Project for school: The answer in most cases is no. I feel glad I could make a documentary on this topic.

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    #666 do you even exist? This is the real question
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    Good for you, all I'm doing is draw in Corel draw and being undervalued
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    @HAlex Existential crisis time.
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    @VikiMaster2 Poor you. We had to make a documentarty on something that moved us for history class.
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    @ThaOneDude for some reason I can't edit the comment and upload the screenshot 😄
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    @HAlex Of me having 666? I already took one of it.
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    It definitely exists. It just takes a lot of effort to retain.
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    @linuxxx Well yeah but I wanna scare my classmates into privacy.
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    Please don't use openshot.. it's one of the most unstable programs I've ever used
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    @DavidINC If you check my previous rant my laptop crashed so I have to use my dad's and I have a deadline. Otherwise I would use lightworks.
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    @ThaOneDude even something like Shotcut.. anything but openshot

    I lost most of a school project because it kept showing down and crashing
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    I hate this whole buhuu there is no privacy wave BUT it's an interesting topic actually.
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    @daintycode It's absolutely true that 99% if companies these days don't give a shit about your privacy and sell all info they can get. Fuck the consumer, we get money.
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    @PrivateGER of course, but why does it bother people so much?
    Dont use their service if you don't like how they work?^^

    I don't like how cashiers always say imo extremely loud how much i gotta pay. It bothers me but i won't go on the streets and tell everyone, i live with it or shop somewhere else..^^

    And yes, it is possible to not use the fucken internet. Stop crying about how it is when deciding to use it.
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    @daintycode I don't even know how to respond to this carelessness. I personally don't want anyone to read all my messages online.
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    @PrivateGER then write a letter?
    We got the Briefgeheimnis, you're safe there.

    On the other hand you accepted the fact your online messages wander across some server and maybe you even want to retrieve them on another device, so said server has to save them.
    Name one service which clearly states in their policy that they won't access this data in any way?
    How could they even write it there, i mean sending it to you is an access already.

    I see that you want your data to be secure on that server but hell, there is no law enforcing this, so why should you bother or use the service and why should services care about it.
    Those 99% care already more than they actually have to..
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    @PrivateGER my point is:
    - Services can do what they want with data you sent them + you accepted them doing so
    - You don't have to use them
    - No point in crying
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    @daintycode Oh, ffs. Stop saying I'm crying. I dont want all my data sold to every fucking company there is, but still want to use the internet and its services. Nowadays, everything they can get is sold. Get my point?
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    @PrivateGER I have arrived.
    @daintycode "Don't use a service if you don't like how they work"

    I don't want my data in googles hands. So don't use it, right? Erm, what if I have to email someone who only has a gmail address? Ah right, I choose not to use googles services, yet I'm already fucked.

    Very often someone else's use of services forces other people's data into those services as well.

    Also what does the fact that its possible not to use the Internet have to do with this?!
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    @linuxxx if you dont use the internet, you wont give away any data. Same with your email thing. The solution is to not use email, because with the connection to any address you say "take my data" to the corresponding server.

    I mean saying you have to email them but not wanting google to have any record of connection is nonsense. As suggested, write a letter if it annoys you.^^

    "I have to use x but i don't want its consequences to happen" doesn't work.
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    @daintycode You literally provide no actual arguments except for "don't use that service". It's just a dumb thought. You NEED to use the service oftentimes.
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    @PrivateGER and you provide this argument only, not better than me at all.😉

    As stated, there are alternatives. Of course they aren't pretty and as easy to use.
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    @daintycode I'm sick of this. Lets drop this.
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    @PrivateGER of course.
    Just want to clearify: i didn't say you were crying as in you, i meant it as 'they'.
    I mean just because we can't get along, opinionwise doesn't mean i want you to get a wrong picture.
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