Devrant guidelines update:
1. Just because you can post something doesn't mean you should.
2. Everyone should be treated fairly and with respect.
3. We should be looking for positives in people and rewarding those.
4. Share your rants in a non-polarizing way to help bring the community together.
5. Don't post anything about the word made from the first letter of the first four guidelines.

  • 4
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    Something something bitcoin
  • 13
    I intend to abide by guideline 2 by hating everyone equally.
  • 6
  • 5
    Fucking jews did this. Just follow the money
  • 3
    6. Internet Explorer was not only a bad browser, but an overused joke. There are a lot of IE-related posts already. It's time to stop.
  • 4
    7. Estrogen should be free.
  • 6
    8. devRant is not abandoned. There is still hope.

    9. F# is not superior to C# in any way, shape or form. It's not even hot anymore — learn Rust or JavaScript

    10. Object-oriented languages don't deserve promotion on devRant.

    11. R and Julia are a rare breed. Treat people who use those with a _lot_ of respect — we need more of them.

    12. Yii framework is filth that has no place on devRant.

    13. Open Source is good enough. Free Software is not the only way to go.

    14. Unique nicknames please!

    15. Ready or not, JavaScript is coming to your field, and it's out for blood.

    16. SOAP is an abomination. Stop using it.

    17. Intel and AMD clash is old enough too. Stop it.

    18. No more Apple hate!

    19. Sometimes, “I was wrong” is the most noble thing one can say.
  • 3
    But how else would I turn people into gay communists like it says on my liberal agenda? :(
  • 1
    @kiki R brings me PTSD.

    The library is good for math but the syntax is horrendous.
  • 2
    @mostr4am if it‘s good for math then horrendous syntax is a must!
  • 5
    About point 2:

    Respect has to be earned. If someone acts like a monkey on crack, it‘s completely fair to treat them without respect.
    Treating them with respect would be unfair to those who actually deserve respect.
  • 5
    @Lensflare I kinda disagree. How you treat others is a statement of your self-image. Don't get me wrong, respect has to be earned, but your default shouldn't be disrespect either.
  • 0
    @mostr4am extremism courts the petty and the dull. I don't think you have so much an agenda as a mood disorder.
  • 3
    @NoMad I agree. The default should be some amount of respect. You can lose that amount quickly and it should be possible to lose it.
    Otherwise you get those people tho respect everyone no matter how idiotic they are. And I disagree with this mentality.
  • 2
    @kiki I imagine you being the type of person that says - Leave the billion dollar company alone! They are trying the hardest they can.

    Apple doesn't get enough hate, how about that?
  • 0
    @NoMad default should be hate. always. What are we, software developers or spiritual leaders?

    We have to live up to the expectations of seniors being toxic, don't we?
  • 2
    Wouldn't it be awesome if a fight broke out right here in the comments section, a post about how we should we treating each other with respect?
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    @NoMad That's the spirit.
  • 2
    @SidTheITGuy 90% of the hate that Apple gets is by people who don’t even use Apple products (or services).
    And 90% of that can be boiled down to how overpriced the products are or how different macOS is to Windows.

    So yes, it definitely gets enough hate.
  • 0
    @kiki You know, I'm your biggest fan but point 11 is by far the gayest thing you've ever said. Did you ever try Julia yourself? It's like python had a stroke. Julia devs stay rare, I promise. Ok, I won't be too nice but just tolerate them, their life's are prolly hard enough already
  • 2
    @mostr4am `But how else would I turn people into gay communists like it says on my liberal agenda? `

    -> change starts with yourself. Also, you're behind. Minor Attracted Persons are hot now in your community. I told you before, you're not progressive anymore. A center 'guy' at most
  • 2
    Nice rant! Some people just have nothing nice to say. This should change.

    But seriously, I think this is a wholesome community
  • 3
    @retoor I didn’t. It was kinda hard to find a word that starts with J for point 11. Wait till everyone in this thread but OP and you figure out it was all about first letters of each point
  • 1
    @kiki afaik only one did. And Java, dear. JAVA!

