
do people not understand achievements unless you brag about them =-=

been asking AI on different examples of flexing and all of them sound like vapid LinkedIn posts

"just asked AI a question that's been bugging me for hours! it's such a nothing to have no answers still! 🎉"

one of my favourite examples: "accidentally set my kitchen on fire while trying to impress my friends with my cooking skills. but hey, I now know how to order takeout like a pro. win?"
lol what

I now wonder if I'm depressed cuz graduating school or finishing projects or... uhh ordering food? just sounds stupid to me

rewrote my code from hashset to hashmap. actually kind of re-organized some data types. brain is fog because fuck you. but everything ran so I guess rust thinks it's ok. I'm just annoyed by all that though cuz I just wish I didn't have to do it in the first place

TF is there to brag about

also if you brag about anything good everyone just wants to steal it from you


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    Humans subconsciously value bullshit more highly than anything else.
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    the purpose of bragging is to show yourself off. not to show you're better, or different, or anything - just to _have_ publicity.
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    @donkulator I know someone who's unable to follow when he talks and that makes him smart in certain eyes. We'll, good for him.

    @jestdotty your application manages urls, your application manages the best urls!

    Purpose of bragging is to get noticed and so you can garuantee your position at work, easy ask for raises, they know you did shit or even get into a new role. At a former company, the silent guy always doing his work without any issues got fired first when shit went down. Management barely knew who he was so choice was simple. That's why some flexii is good
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    @tosensei totally, that I'm better is just not the point xD They know deep down. I make them eat less
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    Some people seem like they're bragging when they get excited to meet new people. or whatever, everyone and everything sucks...

    Except... My cooking, you should taste everything I make, it's so amazing!!

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    @bazmd I make the best tortellini in town
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    @retoor I see what you did there! :)
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    @bazmd I'm hungry now
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    @jestdotty ofcourse flexing is for the audience but it can give your own confidence a bit boost too to say out loud what you've did.

    No, it doesn't make you sound like a dick. I think some confidence is great.

    Tell me what your proxier does exactly. What kinda proxy and what's the use case?
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    @chatgpt explain the meaning of the term

    "publicity" to jestdotty
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    Publicity refers to the practice of promoting and drawing public attention to a person, product, service, or event. It involves creating awareness, generating interest, and managing the perception of the public towards the subject being promoted. Publicity often involves using various channels such as media outlets, social media platforms, events, and other marketing strategies to reach a wide audience and create a positive image or reputation.
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    If you self deprecate you’re insecure.
    If you value your achievements, you’re a narcissist .
    The only solution is to not give a fuck what others think.
    People can’t stand seeing someone who feels good about themselves, because it reminds them of all the defects and failures they have and went through themselves, respectively.
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    "do people not understand achievements unless you brag about them"

    Yes, 10,000 times yes
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    @jestdotty cool project. I assume you use this thing to gather finance data. But, why proxies? To stay anonymous? Why do you want to he anonymous?
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    @retoor gets around rate limit

    I'm not paying someone thousands of dollars a month for a few thousand calls and my shit might not even work out. no thanks
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    @jestdotty ah, got it. Smart
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