VSCode vs Atom ?

I prefer to use VSCode, it has so many features and i love the design !!

  • 6
    Vim master race
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    Bruh, it's a comparison aged 2015. Everything changed since then.
    There is no questioning the superiority of VSC over Atom.
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    @SortOfTested vim is also good but sometimes i need to refresh my eyes to debug the code πŸ˜„
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    Just use whatever gets you the biggest hard on. It's that simple lol
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    first time I used atom, was six years ago, at that time it couldn't open files larger than... I don't remember, some megabytes? since then I never touched that again.
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    These days its more VSCode vs native alternatives (like vim, Sublime or Notepad++). If you're not up for the vim learning curve then Sublime is a good choice because MS clearly had a look at Sublime when they developed VSCode. There are loads of plugins available and it does not run in a web browser.
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    Atom was the leader, until they attempted to include IDE extensions.

    From their it went down hill quickly becoming slow and painful to use, vsCode was born around this time with similar features / plugins and I jumped, the flexibility of being able to have multiple languages extensions available in a single editor without it crashing like a bitch is impressive.

    I don't need an IDE per language, I just need 1 editor for everything, large files (50MB+) are always a pain regardless of the editor, and vim wins here.

    These are usually large ass XML files that should have been a CSV
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    I use VSCode, there does not seem to be much of a reason to use Atom.
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    Atom is dead now because both of them are Microsoft and ms themselves chose vscode over atom
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    I prefer GTA V
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    VSCode is De Facto! 😎
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    VSCodium I'd say. More features and the fucking home-calling bullshit is stripped out.

    But I'd rather use NetBeans regardless.
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    Netbeans. Now there's a name I've not heard in a long, long time.
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    @SortOfTested Been using it as primary IDE for probably more than 5 years now :)
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    I'm aiming to meme myself into using vim, Emacs or something similar in the future
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    for me, VS code is a part of my life
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    @linuxxx Me too been using Netbeans since 2008. It is really a wonderful piece of software
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    VSCode Baby. Strong community. A lot of tools. Its Microsoft.
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    @themissingbrace I honestly thought u would end it with "shit" instead of "software".
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    @nelson VSCode and GitHub are the two best things that happened to Microsoft lately, IMO
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    @nelson Shit is synonym for Eclipse. That horrendous thing that so many people still use.
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    @themissingbrace I have no idea how NetBeans has evolved now. last time I used it was 10 yrs back. I'm not a big fan of IDE's, as I'm python-dev, but I remember Netbeans was much more advanced and bundled with lot of features than others back then.
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    @vintprox Yes. A lot of Github features are given to public, and Microsoft has moved towards open source. This was a good strategy to acquire user base, and then monetize using that user base.
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    Why not both.
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    Dude what year is it? πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

    But to be serious forget Atom

    Vscode from MS
    Atom from Github and who owns GithubπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
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    Dear Netbeans & Eclipse,
    from the bottom of our heart, we thank u for ur dedication so that we become experts in using vscode and friends πŸ‘€
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    I do like the UI of atom it’s just very visually pleasing (at least my config og it) but VS Code is my main.

    I am however trying to make the transition to VIM for some of the languages I’m using.
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    JetBrains > VSC. CHANGE MY MIND
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