
How to spot the difference between a tech enthusiast and an actual Programmer/Engineer in 2019?

Tech Enthusiast: I'm really excited about the New X, it's going to be the fastest machine in the market. It's got gimmick feature A, gimmick feature B, actual feature A ......

Programmer/Engineer: So I bought this 8-year-old Thinkpad from eBay yesterday, wifi isn't working but I could just buy an off-market wifi card and fix it. Might also replace the old HDD with a new SSD. Would probably start using it as my daily driver once it's fixed.

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    Is it bad that I'm excited about new stuff and love being consumerist as fuck, wanting the newest Android phone etc. while being a Java/kotlin Dev at the same time? Or am I just an imposter?
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    So I've just been a tech enthusiast for 30 years, I had better return all that money companies paid me for designing and developing (or engineering) software.
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    I know this version

    How you differentiate tech enthusiast from tech engeneer?

    Has all the newest and "coolest" tech gadgets

    Has 10 year old printer and gun next to it to shot it if it starts to produce strange sounds
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    Or in the middle: has some new technologies that aren't just a gimmick, and a lot of older stuff that there's no need to update
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