Curious interview process for a job I was denied for. I was told to create an app for a "case study" I was given a week it was supposed to be a single activity sports app written in MVVM with a specific API. I turned in a single activity, 3 fragment application, that made queries and displayed results from that specific API as well as told the weather and in quirky quotes told you whether or not it was a good idea to go tailgating. When I got to the interview after turning it in a day early they said they loved the application, hounded me on code (all questions in which I answered) and they told me that I would get word on next steps within the next few days. Obviously I didn't get that job as earlier stated however, does this not seem weird?

  • 7
    Free app for them I guess?
  • 3
    Case studies are a huge waste of time.

    However, if it's a company I want to work for and seems good then I do it.

    If the case study is around the company product then it usually is a crowd sourcing of ideas.

    If they legit want to test you, they should pick some other products as a case study.
  • 0
    Did they why they denied?
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