
Haha, Skype is ending. Bye bitch. I'll never forgive what you did to msn messenger. Damn, that was some bad software.

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    I feel we have something open source and far better called WebRTC. I do not know why they care so much about Skype.
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    Skype was good before bought and enshitified by MS.
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    What was msn a magic time, you came online to chat. You had a conversation with 20 of your 30 online users. It was before everyone was full time connected. It was more like "Yes, that person is online". Now, that's not exiting anymore. Everyone is online.

    What did we chat about all the time? Were we more social? Into more subjects? More freedom of speech?
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    @Lensflare > 'Skype was good before bought and enshitified by MS.'

    Very true.
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    @Lensflare when people talk about enshittification they just mean capitalism
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    @Lensflare yes.

    Capitalists corporations are the one extracting the values from literally everything so that shareholders can earn a bit more money
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    Before it was bought by MS, it was still a profit oriented organization. It was never not based on capitalism.

    I know it’s impossible to grasp the idea that capitalism doesn‘t equal "greedy evil corporate assholes" for someone like you.

    Our whole society is capitalistic. That also includes you, if you like it or not. You either play that game and contribute to the that system or you end up homeless/starving/in poverty.

    Now you will rage and claim that I‘m an idiot capitalist and you are not. And that‘s where you lie to yourself.
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    @Lensflare whine harder idiot. Corporatism is the mathematical logical conclusion of capitalism. If Skype wasn't bought by microsoft they would have become microsoft.

    Sorry if you can't understand basic math. The need for endlessly rewarding investors is what drives enshittification. You're just brainwashed. Check where your toothbrush is, kulak
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    @Lensflare funny how you guys always need a wall of text to refute the simplest point. The big guy eating the small guy is the point of crapitalism.

    That's why we need gulags.
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    You're next MS Teams
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    skype: wanna send 1.5 gb to your friend? say no more fam

    discord: y-your files are too powerful senpai ^^
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    @fruitfcker I see a trend here: Microshi... *cough* Microsoft
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    @kiki also: "the image that you want to send is too big, please buy Nitro."
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    @kiki snek let's you upload a few gb in record time, no problem.
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    The last time I used Skype I used a free trial phone number to call up scammers and tell them to fuck off.
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    @Lensflare > "Skype was good before bought and enshitified by MS."

    And written in Delphi, which means/meant it was a single .exe (or maybe a minimal number supporting dlls) and "just worked" everywhere.

    Skype, I will miss you.
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