Are their any application or communities which deals with mental health problems?

  • 0
    You can certainly @ me anytime if u need encouragement! :)
  • 0
  • 7
    @theabbie 👀I beg to differ, they can cause it too.
  • 8
    @theabbie thanks to your toxic comments you should reconsider living
  • 9
    @theabbie holy shit, you really are the absolute worst. I'm so sorry to everyone who encounters you.
  • 1
    @Elyz would you please elaborate what triggered you now?
  • 1
    @theabbie I’m not entirely sure if OP’s rant is meant to convey as a plead for help with depression/other mental health issues OR if they would be interested in topic related applications/communities for other reasons, e.g. thinking of developing such an app. It’s ambiguous and calls for clarification.
  • 1
    @100110111 So we should answer that, I did not say anything negative here, Internet is not a place to improve mental health.
  • 8
    @theabbie Wait hold up. You are seriously saying that if your mental help problems are caused by your family, it is **your** fault? Since when is victim blaming ok? How do you even get to this conclusion? Please explain your logic.

    The internet can help with mental health more than family is many cases. One might be in a family with someone like you!
  • 9
    @theabbie I'm not, just saying, not all families are "good"

    As for OP, depression is a problem you and only you can find the exit for.

    The most advice I can give you is to find something, doesn't matter what it is, that brings some sort of enjoyment back into your life.

    Yes it's a dark and lonely world when your in the depths of depression, and yes you may even have those thoughts of "fuck it, I'm done"... you know what I'm talking about, and no, that's not the answer to your problem, don't let it drive who you are and don't let it consume you, but instead kick it to the curb.

    Also, what ever is causing this, get rid of it. If it's family, fuck em off, I know I did, if it's a friend - well, are they?

    Actually, a question to ask yourself, "what is causing your depression?"

    Like anyone that's actually had depression, you'll never fully get rid of that feeling, sorry not going to sugar coat it, you'll just turn into a bitter old grumpy man like me 🤷‍♂️ but hey, it's not so bad, you'll learn to put these feelings to one side and ignore them with time.

    You won't solve this overnight, and no one would expect you too, but find that 1 thing you enjoy, be it drawing, be it reading, hell it can be lying in the grass and staring at the sky for all I care, just do it more regularly and remove the toxic source that's put you down, only then can you start to find your inner peace and slowly, but surely start your journey to normal life again.

    Ps: there was once a time I hit the depression train to the point I was suicidal, that was 20 years ago. I'm still here kicking this little voice in the mouth when it decides to speak up.
  • 4
    BeyondBlue and R U OK are two organization with some level of online help provided, but they don't help internationally as much ws they might like to.

    There was this one app, wysa, that helps for anxiety and subclinical depression.

    There are other forums and apps available. Folks will comment. Do a bit of research for local ones too.

    Good luck and I hope you feel ok.
  • 7
    On another note, how did mental health become depression?

    Wtf am I missing here @theAbbie?
  • 4
    @theabbie nope, it's a mood disorder. There are a lot of different types that fall under mental health.
  • 2
    @C0D4 Since I don't like to argue about things I don't know about, and haven't experienced, It was just my opinion, safely ignore it.
  • 2
    @wiki depression
  • 5
    @theabbie you're pathetic, stop making this thread about you. Also you do realise that spamming is a valid reason someone might downvote and/or report you, right?
  • 2
    @NoMad SAMHSA’s National Helpline, 1-800-662-HELP (4357), (also known as the Treatment Referral Routing Service) or TTY: 1-800-487-4889 is a confidential, free, 24-hour-a-day, 365-day-a-year, information service, in English and Spanish, for individuals and family members facing mental and/or substance use disorders. This service provides referrals to local treatment facilities, support groups, and community-based organizations. Callers can also order free publications and other information.
  • 4
    Welp, the bot ain't working as expected so:

  • 3
    @theabbie not the case. Your rants will be hidden when downvoted enough, yes. But comments still appear with a negative score.
  • 2
    Downvote options: "Offensive/Spam"

    Also used for trolls.
  • 4
    @sydbaret, before this goes into the pits of argument between these folks, what are you chasing and why? For contextual reasons as "mental health" is a broad topic.
  • 5
    Not offensive, more of a spam.

    You know, like when someone's talking shit with zero knowledge of the topic. (mental health in this case)

    Wait, doesn't this seem familiar? 🤔🤔
  • 0
    So we are back in the old days
  • 6
    Unlike OP, some people refuse to change and/or seek help. Some people, unlike OP, want to spread their issues and are toxic. Some people, refuse to see that their mental health affects people around them and their interactions with people around them.

