Y'all know when you first hear about interrupts? Maybe on an arduino or something when you're just getting started and learning?

Yea after suffering enough trying to get ISRs running on an x86 just to get keyboard input going, I can safely and securely confirm it's all going downhill.

I love you all.

  • 6
    Interrupts are really fun. Especially when you have to transfer data from the interrupt to the main application where you can't use locks.
  • 2
    I remember writing a gui for dos. Handled all the interrupts for keyboard and mouse. Does DOS do any abstraction? I cannot remember.
  • 2
    @Fast-Nop Look at it the other way round. Interrupts (exceptions in general) are very difficult to implement well especially with modern processors that prefetch and speculate like crazy - the hardware needs to run them transparently, without breaking "normal" code (for eg. It's one big reason why you have a reorder buffer in most processors for inorder commit and can't commit out of order, so that you get precise exceptions/interrupts because you can track speculative state easily (the other big reason being speculative branches)). Hardware does all this to provide you a simple abstraction for handling exceptional circumstances that don't belong to normal code flow i.e. it's a much simplified and shielded layer over something extremely complex :p

    Y'all SW types have it easy :p

    (Don't mind me, just struggled a lot with this recently)
  • 0
    this place smells like dead people.
  • 2
  • 1
    Intrrrupts are normal way of execution in embedded, you high level peasants!
  • 0
    @aviophile pretty sure they're the way hardware works period via a cpu
  • 0
    if i could just be in a quiet fucking environment for 2 fucking minutes. jesus. i hate these fucking people so fucking much making their kids cry intentionally for each others benefits or just making fucking noise or driving around aimlessly just to keep everything fucking consistent.

    and on that note we should all have budgets carved out for transportation to keep the fucking traffic down and make clean mass transit options free !
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