    @demolishun nobody forgets his first jew. I met him on devRant and he was awesome but took a break to detox of toxic environments for a while ironically. Way to go @demolishun
  • 1
    @retoor nah progressivism is a white people thing to make them seem more evolved. There is strictly no such thing as progress, we are no better than our ancestors and our children won't be better than us.
  • 2
    @retoor i cant be gay its too time consuming
  • 1
    @mostr4am so you think that you can choose to be gay like you can choose what to wear?
  • 1
    @Lensflare they lie on a large scale (iphone update scandal), they practice union-busting, I've saw one of their executive threatening employees never to find a job again if they leaked informations, they listen to people illegally without any PII protection, their subcontractors have suicide nets so their indentured slave wouldn't get out, and so on.

    You're in a cult.
  • 1
    @Lensflare huuuh being gay is entirely about what you wear. I think, I dont know much about gays to be honest but they seem very well-dressed.
  • 1
    @mostr4am your cult doesn't take kids anyway. Problem solved. Natural selection doing its thing.

    Anyway, you made it really too easy for me to make certain comment that will blow your mind :D Since the new guidelines i'll just offend you on Matrix. You'll go SJW on this, that i maybe write the date and your reaction in my next commit message to never forget
  • 1
    @mostr4am being gay has pure to do what language your program. Nothing more
  • 1
    @retoor I dont have a cult. I meant to open one one of these days but who have time for that?
  • 1
    @retoor everytime I stretch my big toe it cracks and hurt do you think i should see a doctor?
  • 0
    @mostr4am I was a big fan of the 'lovehaswon' cult. The one of wild wild country (of the Netflix docu) also seemed nice. I've watched video's from Dutch women who were part of it and they said that it was awesome. Not every cult ends bad. At least, not for everyone.

    @mostr4am regarding your toe, i would just smoke (sniff) a bit more and wait a few days
  • 5
    that's not how devrant works
  • 1
    @retoor it's been years my big toe is going worst and worst. Maybe i should do more yoga
  • 1
    @retoor yeah i love myself a cult. I was into the mansons family, the solar temple, the posadists, NXIVM, Aum Shinriky, the Heaven's Gate, the children of god, the people's temple,...

    I did sex cult, drug cult, knitting cult, programming cults, freudian cults, sea cults, sauna cults, anal cults, acid cults, music cults, police cults,...

    There's something for everyone really
  • 0
    @mostr4am don't cut if off. It's very hard keeping balance without it I've heard. I'm trying to diss you but you're not reading Matrix. That frustrates me
  • 0
    @mostr4am all you know about gay people is that they can steal your phone IIRC
  • 3
    @kiki people are still joking about IE? I haven't even seen it in the wild in years now.
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    the other day I realized I fuck up because I'm giving respect to people who don't deserve it and they get offended and bludgeon me over the head because of it

    it was kind of funny

    so if you give someone feedback thinking they're a respectable person that just blitzed and fucked something up, they feel criticized because they didn't blitz... that was their best work and you're a fucking cunt and now they hate you for life and hope to destroy your confidence in anything thereafter and say retarded shit that doesn't even make sense and put shame on your whole family to the village

    so now I'm confused what to do. I've always been optimistic people can and want to better themselves but evidently that leads to harm to myself if I don't treat them like they're... what? I don't even know. I got no clue
  • 1
    @NoMad your neurology functions in reflexes, habits. how you think about yourself is how you'll habitually think of others, and how you think of others will train reflexes on how you'll interpret yourself!

    unless you have some kind of brain damage or traumatic compartmentalization (but then you have other problems)

    this is a good quick way to read somebody and predict them
  • 0
    @SidTheITGuy you wanna be loved unconditionally despite being toxic. you fish for compassion, retard guru
  • 2
    So this was joke/meme. The rules are a tool to tell a joke. I could have put anything in them. Fucking devrant is full of autists.
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    @jestdotty in response to "the other day" comment, I'd suggest learning to develop strong boundaries. You shouldn't just respect others, you should also have plenty of respect for yourself, body and soul.
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    @Demolishun as an agnostic, I'm offended.
  • 0
    @NoMad I have respect fine as far as I'm aware... I have intense curiosity though

    unless you got something specific to say sounds like a snide comment
  • 0
    @jestdotty wasn't snide, just saying if they're not respecting you despite your kindness, set boundaries and don't tolerate their disrespect.

