Just programmer things...

  • 3
    I prefer to ask for 2 beers and see the bartender getting angry at me
  • 7
    Just one day, one whole day without this sad pathetic joke appears to much to ask for 😞
  • 3
    @C0D4 what? This is the first time I see it. Chill go write a rant about it.
  • 3
    @zemaitis just because it's a different meme doesn't mean it's a different joke.
  • 1
    Well it is wrong to do that because a bartender is not technical/programmer. But then this is just a meme so nothing wrong again LOL
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    Any Captain?
  • 4
    @kenogo nosebleed. Relax mate. Well that escalated quickly 😄
  • 2
    @kenogo I wanted to say the same but you explained it better. I was thinking that there was some other joke which I was not able to understand but after your reply I think I was not missing anything and joke itself was wrong.
  • 1
    I actually thought the joke was intended saying Binary 11 which means 3 in decimal.
    Rather thinking it as Array index.

    Anyways few months before I attended a session from one of the great programmers of our time - Richard M Stallman.

    One of his phrases was really interesting when he said
    "We programmers should promote and protect freedom software so that non programmers can continue to have access because all are not engineers , there are other important works like being a waiter, gardener, policeman, firefighter etc."

    So I think respecting other professions would mean not looking down on them when they don't understand programming nuances,
    And not obsessing on how non technical people don't understand phrases or symbolic gestures we use.
    Since we might not understand the inside jokes related to their profession.

    In simple words quitting this holier than thou attitude
  • 0
    @Hackshay there is no holier than thou attitude here...

    First of all it's a meme! Secondly it's just trying to portray a hypothetical situation where a "dev" goes to a bar and orders 3 beers by showing 2 fingers. It's just trying to show how over-committed devs can be towards their profession, that they sometimes forget there's a whole world out there for whom indexing starts at 1....

    The jokes on the dev not on the bartender.... Because I am pretty sure in real life no one would be laughing at the bartender for not understanding the reference but they'd laugh at the dev for acting "weirdly". So this meme instead of being a mode of mocking non-techincal people is actually a satire directed at the so called "technical" people who (well accepted by technical and non technical people) have little to no social life....
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    @norman70688 if we consider your hypothetical solution then, those 3 idiots will not be the only one's laughing because the whole world would be laughing back at them... And the next day when they wake up, they'll again get back to their monotonous life and repeat the same cycle till their death... Now u tell me who's the loser?
  • 0
    Anyone else thought 5 beers?
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