
People who write Rust are just not smart enough for C++

  • 8
    How dare you, we will start a riot over this.
  • 11
    @electrineer oh no, please don't. Spread love! I can't imagine Rust developers rioting, else they would've riot against the terrible syntax
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    Can confirm, I did a bit of C++ and was horrified. I later gained interest in Rust.
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    @electrineer heh, reminded me about this: https://youtu.be/dQw4w9WgXcQ

    (don't forget to subscribe to his channel for more what-is-wrong-with-Rust stuff)
  • 6
    Yeah, Rust is basically easy mode for people who are too lazy to debug memory management bugs and are too chicken to risk juicy RCEs.

    Lazy cowards!
  • 1
    @Oktokolo yeah, exactly /s
  • 8
    People who write C++ are not smart enough to write Assembly.
  • 5
    @latisfeire I started out with assembler because I couldn't afford a C compiler. They used to be like $500 in the early 90s. Then I was able to buy Turbo C++ for $50 in the late 90s. I spent thousands of hours with that in DOS. Fun times learning.
  • 5
    @latisfeire People who write assembly are not smart enough to write code in binary bits.
  • 5
    @Sid2006 people writing bits are not smart enough to program using a magnetic needle
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    @retoor People who write code using Magnetic needles aren't smart enough to write code in Rust.

    There, I completed the circle lmao 🤣
  • 8
    @Sid2006 people who write Rust are not smart enough to write Rust
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    @retoor haha 😂😂😂
  • 4
    @Sid2006 reduce(|a, b| a.or(b).boxed())

    What the actual..
  • 1
    @retoor what even...
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    @Ranchonyx sie wilst mich toten nochmalls? (I bet my German is better than your Dutch :D)
  • 1
    @retoor I'm doubtful of that.

    I grew up and live in a rural region where the older people speak Plattdietsch, basically flat German. My local dialect is/was similar to dutch hence why I can at least understand a bit.

    Speaking it hurts my tongue, genuinely. At most I can vocalise some dutch-sounding noises.

    To correct your sentence "Sie wilst mich toten nochmalls?":

    Generally speaking it's understandable.
    Since German just has to be a pain in the arse for any non-native speakers it's "Wollen Sie mich nochmals töten?"

    Also, no, I do not. I was inquiring about the disgusting syntax example you gave.
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    @retoor as a matter of fact, i have written a whole game engine in C++11 before switching to Rust, how 'bout that?
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    @thebiochemic that's impressive
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    @thebiochemic then the question is why did you become stupid
  • 2
    @electrineer template error message burnout. It happens.
  • 1
    @electrineer what do you mean? I have roughly the same speed in developing stuff in C++ vs Rust.

    I like both languages personally. But rust is just a more comfortable overall package for me to write and build with.
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    @Demolishun naaah templates are fine, enjoyed working with 'em
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    Note: it's not an insult. Only you choose if you want to be C++ guru or solve something practical.
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