
What's the meaning/story/idea behind your username?

PS.- don't bother if your actual name is your username

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    I am groot..
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    @groot hi, I am const
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    We used to have a minecraft server with a giant treehouse and in the center was a room with sugarcane. We used to dance around it once per day and sing "HUMBA HUMBA" - like a ritual. Sugarcane looks like ger(Bamboo) == Bambus.
    Also Coldmirror has a single video dedicated to Bamboo. We liked that. Bamboo is stylish!

    Then we started modding Portal. It runs on Source Engine.
    So we called ourself a few names and the one which survived, got a logo and website, a GbR and devRant Acc: German for Bamboo + Portal 2 engine = Bambus + Source = BambuSource! 🎍
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    @BambuSource interesting story
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    It's kind of childish but I use this name more then 10 Years I think.

    Everything started with the blue starter pokemon Karnimani. It's not my favorite one but many friends say I was like this pokemon. So It started with "Kani". Yes I was stupid and made a Typo xD but most of time it's already used.

    So I decided for another Addon to this name. "Maru" not the japanese one. It has its roots in an very old Series named Andromeda, old Scifi thing. There was these spaceship called Eureka Maru. And yop I liked this one. And since then my name is Kanimaru.
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    @AlpineLinnix @RustyCookie Me too(cookies), but didn't own any rusty bike
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    @Kanimaru interesting, do you know Orochimaru? By any chance
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    @const ofc but has nothing to do with my name
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    @Floydian what's yours?
  • 11
    I like cheese
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    I like chemistry (Go sulfuric acid) and titles!
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    First, I'm albino, secondly, there is a big car seller in Quebec called Albi the Giant, so yeah about 90% of my close friends call me like that.
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    @Cheeseus just like your username.

    @mrsulfat H2SO4 :)
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    @const its like mini puzzles! 😂
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    Anyone heard of tkinter? It's the python bindings for TCL Tk GUI framework that's bundled with python. So @retnikt is tkinter backwards. I just wanted an unusual string of vaguely pronounceable letters and this was one of them I came up with on a whim
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    I have special characters in my middle and last names - I joined two of them and the result is having this mediocre name, which is hard to pronounce or hear correctly.

    I once called myself GideonFlynn (still do in games) which I made after searching the meaning of names. It translates to "Mighty warrior, son of a redhead"
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    Previously I was 'Root', just 'Root' but there could be some law problems, you know why, so I changed it to 'RootKlawiter', Klawiter is a surname of our one YouTuber in Poland, and my secondary name is similar and some called me 'Klawiter' or 'Klawiatur', but I thought it was too simple to call me just with similar surname, so I changed it to 'RootPixl' and my friend inspired me with it, because one day he was searching a name for me in our game, so he suggested 'Pixel' because on voice chat we were talking about monitors, screens and some tech stuff, he named me (as I said) 'Pixel' but 'Pixl' sounds more kind of hipster, so now I'm using it.
    @Kandelborg welcome to devRant!
  • 5
    One day, I will be a cowboy. An internet cowboy. I'll ride a motorcycle around the desert as a nomad, moving from town to town freeloading on McDonald's WiFi. And coding in between, so I don't go broke. So yeah, internet cowboy
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    @RootPixl Thank you! I look forward to ranting and communicating with people I can actually relate to
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    @1nt3rn3tc0wb0y you'll be a internet cowboy one day.

    @Kandelborg hard to pronounce, reminds me 'Gandalf' from LOTR.

