
Manage to lose 5kg in a week - which is great but definitely doesn't feel normal 😅

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    Are you doing a starve to death challenge too?
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    @cafecortado Was considering it, but no - the only active change was some minor exercises twice in the week, but I can't imagine that some jumping jacks and push-ups would burn through that much.
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    @cafecortado What kind of challenge is that ?

    I plan to reduce my calory intake to under 1000 per day. Is that considered 'starving challenge' ?

    I will keep sport activities like usual...
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    my weight can fluctuate about 10lb, doesn't go further than that off anchor weight I'm at. generally takes 3 days. it's water weight

    it's most noticable if I go from eating no carbs to lots of carbs or vice versa. eating carbs will give me extra weight and I end up drinking more water

    maybe something like that happened?
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    @jestdotty Maybe, I do normally drink a bit of water, but I've checked now 2 days in a row ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ hopefully it's still gone tomorrow
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    @Grumm no idea, you could ask @kiki how much calories does she eat
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    @cafecortado Yes, maybe we should ask @kiki.
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    how much have you been eating? if the caloric intake was normal, then there are three possible explanations: mania, parasites or cancer.

    have you felt exceptionally happy/smart/energetic? if so, this might be mania, and you might be bipolar. @retoor and me lost weight crazy fast while manic. your organism/brain is immensely overclocked. a bit later, it will inevitably lead to very deep depression with high risk of suicide. seek medical attention immediately — they should stop your mania asap. the longer you're in it, the harder the depression will hit. my latest depressive phase lasted more than a YEAR.

    I know nothing about parasites or cancer. Anyway, seek medical attention
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    Very little sleep needed to feel well-rested. Increased physical strength/mobility, increased intelligence level and charisma. Unusually high energy/attention span/happiness

    all of that are the symptoms of mania

    hypomania is like 50% of that, but it's still harmful, and you might still be bipolar.
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    @kiki Hmmm my meals have been different, but I'm not quite sure how different calorie wise, but I do think a reduction - have been more distracted so maybe I've been skipping breakfast/lunch without realising (I've been slowly trying to reduce portions for a while)

    Happier yes (but less so now), smarter no, more charismatic no, still constantly feel tired.

    I was stuck in a bit of funk (aka what am I doing with my life) though before and feel normal again now 😅


    You did make me recheck the scale/ensure it's in the correct place as normal. Turns out its only 2kg (right before dinner) 😅
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    @BordedDev 2kg is normal.
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    Thanks @kiki for the warning nevertheless. It's very appreciated
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    @BordedDev my pleasure! don't hesitate to ask — I know a lot about my disorder, and I involuntarily paid oh so much for this knowledge.
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    @kiki if we spot these symptoms, do you want us saying as such or would that hinder you seeking aid?
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