Developing responsive websites is very important. 😂

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    Confucius says, good points don't need a great orator. Confucius also advises to keep websites simple and well-structured so that they look great everywhere.
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    Nintendo DS is missing!
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    Yeah, sure, like there's going to be a difference between two different laptops. If they're not 8-10 years apart, they should be able to run the same version of the OS, hence the same browser too (if we're talking about Safari). What you really should be testing for is different versions of iOS and Android (especially different vendor implementations of the latter).
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    If you actually create responsive designs it doesn't matter what size screen ya got. ;)

    Not an adaptive design and then some twat calls it "responsive"...
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    I don't understand why people are taking it seriously. It is supposed to be a meme. With things like bootstrap and mobile first approach all designs become responsive and chrome dev tools precisely helps you simulate and test different screen sizes as well.
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    @nirmaldalmia and if you don't go for the device width, but instead design the CSS around the browser width, all you need for testing is narrowing the browser window.
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    Just build a mobile first design, and even if it breaks it’ll find its way
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    @nirmaldalmia @devTea

    Sadly with mobile first, people forget about "desktop second".

    I'm so sick of looking at websites with giant white margins and a tiny column of text in the middle. On QHD/UHD, even bootstraps default max of 960 pixels looks ridiculously wasteful.

    Having elements where you have to drag with your mouse instead of use a scrollwheel because it was designed for touch are even more ridiculous.

    True responsiveness means using space and input methods optionally on all devices in my opinion, from small phones to 4k screens.

    We test with the extremes: A Motorola G4 and iPhone 6 (old small phones), A 5k iMac and a 4k Windows machine.
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    @bittersweet still an ugly single scroll mobile first design is still better then offset broken desktop view
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    Or just use web developer tools. :/
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    Just use bootstrap will ya?
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    @Michelle While the built-in browser tool is awesome during development, sometimes the end result looks/feels completely different on real smartphones.
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    @creskendoll Bootstrap is heavy and gross.
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    @vlatkozelka So just because of screen size, bring 6 (!!) different 13" MacBooks? Sure, one of them might have higher resolution...
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    Hint: You shall not design and implement for a big number of devices! You only have to design and implement for your users and their devices.

    So for example if you implement an internal website for physicians you don’t need to care about Android devices but you have to support Windows Desktops and iOS devices of all kind.
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    @lastNick when was the last time you did a website? Back in the 90s during the "best viewed with" era? Welcome to 2018, HTML5 and CSS3.
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    @Fast-Nop I’m still involved in such projects and I know the tools and frameworks. We have four apps for the patients native on both platforms to collect medical data and a website for the physicians to visualize the data.

    We use less than 10 devices to test all this because of our homogene user base.
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    @lastNick apps are a different game, even if using Xamarin. But there is no reason why a website that works for iOS should have difficulties with Android. Minor differences in the CSS like for sticky position are just one line in CSS, and the non-prefixed version should be there anyway to be future proof even for iOS.
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    @Fast-Nop Sry I mixed things up. The frontend is only a fraction of the deal for us.

    Actually our website works great on different browsers and devices without crude hacks. But there is a feature request to support bluetooth for authentication.
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