    I'd say if OP is seeking help, good for them! All the power to them!
  • 2
    I used to volunteer for IMAlive, which is an online crisis chat line. It’s been long enough that I sadly can’t remember the resources we used to point people to. I hope the resources already mentioned here are useful to you.
  • 3
    If you think you need one, see a psychologist. Online communities are awesome, but not so much for health issues of any kind... And when you do find a psychologist, use the first couple of sessions to gauge whether you can open up to them. If not, consider if it's necessary to find a different one. I've talked to hundreds of them over the course of about a decade and while most of them turned out alright, not all of them are a good match. But they are generally what I'd consider the best option for professional help like that.

    Good luck! :)
  • 1
    r/SelfImprovement like @F1973 mentioned is kinda my go-to.

    Nice people there.
  • 0
    @r20408e122449d My pleasure
  • 4
    @theabbie and absolutely no one else’s.
  • 1
    @100110111 If someone's presence is bothering you online, you have failed the first criteria to be fit to use the internet.
  • 4
    @theabbie I was using the internet before you were born. Your generation fails to understand it’s perfectly ok not to be a troll and ruin the internet communities for everyone else
  • 0
    @100110111 and your generation needs to understand what trolling means, people who are filled with unnecessary ego will see everyone as a troll who doesn't agree with them.
  • 1
    @r20408e122449d couldn’t resist
  • 3
    @theabbie no boyo, you are nothing but a troll. Everyone but you knows it. Don’t know why I feed you. Mb I’m bit of a masochist...
  • 0
    Just a Reminder as to who started this Argument
  • 1
    @100110111 You just proved my point, don't agree with something, call them a troll, become fake victims just as to avoid giving valid arguments.
  • 1
  • 0
    @100110111 Fine, no point in arguing with someone who can't handle truth.
  • 5
    @theabbie ironic for you in particular to be talking about "unnecessary ego".
  • 0
    @Elyz Everyone on DevRant seems to have one, very useless thing to have when you lack any arguments.
  • 1
    @theabbie and you are the living proof.
  • 2
    @theabbie It's not just about if you have the same opinion or not. It's about attitude and behaviour.
  • 0
    @100110111 Your generation is also incapable of ending an argument.
  • 0
    @bakk And people here lack it, especially when dealing with something they don't agree with.
  • 3
    @theabbie you're the one who keeps droning on yet he's the one who can't end an argument? Ok, bud 🤭
  • 2
    @theabbie Again, if you think it's all just because of differing opinions you need to think again.
  • 0
    @Elyz I always comment in a motive to not get a reply as to end an argument, argument doesn't lead anywhere, people here are too mature to understand this basic thing.
  • 3
    @theabbie ”too mature to understand” - wait what?
  • 2
    @theabbie you try to end an argument by replying to someone? That's.. not how anything works. I'm sorry you were dropped on your head as a child.
  • 0
    @bakk Isn't it? In this rant, I just said that internet isn't a place to fix mental health, which is true, and some people took it personally, Bad attitude is a result of ego, people here are filthed with that.
  • 1
    @100110111 😂😂😂😂😂
  • 4
    @theabbie do you really miss the presence of mind that a thread about depression is not one to hijack with bullshit arguments like this?
  • 5
    @theabbie no mate, that’s not what got ppl riled up. You could try working on your reading comprehension if you didn’t get what got us into this shitshow. I am sorry you are allowed to the internet.
  • 0
    @Elyz It's an Ending note, a conclusion, when the person replies to that, it means they are open for an argument, which is their problem, and they need to be taught that they can be wrong.
  • 0
    @100110111 People who claim to be Mature lack these basic skills.
  • 4
    @theabbie ever considered, perhaps *you* are the one who's wrong? Might try to think of things from that perspective sometime. It could teach you something.
  • 0
    @Condor "OP isn't depressed", I was told this here
  • 0
    @Elyz And if you are not able to prove something wrong, you can't claim it. Can you prove that internet is a place to fix mental health?
  • 3
    @Condor well, to be more precise, the thread was about mental health in general, not necessarily depression
  • 3
    @theabbie point to the comment by me where I made that claim, please and thanks. You're trying to derail because you don't know what to say. It's okay bud, communication is hard.
  • 1
    @100110111 ah, fair point :)
  • 0
    @Elyz You said I'm wrong here, then prove it.
  • 3
    @theabbie well you said you wanted to prove someone else can be wrong... go figure how you’d get anything like that done.
  • 4
    @theabbie I merely said you could benefit from occasionally considering whether or not you might be wrong on something. I recommend incorporating that into your mindset. It'd make you less insufferable I'm sure.
  • 5
    That is certainly not the only thing you said. You also said this: "I said that if your family is the cause of your mental health, you need to reconsider your choices in life.... Mental health is nobody's fault".

    "you need to reconsider your choices in life" this really makes it sound like victim blaming. In this scenario, it's really not their "choices in life" that is the problem. It's their family, which is not something they chose.

    "Mental health is nobody's fault" and this makes it sound like eg. abusive family members are not at fault. They are.

