
Teacher gave us the wrong specs for a project we had to do on 3 years, learned it 4 weeks before the final test ...

  • 1
    Oh god... How bad was it?
  • 0
    oh noo!
    tell us more please?
  • 2
    More ? The final test is in a week now, and the real specs are hard, i stoped sleep.. Have to do bad code for gainning time.. :(
  • 0
    @Jakuho what is it about? Maybe I can help you with some code :D
  • 0
    @nitaj96a haha this killed me. Nice one haha
  • 0
    Are you suppose to code for 3 years?

    Niagara Falls!
  • 1
    Haha yes clearly possible to do this in a year intead of 3 :) but it's group project, and you know you learn othing at school, so my colleagues are useless :/
  • 1
    @jstaiyou haha thanks but i prefer finishing this one alone, maybe on another personnal project or on one of you, keep in touch :)
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