Does anybody here recognize such a weird data format? I've never seen anything like this

  • 4
    After further inspection it looks like the bastard son of a JSON. It looks like every field is made like this


    Where <type> can seemingly be either
    - a: object
    - s: string
    - i: integer

    <length>, for an object, means how many key-value pairs it contains, whereas for a string it means the amount of characters; the integer field doesn't use this value at all

    <value> is, of course, value

    I know this is being used by some PHP application, but honestly I can't figure out if this structure comes from a library or it's custom code.
  • 6
    Sounds like a human readable representation of bson or messagepack or something.
  • 0
    I think "a" states for "array" not "object". In any case I don't think is a widespread format. Maybe a proprietary one?
  • 1
    @davide it would stand to reason that "a" means array... but that's very clearly a dictionary. The amount of values it holds is 4, not 8, and that means it's working with key-value pairs
  • 12
  • 4
    @IntrusionCM beat me to it.

    if it's php this would make sense, just unserialize() and it will go back to an array.

    If it's not php, Welp. Good luck.
  • 3
    @C0D4 I think it's a neat, nice and lean format.

    Types are included and it's pretty straightforward.

    Best: It's not XML or untyped as in JSON.
  • 3
    Looks like serialized php to me too
  • 0
    Well, the owner of this site is unserializing my user input.

    And oh, such bad practice does, it does,
    demand, that I... be naughty
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