
I updated git on my machine and set the default branch name to "massa".

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    What’s gonna happen now? I don’t get it
  • 3
    @Chewbanacas > "What’s gonna happen now? I don’t get it"

    A social justice warrior head just exploded. :)

    Search the intrawebs for 'github master branch controversy' for context
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    there's some insane software somewhere I wrote and I quite literally made a proxy plugin system in it (that powers the whole thing) I called master-slave

    it's sitting in the backroom at a company that has been wanting to sell it for like 8 years now

    stupid politics happened since then though. there was nothing wrong with master branch. now everybody is all confused
  • 6
    @PaperTrail oooooh
    I knew about the master controversy, which I find hilariously pathetic btw, but I didn’t know what Massa meant. That shits dark quite literally huehue
  • 5
    Reminds me of my old electronic circuits prof who would get visibly angry when students DIDN'T call the relationship master-slave and went so far as to dock marks from diagrams for doing so
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    @Chewbanacas > "I find hilariously pathetic"

    We had a SJW who, when all that was going on, commented that our all repos needed to be changed.

    J:"Sent you guys a link. We need to rename our branches. Using 'master' is now racist"


    J:"Seriously, if we don't, it will open up the company to lawsuits"

    <more laughs>

    Boss:"Lawsuits? From who? All our repos are internal and private"

    Me:"What is racist about the main branch labeled 'master'?"

    J:"Come on. It's racist"

    Boss:"I don't get it. Its a folder. How can folder be racist?"

    J:"It will offend anyone of color"

    Me:"Do we have folders named master? All my TFS migrations, I used main so I wouldn't have to change folder names"

    J:"They should have been labeled master, it was best practice, but I'm sure we have some out there"

    <I search all the repos>

    Me: "Huh? Only repos with 'master' are yours J. You've got 2"

    J:"OMG, thanks. I'll get those changed right away"
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    @PaperTrail I the history of thing which did not happen, this one didn't happen the most.
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    @Demolishun Mind upper/lower case !

    It might be racist now !

    Also, "Prod" and "prod" are different branches in GIZT and linux. But nopt on windows !!! It's cosidered same name and all hell broke lose. Just FYI. On windows, you are walking on egg shgells when working with git.
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    @NoToJavaScript > "this one didn't happen the most"

    I wish it didn't. When J pushed his SJW nonsense, hilarity ensued.

    For example, a dev mentioned trying to eat better and started buying from local farmer markets..

    J: "I never buy from those places. A lot of Amish and they don't pay taxes."

    <awkward silence>

    Dev: "Do taxes make the vegetables taste better?"

    J: "No, but since the Amish don't pay taxes like the rest of us, they are rich. They don't pay taxes on any of the baskets and furniture they sell either. A table costs hundreds of dollars and it's tax free."

    Dev: "So? How does that affect you?"

    J: "I'm just saying the Amish need to start paying their fair share like the rest of us."
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    @PaperTrail Oh now I get it, Social Justice Warrior.
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    like pasta or the brazilian slang?
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    @darksideofyay the way black people were negatively portrayed in old shows. Apparently they couldn't say the word "master" so they said "massa" instead.

    In essence I am poking fun and triggering SJWs. But apparently it is such an esoteric reference people probably don't get it.

    I didn't really change the default branch to massa though. I changed it to master. I also rarely create branches. I think this political attack the language garbage that is going it utter bullshit. So I make fun of it when I can.
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    @Demolishun the loud minority imo. These people are so weak mentally that they seek the feeling of being offended. This master branch thing is just one of the things GitHub did so the toddler stops the tantrum
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    @Demolishun > "I think this political attack the language garbage that is going it utter bullshit"

    I recently read (well, listened to on Audible) 1984. I knew it was written a long time ago, but didn't realize the liberals/socialists/left used it as their playbook all this time. Scary times we live in.
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    @PaperTrail especially now UK is arresting people for memes.
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    @PaperTrail I was just scrolling and lol'd

    o canadaaaa, our home and native laaaand,
    we stand for theeee

    evidently not
  • 2
    @jestdotty > "evidently not"

    I told my son to save emails they get from hospital administration regarding all the new words they are supposed to use now. It won't be long before the words change and they say+gaslight "We never told you to use this word, you must use that word now. It's always been that word. Always."

    For example, a nurse will be open to disciplinary action if they use 'Breast Feeding' instead the new phrase 'Chest Feeding'.

    A few nurses have already been 'dinged' for assuming patient gender. Its a crazy world out there.
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