    It's just disrespectful. Anyway, I do agree that the internet is not the best place for improving mental health, but that the same time it can be incredibly valuable to be able to interact with people that experience similar things to you. Especially when you have no one else to talk to about it.
  • 0
    @100110111 In this particular rant, I didn't want to prove anyone wrong, people here wanted to prove me wrong, so, it's there job to search for arguments. If they can't, they should not blame their incompetence on me being a troll.
  • 4
    @theabbie shall I remind you if some of your first rants where you were proven wrong by the very first commenter and yet the thread went on for hilariously long where you were refusing to credit valid arguments and insisting you were right?
  • 0
    @Elyz If that's how arguments work, both parties would consider their points to be false. It won't lead anywhere.

    I agree that considering that perspective is a good thing in a long term, but you can be confident about your argument as it shows that you don't change parties based on comfort zone.
  • 5
    @theabbie yes, sounds like a brilliant idea to cling to your ideas when you're wrong. That'll get you a lot of friends. In the interest of teaching the youth, here's how you end an argument: I hope your day is as delightful as you are, goodbye.
  • 5
    @theabbie We're not just "arguing" because we disagree with what you said. It's because what you said can be interpreted as something quite disrespectful and harmful.
  • 4
    @theabbie also, this is about your blatant disregard of other individuals and a toxic comment you made early on that could’ve driven someone on the edge to suicide. I couldn’t just stand by and watch that happen, if there was anything I could do about it.
  • 0
    @100110111 That was not an argument, it was a question on why JS is hated, and the extended argument yielded some good points which I agree with now.

    The Apple Rant is an example of my mistakes. I agree, but you can't consider that forever. If a comment made by me is creating a Bias in your opinion, you will never make valid arguments. consider that the argument was made by any random person and then reply. that'd be better for all of us.
  • 3
    @theabbie you’re not acting any better or argumenting any better here and now...
  • 0
    @Elyz Goodbye, maybe I would try this perspective
  • 0
    @100110111 Like what, "If your family is causing bad mental health, you need to reconsider things", what I meant was that you should reconsider various decisions. Yeah, family can be wrong, but we are not supposed to assume that.
  • 5
    @theabbie Whether or not Op is depressed, this thread was initially about asking the DevRant community for resources on mental health. Your assertion that the internet is not the place for such resources is a poor one given that the internet is a conglomeration of people and resources from around the world, providing access to information that generations before us could never have dreamed accessible.

    Your assertion that you say things so as to have the last word is telling. I imagine you've gone through life believing you've "won" arguments simply because the people "arguing" with you have grown exhausted by how impossible you are to communicate with, which has contributed to your overly high opinion of yourself.

    Stop hijacking threads and making them about you. That's what people take umbrage with.

    Most people, when seeing someone ask for resources for mental health, react with compassion. Instead, you seem to react with dismissal. I suggest you learn to just not comment.
  • -1
    @100110111 People are not reacting any better too.
  • 3
    I wonder how many comments this rant will get just because it's so difficult to stop arguing and move on. A thread on the internet? It's free real estate!

    @theabbie pro tip: just let it go. Especially on a thread like this.
  • 3
    @theabbie if you cannot comprehend how... for the lack of better words: FUCKING MORONIC your comment was, you do not deserve to live. Goodbye, I hope you don’t see a tomorrow.
  • 0
    @Condor Don't you think they should've simply downvoted if it was so harmful?
  • 1
    @100110111 That's so polite of you, thank you.
  • 4
    @theabbie "Yeah, family can be wrong, but we are not supposed to assume that." family can be as wrong as anyone. Being in a family doesn't suddenly make you a decent person if you're not one. Family can be wrong. We're not supposed to assume they are, but we aren't supposed to assume they aren't either.
  • 4
    @theabbie If your alternate opinion to someone asking for something is that they shouldn’t ask for it, your opinion contributes nothing to the discussion and you would be better served to keep it to yourself.
  • -1
    @bakk And that should be figured out by the person himself, advice from people online is never a good idea. Though OP wasn't asking for advice, it turned out, everyone was giving him advice.
  • 5
    @theabbie It's not just about figuring out what's wrong, it's about improving the situation, which can be an incredibly difficult thing to do. Someone simply asked for a place that deals with mental health problems, and you completely dismissed the idea that someone may need help with that in other ways.

    I might have missed something, but "Though OP wasn't asking for advice, it turned out" when did OP say this? Huh.

    Your comments were disrespectful to warrant a reply.
  • 4
    @theabbie People provided what they asked for, and discussed mental health a bit. Then you came along...
  • 3
    Wow, I thought this cancer wouldn't happen again.
  • 4
    @Ranchonyx can’t beat cancer it seems
  • 5
    @100110111 buddy, are you ok? You lost it for a second up there. Is he stressing you out so bad? It's ok, you don't have to fight alone. I for one had a mental breakdown because of him, so I kinda get it. But you're not alone. Try to reduce your stress, because we like you and don't want you to suffer. 😉
  • 5
    @NoMad I’ll cease to suffer when I die. But I’m fine hennie
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