I really like React and I thought for a second that Vue will overcome React with stars but fortunately developers know what is better 😂😂😂😍

  • 3
    I like react too ! Never used vue though
  • 8
    vue: 102021
    react: 102020
  • 21
    I like that Vue isn't associated with Facebook.
  • 4
    Vue won!!
  • 9
    I guess no one can decide
  • 3
    Today I questioned to myself why I haven't started Vue's repo yet
  • 4
    I'm gonna create fake account anytime ready :3 Vue must win.
  • 7
    The GitHub star wars...
  • 2
    "I kind of think this herd mentality in the tech industry is annoying. There are a lot of people using React, but that doens’t make Vue a bad choice. Conversely, just because Vue is new and relatively popular doesn’t make it the “new React.” Pitting them against each other like this is disingenuous, as engineers will make choices and use both — it’s not like picking React will kill Vue or vice versa. That doesn’t say anything about the likes of Ember and Angular that are still in use.
    A good comparison is backend stacks. Rails exists, but so does Laravel and Django. If it were truly a big deal which was the biggest, then only one choice would remain. Instead, they all have healthy ecosystems with companies using all three.

    It doesn’t have to be a war."
  • 2
    But Vue is better as a frontend framework.
    React just has their name recognizion and hides behind Facebook.
  • 3
    @Stocken There isn't a better. Both are different frameworks with certain similarities.
  • 4
  • 1
    Well vue got behind because of your Rant
  • 2
    ... and surpassed again.
  • 0
    I really like the conversation that I made here. I think both Vue and React are great frameworks and I always say that everyone should write in whatever is suitable for him/her. It's just fun with that Vue/React "war" thingo, it's good distraction from stereotype everyday life
  • 2
    @pavolhalas I agree although I'd personally never use react for ethical reasons myself.
  • 0
    @linuxxx I understand that you don't like everything Facebook/Google related
  • 2
    @linuxxx Preact (not React) is non-facebook owned alternative to React.
  • 1
    @pavolhalas Yup :)

    @monkehparade Ohh! Isn't react mainly frontend though?
  • 4
    Just came back here to post this xD
  • 1
    React is a useless piece of digital shit turning dev's into zombies touched with Stockholm syndrom. Version 18 and their community is still struggling to do basic async stuff. UseCallback... Oh my. Oh right, it must be front webdev reserved to genius only. Yes i am a hater because i Hate this pile of crap. 💩😆
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