Like twice a day. So the limit is not that low actually
  • 0
    Making five or so accounts is not a way to "get your fucking shit together".

    ostream: people in Gaza are living through a holocaust and still do not act in the way you do. And they certainly don't say the things you say. This includes the combatants.

    In any case, you are derailing. My energy is best spent elsewhere.
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