I'm thinking of starting a service of creating WordPress sites for people.
But there are like 1928372829+ companies doing that.

Am I late to the party?

  • 0
    Haha yes
  • 1
    Try to become the number one....
  • 6
    You’re so late the party died and went home years ago.

    Seriously why would you even bother?
    It’s wordpress for ducking sakes

    If you seriously want to be yet another lousy dead beat wordpress company then atleast offer something OTHER then wordpress.
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    @C0D4 i'd respectfully argue aginst. Yes WP has quirks and is hated by almost all apparently. But do not forget it still powers a major part of internet. Not all are devs nor can they afford Node.js backend and Angular/React frontend devs for every project. WP still lives on because a large number of people find it easy to get a site up and running with effectively no coding of any kind. It does its job and it does it pretty damn well. It is for those who don't want the latest JS framework, the lightning speed, or any other advantages that latest framework bought on to the table. Also, a professionally developed WP site can still stand among others in terms of visual aesthetics, and hell, even speed.
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    As for OP's question, I say go ahead. There is still a market for it, and there will be for a long while, even if its declining. To even things out, also provide services using other products as mentioned by others, along with WP. That way, even if somehow WP is to died down completely, you'll still have the company running. Diversify instead of being exclusive.
  • 3
    @CatMDV Not using wordpress doesn't mean not using a CMS.

    As someone who works at a hosting company I can say my hatred of wordpress grows every day. Two weeks no updates? You'll most likely get hacked.
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    You are late to the after party.
  • 1
    I don't think you're late but I think you're wrong. Try Drupal.
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    @CatMDV I think @linuxxx said it for me.
    I wasn’t meaning use a complexity different stack to avoid using Wordpress.
    There are other CMS’s out there.
    Plus I never did understand the “ecommerce” on a “blog” thing.

    You want a shop, use a god damn shop, you want a blog, use a blog.
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