    @RootPixl your username is awesome
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    @MrJimmy pretty filmy name
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    @MrJimmy haha no. Never heard of it
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    I just thought it'd be cool if I put a paper bag over my head. Like Shia Labeouf or Chester's dad from the Fairly Odd Parents.
    (McDonald's has the best ones, just make sure to turn the inside out so that the logo won't be visible).
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    Crash Bandicoot is the first game I ever played and it got me into gaming. In a way or another it also led me choosing a cs school. I'm a programmer and gamer because of Crash.
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    @const aww, thank you!
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    Um, well
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    My friends said I sounded like a cross between a hedgehog and a pig when I was tipsy one time
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    It's a username
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    My real name is vidhyanshu and my friends are lazy
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    Clearly picked off a videogame character, Viktor Reznov, Though I use a shortened version 'Rez' on other places or 'Pez' as my girlfriend suggested that.
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    Pars Veda
    Persian knowledge
    Veda : a very very old word from ancient iran
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    When I was small I liked anime a lot and was a big fan of the matrix series . Therefore the name . I legit didn't know that a series existed with the same name.
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    @PVeda as per my knowledge it's an 'Sanskrit' word.
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    @const is right @PVeda veda is actually a sanskrit word ( ancient India)
    And my real name vidhyanshu is kind of derived from it
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    There was a Minecraft channel called "SSundee" and before every video there would be a "Derpy" version of the youtuber that I really liked and I love programming: "DerpyProgrammer"
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    @vidu Arians language :/
    Iran : The land of the Arians
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    Well it was auto-generated when i got my first docker container running.
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    @Cheeseus cheese is the corpse of milk man!
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    My little brother has a strange obsession with the Russian National Anthem & Rasputin.
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    @Rasputin I think it's more Russia+Putin
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    I was planning on making a computer game (still am, when I get into it some day...) and was going to call one of the characters "nightowl". It was meant to be some kind of hacker person so you'd not find their real name but I decided it kind of describes me anyway as I go to sleep pretty late.
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    @nightowl I also prefer work in night
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    @zlice agree with you
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    I believe that programming learning should be kept between pure blooded programming families.
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    My grandmother told me years ago that there was Spanish blood in the family tree. I think she was fibbing though but I was too young to notice. Anyhow I liked the work of the philosopher and writer Cervantes hence my username that I've used for everything ever since for at least twenty years. My grandmother was full of shit though.
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    I'm not sure if I apply to "your actual name is your username" or not? 🤔🤔
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    @bashleigh ahh, I see. But it is not as same as your actual name?
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    @nik123 impressive logic/idea
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    @const no. Ashleigh isn't even my actual name it's just want everyone calls me 😂😂😂😂
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    @bashleigh so that's the reason, everyone calls you that
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    @Alice haha out so many people on devrant I recognise you very well. I have quite an image of your personality on my mind 😂😂
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    @Alice and by any chance you don't happen to possess a knife and my address right?
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    macro + andromeda = macromeda
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    @Alice 😂😂😂
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    @Alice i hate that connection, most ppl think it's coming from macromedia, but it's not.
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    I play the trumpet as a hobby, and obviously I use technology a lot.
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    Dexter from Dexter's Laboratory
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    I was looking for pseudonym for online games.. and i was hyped about hacking and stuff and ghost is just a perfect match i found With Hacked..
    Since than everyone started liking it
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    @const now I'm confused. Why do they call me it? Because I have no idea...
  • -1
    How bout a dick in your mouth
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    My real name begins with L. This letter is also the symbol for liter and a liter has a volume of one metric cubic decimeter. I like this relation and the German word for dm³ is KubikDezimeter. So this is my username :D
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    @TomRiddle let's bug these mud bloods 🧙‍♀️
    And take care of your nose I think something strange could happen.
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    @bashleigh just ask them once 😀
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    Errr.. i used to write fan fictions about Monster Hunter (the PSP era), and Drillan was my main character's name. For the 767 part, I extracted it out of a Finland's city, Puolanka (GPS coordinates). I loved the silence of this place, and wanted to keep it somewhere
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    Well I downloaded Black Ops and it had a tomahawk as a weapon so I instantly thought of tomahawxer. Sticked with the name since then.
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    Private for me protecting my stuff, GER because I live in Germany.
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    I wanted a cooler version of my name which is Kyara and I used to have a tumblr where I was called Kiralin. It made me feel cool 😂 and now it's just how I like to be called on the internet basically. Nothing more to it heheh.
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    This was my nick on IRC for a long time (from 2000), then started using it everywhere else where I needed to register.

    Ekushey means 21st in Bengali, and there's a backstory to this which you can read on https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/... and https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/... if interested.
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    When your friends are drunk, you know it's the right time to ask them for a new username to be used for gaming. PS: they also came up with other names, but this one sounded more meaningless
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    Uh, I was like 8 or 9, I really liked Will o' Wisps (still do kinda), and it was the first thing that came to mind.
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    Growing up I used to be depressed a lot and wasn't very social, so I would hang out alone and only had a few friends. I was insignificant as a little bug and living in my own shell.
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    I love Rick and Morty, and I also happen to be a total fucking Noob at this dev shit... and also realized that anyone in programming/infosec/tech in general are all perpetual noobs because there is always something you don't know and can learn.

    I've embraced the Noob.
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    @n00bn00b this guy gets it
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    A chatbot generated this username. I kinda liked it.

    *Now this is my username for almost every website.
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