We are in 2017! :)

  • 73
    Nope still 2010. Not enough options on this one.
  • 38
    We need a multidimensional slider.
  • 5
  • 11
    So... Midle is? Shemale? Bisexual? Hermafrodite?
  • 1
    @RodrigoF double trap!
  • 28
    On a related note, would it be more acceptable to simply ask "are your bits dangly?" ?

    (Please don't take this as an attempt at being offensive, I'm just feeling really old and unable to keep up with the valid options for this question anymore.)
  • 15
    It's 2017. Give this damn thing a little css, please! It hurts xD
  • 2
  • 20
    Did you just assume my gender range? I'm appalled.
  • 5

    I very much want to add this to my game as an easter egg xD
  • 1

    Send helicopter image over telegram..? @TheCyaniteproject
  • 1
    @GodHatesMe why did you change your name, Jase?
  • 1
    @GodHatesMe lol! It's a pretty cool name though
  • 3
    I identify as a Challenger 2 main battle tank and your Apache helicopter offends me.
  • 24
    It's kind of weird that EVERYONE here is thinking of *more* input options, while NO ONE seems to be thinking of the obvious solution:

    No input.

    Why does an application or service need to know what your genitals look like?
  • 8
    @bittersweet you sir, understood the whole debate
  • 21
    @bittersweet so they can pay women less of course.
  • 3
    The slider seems interesting.. rate how much you feel male-ly or female-ly....
  • 1
  • 2
  • 6
  • 6
    No attack helicopter? Triggered
  • 2
    And it should be an option with the leyend: why do you want to know that? And an angry face
  • 3
    This is so accurate 😂
  • 2
    @JohnnyMuen finally someone with some decency, who has accommodated my personally identifiable gender of AH-64 Apache Attack Helicopter.
  • 5
    How many genders are their ?
    3)too many
  • 2
    Is this where you sign up for specific gender related newsletter updates????
  • 11
    What do the Twin Towers and genders have in common? There used to be 2, now they are a sensitive topic.
  • 1
    This is epic
  • 3
    I see people calling out the lack of an X-axis, but where's the Z axis? Some genders go way deeper than others.
  • 2
    @wizzzard we need a way to display four dimensions on a 2 dimensional display.

    Oh, I know:
    Type in your gender:

    I like vectors xD
  • 0
    What if it only has 2 positions?
  • 2
    @wizzzard just a z-axis? We'll need a tensor (or a couple) to get this right.
  • 7
    In 2017 sex should be measured in complex numbers.
  • 8
    Why does the slider not go above 100% manlyness?

    *braids chest hair in anger*
  • 3
    @Noob As in, the only way I'm getting any is imaginary?
  • 1
    @d4ng3r0u5 As long as you can imagine it - it's real. <3
    @hawkes *triggered in testosteronian*
  • 2
    The gender spectrum to prevent triggered feminists
  • 8
    Shouldn't the options just be:
    - Male
    - Female
    - sqrt(-1)
  • 3
    @RodrigoF bisexual is a sexual identification not a gender.
  • 1
    I don't see Linux kernel...
  • 1
    Lmao I love it.

    On the real, that would be a great input for orientation.
  • 1
    What if it's gender-fluid non-linear you offensive asshole? Real genders have branches.
  • 2
    The only choice that actually matters:
    - Batman
    - Not Batman
  • 0
    What Program is that for ? Lol
  • 0
  • 4
    @redundandundant as someone who sexually identifies as the Penguin, I am offended.
  • 2
    @kwilliams For a penguin you have no chill.
  • 0
    @ZachRachedi not a penguin... The Penguin.
    So insensitive.
  • 2
  • 1
    Is anyone else curious what this actually affects?
  • 4
    @DeadInside Did you just gender-associate the color blue with male?! Pitchforks!!
  • 2
    @DeadInside THIS. THIS is what I need. I need that in my life.
  • 2
    Showed this to a woman just for laughs. Slightly offended, she pointed out that "male" was shown on top. "just for once can you put the woman first", she said.

    I suggested a spinning circle slider with proper naming instead. Think wheel of fortune with a stop button.
  • 1
    "Gender is a social construct"
  • 5
    @jackgreen The hand that's currently cradling my sweaty balls says otherwise.

    I'd like to say that gender-specific behavior is a social construct. But testosterone from said balls tells me otherwise.

    So I'll stick to the idea that preconception & discrimination are avoidable social constructs.

    The deviants with half-penises, brains which dose up on seeing the same gender in the nude, or worship platonically, I fucking love you all.

    As long as you use a dark editor theme.
  • 2
    @bittersweet using light color themes should be a crime.
  • 0
    I'd use the Bi slider
  • 0
    @jackgreen it is illegal where I live
  • 0
    @Hazen by assuming the tone of your words, seems like the one feeling something about it is you.
  • 0
    When bullshit tries to undermine science it makes me angry, true. Science is evidencebased, there are penises and vaginas.. When you say there are more because you think youre an Apache attack helicopter, you make it based in feelings, not evidence
  • 0
    @Hazen true that. But science also says that the genitalia don't necessarily define how do you feel like, how do you act like, how do wear like, how do you want others to address you, who are you attracted by, and so on. And I think that depending on the field, those "how"s give a much clearer insight about one's identity.

    You may say the also age gives incomplete information about one, but AFAIK nobody has been beaten or killed because too young or too old. That's why it's important to move forward from the binary concept of gender identity.
  • 0
    As someone who identifes as a toaster I'm offended.
  • 0
    Ha, priceless :) it’ll still offend some though as they’ll feel limited by the options presented :/
  • 0
    True but identity != gender
  • 0
    Just leave a text input...
  • 0
    Who posted that fucking bullshit on 9GAG?

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