Youtube has become an ad infested shitfest.

That is all.

  • 4
    Youtube was always an ad infested cesspool. It's just now exceeded your tolerance for that sort of thing.
  • 16
    This rant is sponsored by raid shadow legends
  • 2
    I wouldn't really mind the ads if more profit landed in the youtubers pockets.. The worse thing about the current state is that it seems a constant fight between youtubers and the YouTube algorithm forcing them to implement really irritating and stupid formats to keep their head above water.
    Ive seen multiple channels creating a secondary one: the primary one follows the obnoxious algorithm format and generates income and the secondary one has the good content but not a lot of views per video because they don't fit the algorithm
  • 3

    Also, the sponsors.

    I don't mind a tech channel recommending a brand of CPU coolers, or a carpenter/DIY channel mentioning they're partnered with a certain brand of table saw.

    But VPN provider ads in their current form should be illegal, their security promises are misleading at best, malicious at worst. And mobile game sponsors... well just fuck all of them.
  • 0
    I find the censorship of second thought's latest videos especially infuriating!
    "Americas Police Problem" and "The CIA is a terrorist organisation" getting age restricted and shadow banned. Thou the shadow ban seems to have disappeared after public outrage.
  • 0
    @bittersweet so true lol
  • 0
    @bittersweet now that I think of it: how about that new feature of simply pushing x ads per y minutes in a video without giving the uploader a choice? I liked it that the uploaders themselves had the control over their videos :(
  • 2

    I understand it from a "YouTube must become profitable" kind of perspective, but it does feel like what is known among consumers as "a dick move".

    There's a bit of an issue that YouTube actually profits from an developer publishing a Python tutorial video with a pre-roll laundry detergent clip, but not from pro tech blog doing a feature of a new graphics card directly sponsored by Asus product placement.

    I think in the end it would actually be fairest if (above x views) the channel would pay hosting fees. They can nullify those hosting fees by monetizing with pre/mid/postroll ads through Google, by accepting external sponsorships & embedded promotions, or through funding such as superchat/patreon/paid subs.

    You can run a fully ad-free channel, if you have great merch or make content which motivates viewers to become donors.

    The reality is that hosting costs money, and YouTube is a hosting provider — or should act like one, in my opinion.

    Google is an ad company, but on YouTube, ads should be offered as an optional service to the content creator —as a worry-free method to automatically pay for their video hosting costs.
  • 2
    I'm not against the ads, I'm against YouTube running ads and not paying small CC's even a bloody dime for it :^)
  • 1
    @NEMESISprj I also think that by decoupling "paid hosting for your videos" from "earn money through ads", YouTube could operate more ethically in terms of recommendations.

    If video hosting is paid for by the creator, YouTube has to be less concerned with shoving baity/trending crap down your throat — to YouTube, you're just as valued a customer whether you watch a VPN-sponsored guitarist do some silly cover, a patreon-funded programming tutorial series, or a Google-monetized terrorist promotional.
  • 1
    @SortOfTested They are now trying to show 3 ads before each video. 1 is bad enough. So yeah, its just become garbage.
  • 2
    YouTube was the only place that got better ads when it was filled with political ads
  • 1
    @jeeper I am officially nominating you for "comment of the year".
  • 0
    ublock origin and the right arrow key to the rescue
  • 2
    The worst ad has to be YouTube Premium
  • 3
    I'm using uBlock Origin on desktop and Brave browser on my phone. Forgot ads existed. Vanced is an option if your phone is rooted.
  • 3
    @Sirin I tried ublock. Praise JesusScript! That is some good magic!
  • 0
    why dont you just crawl youtube, download all the videos to a raspberry pi and install a webserver to stream them in ur house ?
  • 1
    Youtube Vanced now supports the sponsor.ajay.app sponsor blocking API and the like. Now, TRULY, youtube vanced is an ad-free youtube experience!
  • 0
    @Sirin you don't need to be rooted to use Vanced
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