    I personally like it when someone without jealousy and ulterior motives gives me suggestions.
  • 3
    @jestdotty you try to be a psychologist and decode other people, while being a racist bitch at her core.

    Fuck you and your opinions.
  • 1
    @NoMad "don't tolerate their disrespect" seems vague

    my example earlier was a job interview. understandably I was no longer interested in said job

    I don't know what's prompting this advice, since to my view there's nothing to prompt it
  • 1
    @jestdotty idk. Maybe I projected. My recent life lessons were related to establishing boundaries.
  • 1
    @NoMad I see. when I got harassed it was people telling me I had boundary issues... so they'd come to me telling me they don't know how boundaries work as an introduction but then offering me advice on boundaries lmao

    people are gonna walk all over you, just remember who it was and hold a grudge I guess

    I mean sometimes people don't know you're not ok with something. they're not necessarily assholes. if you tell them no and they don't respect it then I'd be sus of them and downgrade my trust of them, probably ditch them for somebody better. but in my view it seems to be in the culture to be as big cunts as possible. for personal relationships it's easier, for professional ones it's not, at least for me for whatever reason
  • 0
    @SidTheITGuy come on shes just confused <3
  • 0
    @NoMad btw your name

    in animals, anger / aggression comes out when their boundaries / territory is crossed. this type is more common in females probably, because oxytocin will create intense aggression over protecting children for example. animals will protect their nests aggressively, or themselves and their territory like in the case of cats and whatever

    anger can be frustration which is goal-seeking behaviour also though

    but if you can't tell where your boundaries are, what evokes anger is a good start. maaaaybe you were told to keep such things to yourself to soften you up for boundary violations, as those things go. probably you heard this already though

    (and depression is anger turned inward btw, where you feel hopeless in your anger so you just hate yourself instead or convince yourself it somehow doesn't matter when it does)
  • 1
    @mostr4am Fuck that bitch.

    @NoMad please stop wasting your time with this cunt. No use arguing with a fucking psycho
  • -1
    @bosslogic I am in a bad mood because I see my gf crying about her friends getting bombed.

    I don't think you're able to relate, do you, you heartless cunts? Subhumans are unable to have any feeling. You're just a machine, passively eating TV like the other idiots. Kill yourself.
  • 1
    @mostr4am I'm sorry for your troubles, but you do not get to encourage self harm. Stop that!
  • 0
    @NoMad genocide supporters doing self-harm is only harm reduction. It's sad, but you can't do an omlet without breaking eggs. They are just the victim of their own logic. Threat fire with fire.
  • 0
    @NoMad sorry you have to be exposed to that tho
  • 1
    Anyone who is disagreeing with @mostr4am on anything is automatically a genocide supporting white wing nazi racist subhuman who deserves to die the most horrible death. 😂

    How can this NOT be trolling? Please downvote this idiot whenever he posts this crap!
  • 1
    @Lensflare I don't know. I drive with cartards every day. His mostri doctrine is growing on me. lol
  • 1
    @Demolishun what’s their bicycle bodycount so far?
  • 1
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    @Lensflare look I might have cried wolf in the past and yes I tend to be a bit vehement.

    But people dont deserved to get bombed just for living in the wrong country, idk
  • 0
    @Lensflare come on the cunt said my gf deserved to get bombed coz she almost took a phd offer in lebannon. There's some boundaries not to break
  • 0
    @mostr4am I hear Lebanon isn't a country anymore because all their technology is exploding
  • 0
    @jestdotty they're still a country, they just had a terrorist attack.

