
"If you want to be a good developer then be good at one programming language." - I don't know why but I do not agree with this.

  • 2
    It doesn't hurt to know more languages and the language used should depend on the project.
  • 5
    And when you're good at that one, get good at another one.
  • 6
    I think the language used should be the one(s) you feel comfortable with but remember to never be afraid to step out of the comfort-zone for a bit to at least try something new and possibly better. Fuck a projects best use-case you are the consumer of languages, you drive what is best known as a standard. Code with the tools and languages you love and all your dreams will come true ☄🌝☄

    ...or you could end up homeless, selling handjobs on the corner; fuck if I know 🙃
  • 9
    We had a couple of guys from Capital One's tech dev team come in to give a talk a couple of weeks back and they gave some advice about this that really stuck with me.

    They said that if you visualise your knowledge it should be shaped like a capital 'T' - that is, you should have a broad range of knowledge about different technologies and know one thing really, really well. This applies particularly well to web dev, but I feel it's pretty relevant to other parts of the industry as well.
  • 7
    Master few, be confident in many,
    And know when to use the right one for the project at hand.
  • 1
    Just be good at what are you doing.
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