
wtf boss!!!! Is it so hard to understand that having one column per year is a horrible bad practice?

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    This requires explanation
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    he wants to store data related to 2013 on column 2013, 2014 data on column 2014 and so on...

    instead of having another table with data and year columns so we could keep inserting data without having to keep adding columns for each year in the future, for example
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    idk why not just use a timestamp and store the data in a table as per usual.. really needs some context
  • 6
    @azous Yea, had that happen. Boss even scheduled an all day event Dec. 31st to create the columns, update reports, apps, etc. I created a calendar table, set the necessary datapoints and used pivots to make the apps/reports look like the years were columns in the tables. Took 10 years before he noticed (user complaints on missing data). When I created the calendar table, I only pre-populated the data for 10 years. Thought for sure we'd be using a real business-intelligence solution by now.
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    @PaperTrail ayy lmao 😂
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    @dev-nope it's environmental data divided by city per year.

    It will be incremented each year and will have a lot of data each year for 2000+ cities
    it will be around 5M lines for 20 years

    I really don't think that separate year data per column and performing table update each year instead of year data per line and just insert it is a good idea.
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    @PaperTrail damn 😂
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    I still don't get it. Is this stored in a database or just a visual presentation?
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