    But the scums will make you believe 33% civilians casualty is an acceptable margin.
  • 2
    @mostr4am surely I said that your gf lowered her risk of getting bombed. Not that she deserved to get bombed. My preference is that nobody gets bombed.
  • 0
    @mostr4am if they can't trust any of their tech they cannot remain a sovereign country anymore

    it's like when you're a kid and you play mercy and have to cry "mercy". the tiger has your skull in his jaw. you tap out

    they interfered with the supply chain and put bombs in pagers and walkie talkies, and rumour is tvs, laptops, etc. they've been doing it for years. Lebanon has to go to the stone age. they have their head in the tiger's mouth. imagine living in the modern world without technology. you can't compete. their country has been turned into a minefield right under their noses, and smart mines that can be activated as Israel sees fit so you can't just throw something in a field and explode the ones laid there to clear them, the tiger has everyone's heads and fingers in his jaw and when the tiger snaps you die, so you have to do whatever the tiger wants now. you're fucked
  • 0
    @jestdotty well maybe it's time for us to put down the tiger then.
  • 1
    @jestdotty Which was the point, they shipped all the jews to become cannon folder to defend the interest of the empire against big bad terrorists.

  • 0
    @jestdotty Lebanon? Lebanon doesn't like Hezbollah. That entity is not desired there. They just have no choice.
  • 0
    @bosslogic you believe the shit you see on reddit dontya?

    pretty sure lebanese people would like not to have 2000kg bombs thrown on their residential buildings nor to have half of their population displaced.
  • 0
    @bosslogic seriously what do you have to gain to be such a cocksucker? Is it funny for you or do you really passively eat the jingoist propaganda?
  • 1
    @mostr4am he's not very smart, judging from previous conversations. he operates on bad faith. a person who operates on bad faith will have no ability to tell when others are also operating on bad faith, and thusly are more susceptible to believing propaganda
  • 0
    @mostr4am Lebanese don't like Israeli bombs, nor Hezbollah, who cause more Israeli bombs to fall, than would be otherwise.

    Hezbollah is supported by a 30% minority Shiite population of Lebanon. They are also feared.

    I guarantee you that most of the Lebanon population hates Hezbollah and Israel more or less equally.

    Leftists, on the other hand, will always blame Jews.

    Lebanon and Israel have been officially at war since 1948 I believe.
  • 0
    @jestdotty disagreeing with you, is not bad faith. C'mon now. This format isn't the best for reasoned debate, but I'm not going to counterpoint a wall of text bullet by bullet. If there's something I missed, y'know, maybe mention it again. I'm quite reasonable.
  • 0
    @bosslogic and I guarantee you the west supporting literal war crimes, like blowing a whole fucking block just to kill one guy, is gonna come and bite us in the ass like it did so many time before.

    And no, nobody is "blaming the jews". Israelis and jews are not the same set of people. Plenty of jews dont want to have anything to do with israel (for maimonides specifically said they shouldn't take israel by force). Israelis is an appartheid ethno-state and it would like to equate itself to jewishness and any criticism to antisemitism. This is not the case.

    The truth is that arabs look up to any resistance movement to israel. Rightfully so. Zionists are a specific subject of jews who, from the start, got influenced by white colonialism mentality. They were there to "civilize" the brown people living there, sepharads, muslims, christians, doesn't matter.
  • 0
    They are a colony. After ww2 the white nations deamonized germany to abscond themselves from their own crime in the colonies who inspired mustachekunt during the holocaust. They made the genocide special, giving a special license to kill to the zionists specifically. They gave their land that wasn't theirs to give, and like usual in this kind of case, they're facing asymmetric war ever since.

    You cannot win a guerrilla war. There is no civilians vs fighter when you blow up 40000 people, for people tends not to value their own skin so much after their loved ones get bombed or shot. Genocide and mass punishment are the logical conclusion. Ask the vietnamese.
  • 0
    @mostr4am Lebanon \ Hezbollah are not Gaza.

    This is an advanced area with a serious military force that's in active war with Israel since shortly after Oct 7th.

    A war that, as with Gaza, the Arabs themselves started.

    So, you can go ahead and blow up the whole building if the enemy's leader is in there. Imagine any other country requiring "permission" to do this.
  • 0
    @mostr4am my god the colonialism narrative. So out of date. So crusty.

