What your non-tech friend wonder about your search history?

  • 7
    "c fork's child ppid" that could definitely raise some questions haha
  • 15
    "Why the fuck is he searching everything in English?"
    In France it's considered weird or bragging to use another language, most French people are pretty bad at other languages.
  • 7
    @oscarascal because he can (me too) and there can be more useful info in english than in his native language.
  • 5
    @Pogromist and I still get stared at as if I were an alien when I reply that :/
  • 7
    "how to use fork to demonize child"
  • 4
    @oscarascal I think it's weird not to search in English for anything tech or IT-related, unless you're for example Russian, Chinese or Japanese.
  • 4
    @nasirhm Because English is an international language most people speak very well, also it's because all documentation is in English.
  • 3
    @PrivateGER Indeed. As much as I love and respect my native language, I'm sure there is quite literally hundreds of times more information in English.
  • 0
    I can find most information in German. Only in one of five or ten cases I have to switch to English. Sometimes the German results are better than the English ones, actually.
  • 1
    I have no friends. Tech or otherwise.
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