Guys .... What you say about this when YOUR SENIOR do this....

  • 18
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    @NEMESISprj oh boy ... You ok?
  • 11
    @johnmelodyme yes, because my senior doesn't do this :)
  • 17
    That he is not senior
  • 14
    What's that even for I ask?
  • 2
    Because the senior is checking who will post this rant-bait ...
  • 0
    @r20408e122449d well, I think I'd write this in a small one-time script. I gotta use many strings and many iterators but I don't wanna have to think about how to name my variables
  • 12
    Mate this literally gave me cancer. Im in the hospital right now.
  • 4
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    Get the fuck out of my code and never come near it again.

    Course my workplace is really strong on even new just out of college devs have something to contribute so listen.

    Then I'd go drop Clean Code book on his head.
  • 0
    @lynkfox cool cool... 😂
  • 0
    Did that iii shit in my personal code 😁
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    @JustThat omg hahah
  • 3
    Reminds me of a colleague who used to write Boolean variables like

    Bool isTrue = false;
  • 0
    What are you talking about? That's the standard best practice way of naming variables.

    Everyone who doesn't do this is an inexperienced junior that doesn't know better -_-

    Srsly, learn to code LOL111 RTFM, UTFG!
  • 7
    Hack his PC and rename all his files to file, _file, __file, ___file and so on.
  • 2
    Delete his branch and revoke his repository rights
  • 1
    He’s a senior bc the company gave him that title, that’s about it
  • 2
    @v-vp that sounds the most evil thing we can do....hahahaha
  • 0
    @v-vp better: run a script which would recursively rename EVERYTHING to `_directory` and `_file` according to alphanumeric order of original names.
  • 0
    bruH what the sh
  • 7
    It annoys me that the third variable called __String has a capital letter, and that the underscores aren't increasing with one at a time.

    Other than that, A+ code.
  • 0
    Does this even compile? Missing semicolons after the first two lines
  • 0
    I like that the third string has capital S. That makes it easier to keep them apart 😂
  • 2
    Beat him to death with Clean Code
  • 1
    @iiii and your fucking username.
  • 1
    @YADU it's that way only because 4 characters is the minimum.
  • 0
    @geneticCode now he knows his nickname.
  • 1
    My previous employer did so many horrible things to me. But atleast they were prudent to nip bad practices in the bud. Variable names which one didnt understand in the first look and constants with no explanation awarded us a public humiliation. Dont know whether to think the means was too much or was necessary seeing all these things.
  • 0
    Look at me. I am the senior now.
  • 1
    First thing I do is understand why so many ID murder show murders happen.

    Second thing, consider becoming an ID murder show murderer.
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