
«But... why man??? Let's call it "person-in-the-middle", so that it is fairer!»
All this fucking politically correctness is killing us.

  • 5
    man in the middle attack.
    internet security thing
  • 2
    Why not, though? Pitm does not sound worse than Mitm
  • 14
    @ruhe The problem is not about changing a name. The problem is there are people spending more time complaining about stupid names than doing technical stuff.
  • 3
    is this actually a thing?
    if it is, what the actual fuck...
  • 8
    Haha! Recently saw an article dedicated to why AI is biased, sexist, and racist. Nice.
  • 1
    Who the fuck said that?
  • 9
    Technically, there isn't a person in the middle. There is, however, a machine.

    Machine in the middle.


    Fixed :D
  • 1
    man like human in the middle
  • 3
    Do tech, ignore asshole that have time for politically correct things..
  • 3
    @trickory A person from which I should take orders :'(
  • 3
    Disgusting Social Justice Warriors.
    They need to go back to their Tumblr caves and stay there until the next extinction-level meteor comes and saves us from their vile existence.

  • 1
    @hugh-mungus Libertarian conventions and (now) Trump rallies. Also: Kekistan. 😅
  • 3
    And another one goes into the favorites.. the algo seems to know me well :D
  • 2
    Just respond with: well it's a bad person, or at least a person who wants to harm or spy on you... Statistically these crimes get convicted more often by men... So... Are you implying, that women are more criminal than men? :P
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