  • 41
    @TheCommoner282 It's interesting but also arch
  • 55
    @TheCommoner282 I got Mint
  • 13
    Yeah, we get it, you like Arch.
  • 54
    It's a bit dark, maybe open some windows?
  • 21
    I don’t fit into any one path so I followed a few and landed at arch. It must be a sign.
  • 4
    I am currently using debian, which is ok but a little outdated in respect to driver support.. Its the first distro I use and I am using it since 3-4 months now (had to reinstall 3 times tho).
    Can anyone estimate how long it will take me to set up arch, with desktop-, window-, and network manager? just so that I can install packages and work with windows?
  • 3
    Grapich designer and linux... Mhe
  • 4
    Looks fake
  • 2
  • 3
    Arch!!! Arch!!! Arch!!!
  • 2
    @TheCommoner282 I got archbuntu
  • 2
    Only lesbians are allowed to use Debian? ✌️😂
  • 3
    I got Windows 10 😏
  • 3
  • 4
    Interesting... Always thought I am more the suse type, but obviously I am Arch ...
  • 1
    I shall make another distro called Juglinux
  • 4
    I got puppy linux
  • 2
    @simulate Go with installing arch and then KDE Plasma as the desktop manager. It will take a whole day understanding, configuring and debugging things and at night you'll be ready to go!
  • 3
    @simulate If you want arch, but dont want to bother with the installation, you can install an arch based OS. Like Archlabs (my favourite), archmerge(this distro wants to help you understand arch) and manjaro
  • 4
    So true.
  • 3
    I fucking hate arch linux
  • 2
    Why not lfs?
  • 4

    I am married to my wife, does that make me lesbian?
  • 1
    Ok, I'm gonna try to install Arch tomorrow wish me luck. I'm currently using Fedora for like 1-2year so I only have little experience using Linux. How long does it will take for me to install Arch?

    (I've never tried it before)
  • 5
    Interesting, followed the chart and it said I should use Windows.
  • 4
    Is Windows it's Arch-nemesis? (*ba-dum-tss*)
  • 2
    @Bennerant haha open and windows don't go together...
  • 1
    The problem about arch ist the installation. I come from Ubuntu and I have two harddrives, with the will to have dual boot (for some games) and haven't found a way to install it in a perfect way... 😅
  • 3
  • 1
    Arch ftw! Manjaro or Arcolinux would be my suggestions
  • 1
    I got Gentoo 😶 oh wait no... It's arch
  • 1
    You can also use Anarchy for instalation
  • 3
    watch the devRant daily user counts drop as these innocents devs try to explore the realm of arch and brick their machine
  • 1
    @fun2code when thinkpads brick - its time to choose a new OS
  • 1
    @fun2code well just a tip, never go to the arch discord server - they are all arch-knowitalls and will still refuse to help and then laugh in your face as your system shits bricks
  • 2
    and i hope one of the arch discord's users saw that comment

    Fuck you arch discord
  • 2
    Following this chart on 4.5" screen I installed arch on a MacBook. Think I misunderstood something so I installed a VM with OSX to start from scratch.
  • 3
    one more thing:
    You think you are a super hacker spy? Use Tails OS! >:v
  • 1
    print "OS must be Arch!"
  • 1
    @Phoenix2650 I never had that problem dude
  • 1
    @mkdirLuci4 @fun2code Wait. Is it necessary to change CMOS to install Arch? So you really can brick you computer to install an OS? Oo

    I tried to install arch in a VM once. But I was having a problem and I gave up (it was just for a test and I didn't have much free time), so I didn't find anything related to BIOS.
  • 1
    For some reason I quantum-tunneled of the chart and got Ubuntu...
  • 0
    Okay so Windows 10 it is.
  • 1
    Fedora for dev, centos for prod, windows for photoshop..
  • 0
    I tried manjaro deepin on a VM, i really liked it but i don't think arch is for me. Now i wanna try elementary or ubuntu but i cant stand the UI of these distros.
  • 0
    @nrlhq elementary is based on Ubuntu and you can customize Ubuntu so it fits your needs
  • 1
    Solid infographic

    I use arch, btw
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