    95% of Jews are Zionist. The tall tale you're pushing is hamas propaganda - that Zionism is reduced to these specific conflicts, and that Arab powers are just innocents fighting to protect a poor native peoples.

    An old Jewish lady in NYC, who is donating to humanitarian aid for Gazans, is Zionist. You can bet on it. And she's not guilty of shit.
  • 0
    @bosslogic reasonably foolish

    grew reason to defend against being fooled, now fools others

    what are you when even monsters fear you
  • 0
    @bosslogic lmao quit pulling number out of your ass. 95% of the 20 new york idiots pew research called maybe.
  • 0
    @bosslogic new york being also a colony, it's not surprising.

    the same way plenty of french supported colonial algeria. Yet plenty of french spoke against it.

    Just shut up lmao you're not convincing anyone.

    Israel is a golden gate ghetto where the western white nation finished hitler jobs by exporting their hard-to-assimilate minority. Gasa is a second degree ghetto. The 7th of october was an uprising.
  • 1
    @mostr4am "They made the genocide special, giving a special license to kill to the Zionists specifically" <-- this is a foul, historic revisionism and conspiracy theory which demonizes the Jewish people. Don't think for a second that you're anything but a bigot.
  • 1
    @bosslogic it is just truth, as illustrated by the fact Israel have been constantly violating international laws since its inception.

    But genosiders don't care much about truth do they?
  • 0
    @bosslogic you ARE the biggot, retard. You are too much of a disguisting retard to even realize that you're siding with a colonial genocidal entreprise.

    Maybe if you guys were so sorry about jews after ww2 you should have give them german citizenship instead of propping zionism to ship them to palestine. You could have let them stay. .
  • 1
    @bosslogic i dont know why im wasting time with you retard tbh

    I just have to point out at literally every international inquiry for the last 20 years to prove which side is doing the warcriming.
  • 0
    Hitler didn't piss off white nations by killing the jews, he pissed off white nations by threatening the other colonial power. They still believed in ethnostates. French in france, germans in germany, jews somewhere else.
  • 0
    @mostr4am Jews who stayed in Germany where nearly all executed. I assure you, the ones that left didn’t want to go back there.

    Jews post ww2 didn’t get “shipped” anywhere. They voluntarily migrated to israel or to the usa. Paying their own way, of course.

    Hence the USA is such a strong supporter. nearly all jews outside of israel live there.

    By the way, why is it that you have absolutely no interest in the Arab Nationalist movements from that same time period? Yet you’ve invented a completely alternative history for zionism.
  • 0
    @bosslogic Hitler and leaders of Zionism were in cahoots, there's letters between them making deals
  • 0
    @bosslogic everyone commonly thinks that Israel existed first. it did not

    Israel was born 1947

    hitler died in 1945

    also, the whole taking the land of the Palestinians thing.

    or the terrorism to make it happen: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/...

    iirc netanyahu's dad was a leader in that group
  • 1
    @jestdotty ok i’m done entertaining extremists on devrant. Good luck.
  • 0
    @bosslogic or maybe you're the extremist 🤷

    all any human can see is the relative distance. not the absolute. you're not god
  • 0
    @bosslogic yesterday I was on the phone with a girl who's getting bombed by your israelis friends.

    You ARE the extremist. The whole world voted to condemn lebannon invasion. The only major countries to vote against? US, UK and Germany.

    You are a minority. You do not care about democracy at all, you just want your colonial interest to be defended. Fuck you.
  • 0

    "Jews post ww2 didn’t get “shipped” anywhere. They voluntarily migrated to israel or to the usa. Paying their own way, of course."

    yeah you didnt give them citizenship until 1955 and they were apatride. It's you guys fault if colonization happened.
  • 0
    @bosslogic when shabra and shatilla 2.0 will happen again i'll come to you and remind you how you support massacre and war crime. Scum
  • 0
    @bosslogic "Jews who stayed in Germany where nearly all executed. I assure you, the ones that left didn’t want to go back there."

