Where should be my next job move?

1. United States of America
2. United Kingdom
3. European Union

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    Have you considered Mars?
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    UK are a bunch of twats.

    My opinion might have deteriorated recently...
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    Ah yes the homogenous united country, european union
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    Russia or Australia, and whatever you do, don't go to Florida. trust me.
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    Europe ≠ European Union ๐Ÿ˜‰
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    Not the US.
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    I'd go #3 if I could, shame the twats here have slammed that door shut.
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    @Cyanide that shit is boring.

    @atheist lol you sound like a frustrated brit.

    @yellow-dog still better functioning then rest of the world.

    @meowlikethunder quite some suggestion there.

    @PonySlaystation oh yes. But majority of places worth moving to are part of the Union.

    @Ranchonyx I feel the same, maybe start with the UK and move to EU?

    @ostream aye bro. Netherlands and Belgium are top on my list. How's the tech scene there?

    @Root hahaha I'd ask why!??

    @nibor another Brit in the thread? Why do you want to escape UK?
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    @Floydimus I’d tell you to listen to recent politics, look at the crime and violence stats, racial and political tensions, inflation, and the consumer sentiment index.
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    I’d say EU, because there’s more countries you can move to.

    I wouldn’t come to the UK
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    @ostream what happened to Indonesian food then? Not bamischijfjes from vending machines but actual cooked food. Another thought: when Germans travel to Netherlands, first thing they do is order friet and kibbeling, right? So someone still seems to enjoy it at least...
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    I still love Europe, and I still enjoy a lot about Germany, my home country, but I hesitate to recommend moving to Germany. Especially after this years' election rallies and scandals, I think we are not much better than the Brits, we only know to hide it better and show off a nice front yard garden no matter what is hidden inside our home.
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    @Root US is world's laughing stock but you guys surely got good money. Ofc money isn't the factor at all for me. Also WLB sucks because of labour exploitation. It's very low on my list (like unless I am force to go).

    @TrevorTheRat I agree. A lot of free internal movement could be feasible.

    @ostream hah! Makes sense. Since I am a vegetarian (and eventually open up to try non-vegetarian), everything is new for me.

    @fraktalisman I wish I was born a European.
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    Mother Russia
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    @Wizard1997 holy fuck! Didn't expect that.

    I LOVE IRAN. If I could, I'd be there for my next trip.
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    Last night, at 11pm, I was queueing in a big line of cars and vans trying to get some petrol from one of the few petrol stations in SE England that are still open. That's just one reason why I'd leave if I could. Another is IR35 shafting contractors.
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    @nibor what's with petrol now? What's IR35?

    @Nanos lol it ain't an easy decision and we have the trade offs. Asia and Americas are not the options I'd want to consider. I am already from India though.
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    It's cold but nice people and good pay.
    If I ever move its on top of my list
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    @GyroGearloose not keen on Americas. They are far from home and I don't like the culture there.
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    Well... Canada culture is the complete opposite of any other merica country :p
    I do not suggest my country, Portugal, unless you get a well paid contract before comming...
    Most companies pay less and less, even on specialized work
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    @GyroGearloose I had Volkswagen Lisbon made me an offer but they paid crazy low.

    I got a gig in India paying same amount and relatively less taxes and CoL here than in Lisbon.

    So had to pass that one.

    I know Canada is different but for me it's way too cold (and funnily I'd prefer Mediterranean). So culture is just one aspect, I just don't like North America.
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    I used to work in the US. Money aside it was horrible and I'm glad I left.
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    @ars1 what all aspects were horrible?
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    Ya... Minimum wage in Portugal is 650€ and we pay more taxes then most countries....
    Only positive remarks is the weather and we were considered the less violent country to live...
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    And ya... Muricas are crazy... One of the few countries that still as catholic based extremism...
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    @GyroGearloose doesn't paying more taxes suck? How's Portugal otherwise?

    One of my Indian origin friends is Portugese national by birth and I have heard Portugal giving away citizenship quite easily.

    Maybe a simpler way to become an EU national eh!

    Murica is a random pile of crap in my opinion. Only good thing about it is nothing. Unless I am forced, I'll prefer to stay in India, a shithole, than go to the US.

    And this has got to do more with their politics and concept of freedom and healthcare than anything culturally.
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    @GyroGearloose They're Christian, rather than Catholic. Same shit to me, but I'm sure that to them the difference matters.

    @Floydimus There are good things of course. Technology and science are fantastic. The bad things are way too many to list. To name only 1, everyone hates each other due to a bunch of dumb tribalistic bullshit. Add to this a country with more guns than people, and you can figure out what happens next. I lost count on the amount of massacres that were done because the victims were part of X group, including mine.

