
Anyone else burned out? I'm fucking burned out. Definitely taking a week off soon. That sort of makes it harder to get motivated though. I was humming along nicely with my new project, but got sidetracked fixing stupid shit in the legacy code and dealing with a moron in customer service, and I guess that kicked me off into a small depression. I feel like I should have worked harder in school, so that I could have gone into sales or something high paying, instead of "software engineering". With all the ass I've been kicking over the last year, I sure hope I get a raise soon.

  • 6
    Worked harder in school to get in sales? What the fuck. Sales people are the people we make fun about here
  • 3
    @retoor my bad, that was the joke. Seems like they do make a lot more money for a lot less effort though.
  • 2
    @nosoup4u possible the sales people are selling you. they've been known to do that, especially when a job is a sales job at a sales company...

    like you go to sketchy places selling ghettos security cameras and they come out with shotguns. you paid for the gas and they didn't even hire you so you're not getting paid anything for it kind of stories, so
  • 3
    I'm so burnt out I give faulty toasters a run for their fucking money. I made that stupid compiler and now my existence is numb, please LORD end my suffering, amen.
  • 4
    A week won't do. A burnout requires month(s?) of recovery. Sometimes - years.

    If a week is all you need - you're prolly just tired/exhausted
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    @nosoup4u I went out drinking with sales and very quickly they had one brain cell left and started to say weird things about his own sister. What a level, freaking amazing
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    @retoor sales se poes
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    @TheBeardedOne Ola poesicata
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    @netikras It's all I can get right now. Got bills, mortgage, can't just fuck off for half the year.
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    @jestdotty 100% they are selling a product that I am creating. I just wanted to make the observation, and I know this isn't unique.
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    getting there
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