Windows 10 is a broken POS. I've used it for 10 minutes and I already see bugs all over.

  • 3
    Care to elaborate?

    I have not found any significant bugs despite switching to windows 10 almost since start.

    So it would be interesting to know if I missed any?
  • 2
    Windows 10 was least problematic os for me. What were the bugs you suffer from?
  • 7
    I've seen everything you can think off.

    Broken start menu

    All windows zoomed out to microscopic views

    Hardware suddenly stops responding,
    Next update, usually it comes back to life.

    This is from Bluetooth devices, USB ports, Ethernet port, wifi, sound - that's a regular one, headphone jack stops detecting a device plugged in.

    Audio gets out of sync no matter the video player or codecs

    Broken MBP, although I haven't seen that since I went to SSD.

    Can't install any software without booting into safe mode to do it.
    This is a fun one.

    I can keep going.

    What's your problem?

    But... I still use windows.
  • 2
    @C0D4 That sounds rather like a hardware/driver issue than a Windoozle 10 fault...

    I've rarely experienced any bugs in W10.
  • 3
    @PonySlaystation you would think, but things magically start working again after another update so 🤷‍♂️

    Although the audio sync and software install issues are current issues, so we'll see.
  • 5
    Have you used any other OS on the same hardware so that you can rule out hardware errors.

    I would have suspected memory error or bad connections in many of those cases.

    Or very odd hardware, I have never during 30 years with windows had even a fraction of the described problems unless there was broken or mismatched hardware involved.

    For example memory sticks with different speeds.
  • 1
    @Voxera this is all in the past 12 months. New laptop, only windows / manufacturer drivers.

    If it's all hardware issues, that come and go, I would be wondering how the thing even turned on to begin with.

    My only real issue at the moment is the audio being out of sync the longer it plays as it progresses slowly and after about an hour gets to around 0.5 seconds out, regardless of the player.
    But stopping the video and starting again typically fixes it for a while.

    I'm tempted to just do a clean install and start again.
  • 1
    @C0D4 sounds like a good idea :). And if problems persist call the manufacturer

    The only bug I have had was with firefox freezing locking the whole computer for up to over 30 sec or more and that proved to be bang olofsens audio driver abusing the api for disability to try to spy on what webpages was doing to dynamically adjust sound, but it was so aggressive it blocked rendering.

    Ended up with firefox blacklisting the driver and the problem was gone.
  • 0

    1) Upon Windows 10 setup, first screen, choosing a language fails and later when you apply your preferred language, the changes aren't propagated to all parts of the UI, namely the 'restarting', 'new user account' and most title labels on the start screen. They even provided an option to fix this, which is found in the advanced settings for languages.

    2) Sometimes the input box for the pincode bugs out and says 'unknown error', but that's fixed now.

    3) If you execute shell:appsfolder then you will see half the icon thumbnails are missing and get misrendered.

    I'm quite sure I could find more bugs.
  • 0
    @Voxera I've worked with Windows since 3.1 and I've seen so many bugs I've had to hardcore customize my Windows install so it would, ya know, act normal.

    There are entire books on Windows annoyances, which are in fact called the Windows Annoyances series.

    It sounds to me like you don't have an intimate relationship with the OS, like I do, tinkering with everything it has.
  • 0
    I had to reinstall it 5 times on 3 devices so far. All of them have issues with USB ports not working at random. On my main machine the taskbar was broken 30% of the time (in foreground during fullscreen mode, invisible otherwise), the OS randomly added and switched keyboard layouts without me doing anything. My favourite was the update which caused a bluescreen at least once every 30 minutes and atrocious performance problems.

    Yes, this was Windows 10 only, both Linux and Windows 7 worked flawlessly throughout that time, and the bluescreens were fixed later by another update.

    By now I switched to Linux because of all this shit, that's not perfect either but at least most things can be fixed quickly.
  • 0
    @CaptainRant Oh I have dug pretty deep in windows and I have seen bugs, more so in earlier versions.

    But I have also noticed that its often not windows but driver errors.

    Its not that I question that you have problems, but I used to work with servicing computers and telling the customer it was a bug in windows was the last resort as you had to be very sure and almost all problems ended up being caused by drivers or faulty hardware.

    So it all boils down to if you are looking for a solution or for a reason to complain on windows :)

    If the later is the goal fine, go ahead, if the former is the goal, verify everything else. Even if you are going to switch to linux, do verify that its not a hardware error before putting things on it that you prefer to not loose.

    Yes I have seen bugs in windows, I have installed every version since windows 286, and in total in the area of a thousand installs or maybe more ;)

    And real windows bugs has been rare.
  • 0
    @Voxera The amount of installs performed means nothing. That's like saying "100 thousand Americans can't be wrong" or "I have 30 years of experience".

    The bugs I mentioned have to do with Windows, more specifically with the GWT core process and the way it messes up its own thumbnail cache, the way it stores its values and rights in the registry hive and so on.
  • 0
    @CaptainRant what I meant was that I have specifically worked with installing windows on all kinds of hardware and rarely (not never) found bug that is real windows bugs.

    You have apparently found one that you can recreate but what interests me then is what circumstances triggers it.

    It obviously is not something that triggers for most users so something seams to be different in your case.

    During all my installs, almost all such problem has been due to external causes.

    Also, if this now is down to a specific cache issue, it looks like one bug causing multiple different problems.

    The reason I asked to begin with is that I always want to identify the real cause, and if it had been hardware, blaming windows is not going to solve the problem :)

    And if it really is a windows bug, either there might be a fix you can apply, sometimes it just have not been generally rolled out.
  • 1
    @Voxera Hm, you remind me of myself; patient, analytical. Nice. :P
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