    Because the zionists left the bundists to die. Instead of fighting against nazis they just decided to apply the same recipe the germans used in namibia. Buy land to big landlord, remove the peasants, when they complain, just kill them and take more land.
  • 0
    Actually I'd say that if zionists didnt collaborate with the nazis to empty the ghettos, hitler might have had a harder time to kill them all
  • 0
    Let me teach you some basic logic.

    Just because someone disagrees with you about what Group A did or what happed to it in history, doesn’t mean that said person is an enemy of Group A or that this person is agreeing with the bad things that supposedly happened to that group.

    It also doesn’t mean that this person is a friend or a member of a Group B, which is the enemy of Group A.

    It also doesn’t mean the opposite.

    I say it to you because I see that you make this wrong conclusion all the time.
  • 0
    @Lensflare dont really care baby your country voted to support bombing beyrouth
  • 0
    @mostr4am another lesson in logic:

    I don’t need to care about your topic to be right about your flaws in making conclusions.

    Also I am not my country and my country isn’t me.
  • 0
    @Lensflare but no. If you see a big guy beating the shit out of a small guy, you side with the small guy.
  • 0
    @Lensflare you are not inherently part of your country, but when it does shit in your name and you stay silent, you are.
  • 0
    @Lensflare you do not care. You're like an ostrich hiding your head in the sand to protect your self-perception as a decent person.
  • 0
    @mostr4am you still fail to realize that reasoning has nothing to do with taking sides.

    If I see a big guy beating a small guy and you tell me that that the big guy is the bad guy then it’s a factually wrong conclusion that you made. It could be that the big guy is the bad guy, it could be the other way around.

    It absolutely doesn’t matter how I react to that situation. Your conclusion is completely unfounded and wrong.

    Before you start to talk about morale and how beating is bad and therefore the big guy must be the bad one, I like to remind you that you advocate for killing all the people wo are politically right side. You are the one who is beating up the small guy and claim to be the morally good one yourself.
  • 0
    @Lensflare well yea Im just applying your own logic. Threat fire with fire, burn fire people.

    Anyway israel is using white phosphorus on civilian population. You support chemical warfare, which mean when somebody will saringaz the Sbahn, it will be deserved. Simple logic, really.
  • 0
    @mostr4am Again you assume that I support this and that. You really are a hopeless case.

    And don’t you dare taking the word logic into your mouth. Nothing that came out of your mouth (or fingers typing) in the past weeks comes close to being something even closely resembling logic.
  • 0
    @Lensflare last time I was walking and I came across 4 guys hitting a woman on the floor. She was crying, in blood, while they were kicking her in the face repeatedly. Everytime she tried to escape they took as an excuse to beat her up more.

    I didn't intervene. Maybe she deserved it. They have the right to defend themselves after all

    Do you fucking hear yourself?
  • 0
    @Lensflare may how remind you how your country voted in favor of a colonial state invading a foreign country?

    You do support it whether you like it or not.
  • 0
    @Lensflare the girl I heard yesterday fleeing the bombing wasnt making much sense either you fkn scum.

    You want fact, logic, consensus? Ask the UN what they think. You are factually in the wrong. Simple.
  • 0
    @mostr4am you really are an annoying piece of dumb shit.
    A very successful troll, congrats!
  • 1
    @Lensflare well sorry dude. I know its hard to realize your country support genocide but again it's factual truth
  • 0
    @Lensflare Thanks tho. Now to quote the father of israel:

    "Supposing, for example, we were obliged to clear a country of wild beasts, we should not set about the task in the fashion of Europeans of the fifth century. We should not take spear and lance and go out singly in pursuit of bears; we would organize a large and active hunting party, drive the animals together, and throw a melinite bomb into their midst."


