  • 25
    I m on intellij's side on this one and completely agree with what he said about eclipse ide
  • 2
    Is there really a ground for an idea war any more?

    I mean eclipse is dead, and the choice between visual studio and intellij mostly (if not entirely) depends on the language you're working with. The rest are text editors bloated with plug-ins to make them look like an ide.
  • 4
    I like Sublime.
    Change my mind.
  • 0
  • 3
    Seriously I prefer code editors rather fucking heavy IDEs.
  • 1
  • 1
    B-but... I like NetBeans!
  • 0
    @BlackSparrow no, I mean, why do you think Eclipse is dirty bullshit?
  • 7
    war never changes ...?
  • 1
    Yup, i wont rant on eclipse all again, but its just like that. Every intellij user I met never wants to touch eclipse again unless he has to.
  • 1
    It's kinda curious, I use intellij and my colleagues eclipse. I get annoyed every time I see them search something and it taking 10s of seconds, I definetly can't work like that.
    But both have a bit of a memory problem because java :/
  • 0
    @Lvh1 honest question : do you know any ide that doesn't have a memory problem?
  • 0
    @commodore I would say xcode but I've not used it enough to really judge it. I do know it's a pain to use though, at least for me.
    At least it doesn't use 1.5 gb a minute after being launched.
  • 0
    @dUcKtYpEd How can you measure CPU in megabyte...
  • 0
    @nam17887 typo, he wrote mb instead of % 😜

    Seriously though, I've something like 10 extensions (nothing fancy, mind you) and vscode is always steadily over 1gb ram and that's not taking into account each node process spawned for typescript or whatever's necessary.
  • 1
    @daanebe I don't like netbeans, I love it!
  • 1
    @linuxxx Finally! I've tried different IDEs but nothing seems as comfortable and intuitive than NetBananas.
  • 0
    Vscode | vim
  • 1
    @caap Eclipse is just so fucking annoying. Slow as fuck. Confusing. And it crashes way too often. IntelliJ is just a great choice for every language.
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