Okay, maybe I'm unlucky, but I find macOS to be extremely buggy and inconsistent across the board compared to Windows.
The "it just works" slogan hasn't been true in my case.
Like, there's always some dumb issue hindering me.
For example, I can't seem to resize a window by its edge on my second screen in macOS. It just doesn't work.
Of course, Windows isn't perfect, but it works without a hitch in my case.
Finally, the memory swapping issues that lead to lag.
On a typical day, I have two instances of IntelliJ running, Android Studio or XCode, and two Edge + Mozilla, and Docker. 32GB should be able to handle this smoothly. This works fine on my 32GB Windows workstation.
On my 32GB M2 MacBook Pro however, I have to constantly close some programs because of lag.
Not to mention, memory fills up really quickly. I essentially turn on the MacBook and 18 GB are in use. WTF!

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    I always am amazed about the amount of <<insert OS>> is so buggy posts.

    I mean, I have worked in OSX and found it stable. I work mostly in Linux and the amount of people explaining to me that my OS of choice is unusable is baffling. I just migrated from i3 to KDE. Just because I wanted a change. Will probably migrate back in a month or so, knowing me. Happy with both. I just love how it feels different.

    I also run Windows systems. And they are fine in their usability. Even the infamous Windows 8 was fine in usability.

    I wonder if people are not flexible enough to adjust their work flow to the system provided... But on the other end, I end up writing scripts to make my workflow easier...

    Or it is that they have confirmation bias, finding a bug, and then focusing on it more...

    Or maybe... just maybe... You're just shit out of luck. Bad luck?

    I don't know, but I tend to lean towards the confirmation bias hypothesis.
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    This is mostly an issue of unfamiliarity. Give it a few months and you’ll say the opposite about Windows and mac. That’s how it was for me.

    The memory issue is probably the fault of the particular apps, not macOS.

    Not sure about your window resizing problem. Some apps won’t let you resize but that should be independent on which monitor that window is on. Have you activated the fullscreen mode maybe?
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    I never agreed to the easy of use of a Mac. It did do weird stuff, it should be logic to move your cd drive to the trash can to eject a CD? Wtf. But also, Android has consistent back button and with iPhone it's a surprise what is behind every button. If someone asks me to help with a phone and it's a iPhone i tell them they could do it themselves because the only logic you can apply is clicking random buttons. Not sure if it's still by todays standard, but their hardware was really more decent than others in the hand. I have no idea about software stability.

    @TrayKnots I left windows not because I hate it but because my job required linux. But I also didn't have issues with windows when I used it. Linux has A LOT of issues and errors but I became blind for it since I fix it in no time or just don't care. Every Linux laptop so far. I think we just become blind because became good at it. I have very limited experience with iOS tho. A few weeks. That was stable I guess.
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    @Lensflare nope, no fullscreen.

    It happens on all apps, so I'm pretty sure it's not limited to a particular app.

    Don't get me wrong, I'm productive on mac, but so am I on Windows, Linux. Heck, I dual boot Ubuntu and Windows.

    I guess my frustration is in regards to people who tout macOS as this infallible OS without a flaw. When in reality, it can be as buggy as any other OS out there.
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    They both equally suck dicks.
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    @antigermgerm just like you and your other split personality.
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    @null-pointer-ex agreed, you run into such issues when running stuff mac isnt optimized for.
    I assume you have M2 with 32GB and 1TB storage?

    Also, when you run into such issues, they probably mean that you are using it wrong:
    - if you use dual screen they ask why not only use 1 screen
    - if you use IntelliJ they ask why not use xcode or whatev
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    @Lensflare you know I give way better fellatio than that guy.

    Especially you wink wink
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    @gitstashio tell me about it!

    macOS apparently can do no wrong. They always have an excuse.

    Speaking of, XCode is the worst IDE I've ever had the misfortune of using. And I used Eclipse for Android dev.

    IntelliJ seems like alien technology compared to XCode.
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