    But they have the right to defend themself /s
  • 1
    So are we against genocide, or just genocide against the wrong people? lol

    Energizer bunny ain't got nothin' on this thread.
  • 1
    @Demolishun yeah genocide is ok as long as it’s about killing the bad guys. What makes them the bad guys, you ask? Well they are the bad guys if they support genocide. Makes sense, right?
  • 1
    @Lensflare it's way better than pretend your enemies want to genocide you so you can use white phosphorus on their civilians
  • 1
    @Lensflare I mean you're the one supporting the preventive genocide dont ya
  • 3
    @Lensflare the tv tells me who the "bad guys" are. The tv is all knowing. All hail the tv as the ministry of truth. Bow down to the tv overlords.
  • 0
    @Demolishun right? how idiotic can tv cultists be. Listen to their bullcrap and they'll make you believe the landthiefs are in the right.
  • 0
    Instead of whining you could just sign a petition to tell the nato to bomb tel aviv. It's not that hard, we did it to belgrade when they did genocide. It's just the law really.
  • 0
    @mostr4am ouch looks like Israel is gonna wipe out Hamas, Hezbollah AND Khamenei. All your favorite death cults!
  • 1
    @bosslogic I'm not concerned really. There will kill enough civilians in the process to breed the next waves of resistant ("terrorists"). Nobody cares about his own skin after a foreign power killed their entire family for being in the wrong residential building.
  • 0
    @bosslogic also dont whine when they'll blow themselves in the ubahn, retard
  • 0
    @mostr4am I’ve read a lot of this thread, and I have a genuine question: what do you think happened at the music festival on 7th of October 2023?
  • 0
    @kiki a ghetto uprising followed by a bloodbath, covered by a good bunch of propaganda, mostly the racist trope that arabs are rapists.

  • 0
    @kiki wait let me explain it with a meme
  • 0
    @mostr4am okay, thanks!
  • 0
    Here you go darling <3
  • 0
    @bosslogic you're in the meme
  • 0
  • 0
    @mostr4am so you hate "Zionists" but clearly the enemy is far right ideology. Every Zionist I know is liberal and donates to Gazan humanitarian aid (as I'm sure you do).

    In the USA, the "progressive" left, which has jettisoned Jews from that movement; their enemy is the far right.

    They used to be aware of this.

    But because of the disease of Leftist antisemitism, which has temporarily won a propaganda battle, they seek to "help" Gazans by .. get this .. tricking youth into withholding their Harris vote, and rolling out a carpet of degeneracy to Donald Trump, a right wing extremist possibly more foul than Netanyahu.

    Sheer brilliance.
  • 0
    @mostr4am meme is just typical Leftist racism and hate.

    Very few credible historians consider the entire Israel to be a colony.

    Arab world is in no way unified over Hamas, Hezbollah, Iran. Or Israel. Some have good relations with Israel and aim to keep that.

    No Israeli on planet Earth is calling Israel a colony.

    It's just sad my dude.
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    @bosslogic bill gates made more money off non profit orgs than he ever made off Microsoft. yet tech companies are the best bet, right under healthcare, if you ask anyone into stocks

    the amount of controversial non profits and controversial donation schemes should be at least be somewhat ringing in your ears. I used to be very poor, my mom was an immigrant, an only mom and sat on welfare for half my life. anytime I hear people who think charities go and help people I ask them to question if they're sure. it's a very lucrative money laundering system. it has been known for decades that welfare imposes rules on people who need help so that they cannot get out of welfare. they called it the welfare trap
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    @bosslogic similarly Israel keeps Gaza in a perpetual state of poor. I probably have to mention this

    imagine you're in a "war" but your enemy doesn't allow you to trade, bombs any buildings with businesses in them, cuts off drinking water and electricity most of the day (in a desert climate no less! have fun growing crops), and you are largely reliant on them to offer you food also. then they turn around and call you unsophisticated lesser animals. which is exactly what the Nazis kept saying of the Jews, isn't that the rhetoric? I don't actually know because I've never cared, but to treat someone as subhuman should seriously raise some eyebrows

    who wantonly kidnaps people, detains them with poor records of them, not a SINGLE Palestinian has ever been deemed innocent by these systems and there are non-profits trying, knowing it is desperate... and they seem to routine starve and routinely get quite creative, in treating them as subhumans. raping them. feeding them poison to die slow
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