    That's just me though, I'm sure plenty of people can put up with the problems while enjoying the benefits.
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    im iranian and i live in iran.
    trust me you never like to be in iran, because iran regym It is terrible and it is a dictatorial regime.
    I will do my best to escape from Iran in any way possible.
    iran is very very Beautiful place, and its have good people But it is ruled by a corrupt regime that oppresses the people in the worst possible way.
    In short, Iran is on the verge of a revolution.
    Death to the corrupt regime of Iran.
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    So... We have one of the lowest wages in EU, we pay more taxes, so even less money for us...
    On the other hand its one of the best countries to emigrate. Almost everyone speaks English, we're very friendly (for the most part), we're one of the few countries that acept refugies and have jobs for them...
    Basicly in every Portuguese city thers groups of Indians, Chinese, paquistanese... And they all can get jobs...
    It's a bad country if you care about wages, specially if your a specialized worker.
    Oh and if you don't like corruption, we're the third most corrupt country in Europe. But it's mostly high level, normal citizens barely notice it.
    Low racism to...
    Were the most vaccinated country in Europe and were one of the few giving vaccines for free (our gov bought double to give to our former colonies).
    We also have so little negacionists that it's always the same two showing on TV.
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    @Wizard1997 unfortunaly the world is going to shit... With so many new dictators...
    But I've also heard that Iran is good for specialized work.
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    yes is a good country๐Ÿ’•, but when regime is corrupt๐Ÿคข And people are suffering๐Ÿ˜ข, you can't do any useful.๐Ÿ˜ญ

    and good to know, Iranian experts are all running away๐Ÿ˜ญ
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    @ostream We have better in Bavaria
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    Anywhere than my country. If you are not Malay you are low class citizen here. I suggest Singapore, high pay and open culture. And don't eat chewing gum there
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    @atheist the word "UK" in my country is an acronym for "you ok?".
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    @Root my friend work for one month in Ohio, And came back to Malaysia and told us that people there are retard. Flat earther everywhere in there and south east Asia are a big NOT welcome there. Is this true? ( I have never being to US , so I need to know)
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    @iiii bro in mother Russia he can't code or work but the computer code him instead ...
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    @Nanos 9 , yes!
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    @ars1 how was it?
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    I think you just described most countries...


    maybe you right and maybe all regimes is corrupt, but consider the previous iran regime was also corrupt and The situation at that time never was bad like that of Iran today.
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    @johnmelodyme Flat earthers? Probably not. Retards? Kinda. There are idiots everywhere, though. Here in the states, the bigger the city the more retards there are. Some more intelligent people too, of course, but the average IQ seems considerably lower. (I’m assuming this is true everywhere?)
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    @Root yea.... But I really wonder what made my friend quit his job and come back Malaysia crying .. ๐Ÿ˜…๐Ÿ˜…๐Ÿ˜…๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚
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    i don't any other words to say.
    and i just wish everyone live safety and happily.
    and i wish for @Floydimus so he can have best move.
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    @johnmelodyme Idk.
    Racism isn’t super common here, or at least it wasn’t.

    It was somewhat present in rural areas (almost exclusively older folks, and then towards the Japanese and Vietnamese due to the wars in their lifetimes), though now that’s getting pretty rare.

    iI’s much more common in the larger cities now. Maybe that’s why he left? I don’t know.
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    @Root hmmm..... I'm more curious now..
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    @johnmelodyme that's in Soviet Russia
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    People's inteligente is like money...
    1% is getting smarter, the rest is getting dumber.

    Also, I live in the country that had the longest fashist dictatorship... And it ends. It always ends.
    Best keep your head low...

    Thing about the US is what came out on Donald Duck's presidency... The rest of the world thinks most Americans are redneck racists that follow a guy named Q.

    Meh, just go to the country that pays the most. Thers always pros and cons everywhere
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    @Nanos depends on the place. In my country, trying to fix things gets you and your family killed and things stay the same.
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    @ars1 US has more problems than benefits to offer.

    @Wizard1997 political, a lot of the top places are equally fucked.

    I admire Iranian courage to revolt against their corrupt regime. Unlike us, Indians, who are cowards and will accept anything thrown at them.

    I wish, my countrymen had a pinch of self awareness to understand how much fucked they are.

    @GyroGearloose Except for money, Portugal seems good by how you explain it.

    @johnmelodyme lol everyone says the same. Every other country is better than mine. This 'grass is greener' mentality works because when in other country, one always has a fall back option of their home country so the host country can go down into hell fire and it wouldn't bother the immigrant. Also, the person might not even be affected any major or minor political happening.
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    Anyway, thank you all for the ideas and great discussion here.
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