
A coworker just died. He wasn't even 50.

Everyone make sure you're keeping your stress in check, and prioritizing your health. Go get that thing checked out you've been putting off.

This career is lucrative but it has its toll. Make sure you're taking time away.

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    I thought about making a "smoke weed" remark but nah, I shouldn't joke over anyone's death.

    Honestly, this is why I support WFH, it saves you from so much unnecessary annoyances, like getting up early, getting ready, traffic, office politics and other bullshit.

    We should push for more companies to offer WFH, honestly.
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    @SidTheITGuy he was WFH since the pandemic, so a little less BS the last 3 years or so
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    @lungdart oh well, I didn't know that. I was saying that from a perspective of minimal damage taken.

    WFH can be stressing as well. Ultimately if your boss is an asshole then nothing can really save you, whether it's the office or WFH
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    Boss is chill, just lots of unending work. Easy to stress over, and I'm sure he did a lot of it.

    Don't fall into that trap!
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    I fell sorry for you!

    Everyone make sure you're keeping your stress in check!
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    Lucky them
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    My condolences
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    May his Soul Rest In Peace 🙏

    High time we focused on our health and well-being
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    Sorry to hear. You really think stress got the best of him?
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    @SidTheITGuy WFH has been more stressful for me than going to the office.
    When I worked at the office, I left work at the office.
    With WFH, work is always just around the corner
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    @shovethisrant speedhack ftw
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    And now he has infinitely less problems. I see this as an absolute win
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    @Alexanderr not on him
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    i’m here for a good time not a long time
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    Wish i can also die and stop this pointless fucking suffering in this meaningless existence with no default purpose
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    Yea. Always terrifying when that happens. Hope the family and friends are handling it okay. Makes you realize what's really important
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    @b2plane oladi bre, biće sve ok!

    Eng: chill dude, everything's gonna be all right!
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    @Alexanderr exactly. Money is the only cure to ALL of my problems. Literally. I mean it. But im losing hope on if ill ever get money
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    @devJs nije normalno, i nije moralno, da zaradjujem 7k do 15k dolara godisnje, ponekad i 0, radeci ovako pretezak posao samo zato sto zivim u govno drzavi
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    Had a colleague who had a pre-existing heart condition. He had a cardiac incident while working, called an ambulance and continued working. When the paramedics said "you need to go to the hospital NOW", he said "wait, Lemme grab my laptop".

    He passed a couple of days later.

    I had mad respect for the man. Didn't deserve to go that way.
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    Bro you spoke my heart. I was feeling the same even after my company offered me an esops
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    @b2plane brate pa slažem se, nije ni normalno ni moralno. Ne znam kakav je odnos stranaca prema Srbiji što se tiče zapošljavanja izvana, al valjda se može nešto rješiti! Na nekoliko work from home poslova koje sam vidio u zadnje vrijeme devovi iz Srbije su bila validna opcija. De ostavi neki kontakt da ti pošaljem, ako ništa drugo barem stranice na koje možeš pogledati poslove izvana.
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    I can't afford to pay the $10k (this is after insurance) to get my head scanned. I probably have a tumor or something at this point, and I can barely function as a human being, but whatever. If it kills me at 24, I don't really care anymore. I've failed thus far to start any kind of life, and i'm probably the least interesting person you'll meet in a while.
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    @Parzi bro what do you think about your down death. Like how does to feel to know that you are dying soon.
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    @vvinu9876 exciting? i've been craving it since like age 12 but i've been too scared over the years to squeeze anything in my mouth, so
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    @Parzi 24 is too young to accomplish much. At 24 I was living off of mustard soup and magic mushrooms, with no future in sight.

    You don't need to pay the 10k, just go get the medical treatment and ignore the bills. That's what everyone else in America does.
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    @lungdart Did you have a job and a stack of less than 2000 job applications that didn't result in an interview? could you have been hired as a greeter at walmart, or a burger flipper, or a janitor at 24?
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    @Parzi worked at a call center for a few months then went on benefits for the rest of the year.

    2 dead parents, nobody to go home to. Living in my girlfriend's parents house unhappily. She eventually left me for some loser, which really stung.
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