
Why the fuck is the elastic search docker image 900Mb. Why the fuck does it include a complete logging system and why the fuck doesn't it have an up-to-date alpine image?

The arrogance of some systems these days. You're part of someone's software, not the software itself. You don't have the right to claim x resources. It's not about you.
Same for Sentry, a logging application that literally requires 8Gb of ram? I removed the limits and did try it anyway and stuff just crashed. Congrats, a logging system that REALLY requires 8Gb ram. The best my VPS does is 4Gb and therefrom you're only allowed to use 512Mb max imho.

I care about image sizes since my laptop only has 114Gb drive and my internet is a 4g hotspot with 50Gb/day limit (trust me, you can't find better for 40 euro's). 114Gb is maybe a bit outdated but be realistic, I only use vim, vscode, some sdks and source files. Why would my harddisk ever be full? Because of bloated docker setups. That's why. The other option is screwing over your system with everyone's configuration.

Alpine all the things!

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    Aren't both of these designed for extreme scale and resilience combined with relative ease of use?
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    Also, aren't both of them maintained by companies that aren't even slightly incentivized to make self-hosting easy?
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    My previous employer used Sentry SaaS and I never fully understood why literal batch scripts with rotated file-based logs couldn't serve the same purpose.
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    @lorentz nah, it does give some statistics like regression and stuff. Sentry is actually very useful software to manage technical issues. IIRC it also provides some duration metrics like slow database calls and such. I just realize, why wouldn't i just use a very old version? I see no reason not to. I should do this, make alpine docker compose config of it and publish it as sensible sentry.
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    @lorentz that something is used for large scale doesn't mean it has to be heavy. Sometimes even the opposite. An logging system for example... Fine that it CAN use a lot of memory, but if it already does idle... that's just wrong.
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    @jestdotty you know, I think you're right. Same reasons i do not local host LLM and am paying for one right now. It's just too heavy to run yourself. Didn't even think of that. At least LLM's have a reason to be heavy I guess.
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    did you know that splunk docker image is 2.5 gb?
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    @b2plane didn't know splunk. Yeah, many docker images have such size. It's just the whole freaking OS and a few hundred mb's actual software.

    Hmm, splunk, you know someone that uses it? I doubt if I would trust AI to create queries for making statistics if I don't know the system itself. I watched example video on their homepage. I guess this system is the wet dream of every manager but I do not see a lot of actual business use in it if something really has to be correct. AI is still too funny for this actually.
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    Totally agree with you, this is why I use alpine os in every docker image I build, not only is it lightweight it's also much more secure than those large debian/ubuntu img alternatives.

    For ex I built an alpine image with squid proxy to monitor my browser traffic, turns out firefox, the "all about privacy" keeps sending telemetry data lmao, but I am using windows so whatever tbh, I like to game so If I said I cared about privacy then I am delusional.
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