
Any reason to use js framework than vanilla one? Is it the same reason as bootstrap and css?

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    Vanilla js and vanilla css all the way!
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    did you look how easy it is to handle data with vue.js ?
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    Js framework to remove a lot of the boiler plate stuff, and not reinvent the wheel for almost everything you do.

    But if you know what your doing and have that extra time up your sleeve, by all means use vanilla.

    Same applies to css.
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    @heyheni @C0D4 I can't use them yet, but I have looked at some tutorial. I found no reason to use it yet, then my mind keeps on resisting to learn them. As I haven't met anyone that can use them yet, and I'm just wondering if I needed it in the future, I just need a really good reason why to use one
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    @CuriousDroid thanks, will read it
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    ssr, pwa or plugins with other features and most important predefined workflows. Less code to maintain, more happiness.
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    Just makes your code easier, but you can't go into it. You just assemble pieces instead of building the whole thing by yourself. That also means you have less insight in it, and less control. But it's easier to maintain and set up.
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    @vane @TheOct0 thanks, so far I guess people use framework just to write less code and maintain code consistency
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    @devTea Also, frameworks follow the trends. It's easier to build a website consistent with its time when your code and styles are maintained by people who only focus on designing the pieces you're gonna be using.
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    @C0D4 I feel like developers today know nothing of reinventing the wheel. Everything is high level bullshit where the wheel is already on it's 34th interaction of reinvention. You don't reinvent the wheel in JavaScript. It is already done for you. You reinvent the wheel in c and assembly because there is no wheel in the first place. Even c++ comes with a lot of already-invented wheels.
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    @AlgoRythm I’m afraid that if I don’t know how stuff really works and depend on frameworks too much, I won’t learn more of it
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    Depends on what you are building and your level of experience.

    For me and my use cases it goes as follows. Keep in mind that everything in the end is just JavaScript:

    Plain JavaScript: Minor DOM manipulation and some basic functionality.

    JavaScript with jQuery library: Advanced DOM manipulation and some data fetching / posting to and from a server.

    Angular/Vue/React: When you need reusable components in your web application and/or plan to turn it into a Single Page Application (SPA).

    Bootstrap is not a JS framework and can work with any of the above approaches, although it does require jQuery regardless.

    Once you get deeper into the weeds, you should start thinking about how you want to bundle your application's code and styles to minimize download size. There are many tools for that - webpack, gulp, grunt are the most popular right now.

    I personally only write typescript and less at this point - simply because it results in more maintainable code compared to vanilla JS / CSS.
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    @devTea pretty much to write less, and keep maintainable over teams.

    @AlgoRythm not wrong, and WebDev these days is handed to you on a silver platter unless you work outside of the norm 5-6 page sites.

    @devTea oh frameworks will teach you a lot, but knowing vanilla is always useful to understand and know how things actually work and you can still do your job when your framework isn’t available to the project you’re working on.
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    @devTea I would not wait until you find a reason to use a technology. Get over that mind resistance!

    Go follow a few courses, build a simplified to-do app with Vue. You get a feel for the use cases.

    After that you might conclude that pure JS still suits all your projects better, and that's good, but at least you can defend that choice a bit better against all the people screaming "just use x"

    If you wait for use cases to learn new things, you'll rarely learn because the use cases come after understanding the technology better.

    The difficult part about that is that you'll often start learning the "wrong" stuff because you had different expectations — but that's OK too because it's never completely useless.

    Even if you decide to never use those frameworks, learning about them gives you insights about pure JS as well.
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    From my limited knowledge, you don't always need a JS Framework. It's there to support your application and each one have a different specialty. You can focus on the once that helps you to improve your skills and will make you closer to your dream job as some of the companies started to required JS Framework by name in the qualifications for the job, but first focus on which one really fits your coding style.

    To help you find out which one is best for you, you may read this article:

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    @C0D4 @FahadAlt @bittersweet thanks! I'm learning it now, but my brain really really needs a good reason so it wanted to learn new stuff, but I have found an excuse to learn it
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    Vue with Bulma works incredibly well
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    @AlgoRythm that's just technology advancing. It will get higher and higher level as its gets easier and easier. In 20 years I doubt we will be writing c++ or js.
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    @devTea yeah you set borders by using frameworks and libraries, and if project is long term and growing you sometimes need to cross the border.

    Also when there are new standards established by w3c or ecma, or any other organization at beginning there is no implementation so you need to write proprietary code.

    Some people build new businesses or frameworks around those new features. As browsers adopt this standards, libraries grow in popularity and some libraries are dropped.
    That’s called progress.

    So keep your eyes on standards and you will be fine.
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    @Braed I know technology is advancing. My point really is that frameworks are useless because there is no more wheel to reinvent. Vanilla JS is very powerful and allows you to do a very lot if things with a very little code. Frameworks are like giving you a boat for a glass of water.
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    @AlgoRythm they have a purpose and are very popular...
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    @JAY505 I’m actually confident with my js, just trying to learn frameworks and see if they gonna help a bit, thanks for the link anyway 😁
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    @heyheni @C0D4 I think I understand them now, and it’s awesome. You could use them as a new jquery, I also learn how to use node js and webpack, how much better is building the front end with webpack as standalone app?
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